Thursday 31 December 2020



A great cultural and civilisational union of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will take place in the fullness of time to integrate the dismembered motherland where the Sanatan Dharma will reign. Akhand Bharat will then be a realised reality. This is the destiny of India and the destiny of her spiritual culture which must thus strengthen itself to inundate the world with its refreshing waters and bring life and vigour to a humanity depleted by decadent sense pleasure. Hindus perverted from their religion to Islam and to a lesser extent to Christianity will re-embrace the Sanatan Dharma and, instead of being adversarial to their spiritual heritage, will lend strength and support to the age-old spiritual cause of eternal India, that of spiritualising the entire human race. Such an India was the dream of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo both and such an India will come into being, for the vision of Rishis as powerful as them can never fail to fulfil.

Written by Sugata Bose

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