Sunday 6 December 2020



The catholicity of an individual does not alter the fanaticism of his creed, although he may not personally subscribe to many of its exclusive tenets. The scriptural injunctions matter, not individual niceties when it comes to inflaming the passions of the masses with ideological intolerance tending to violence and extermination of the deemed adversary. Hence, while it is important that we cultivate cross-cultural goodwill, we must also address the central violently exclusive tenets of these faiths and philosophies which breed communal and class hatred and, when circumstances are propitious, raise their ugly heads to wreak havoc in society. Genocides follow which are euphemistically called riots or revolutions, as the case may be, although, only one party suffers persecution, execution et al. And in the absence of a squaring up to truth by the intelligent section of civil society, the seditious saga continues where sedition is against humanity in the name of a divine decree and self-proclaimed superior civilisation or in the name of some sort of utopia in perfect equality. Hence, we must face the devil head on and deliver it the deathblow. Else, recurrence of the evil will be the law and no more a theory till a monolith has been established in the divine name or in the name of a totalitarian political ideology. Awake, my friends and face the brute !

Written by Sugata Bose [Sugata Bose]

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