1. Those who do not like the slogan 'Jai Shree Raam', to their delight I shout 'Jai Karl Marx ki jai'. When these Marxists call me 'Sanghi', then I say to them, "I love the Bhangi who gave Swamiji his hookah to smoke from."
2. An indolent, passive piety does not become a spiritual man. Spirituality is brimstone and fire to be showered on society to galvanise it to life and action. Some follow my intent. Others question it. But I serve my motherland, nonetheless, through firing volleys at the polity to inspire it to serve and sacrifice.
3. Parliamentarians behave much worse than school children in a class gone berserk. The way they heckle and foil proceedings does not set a good example which our children may follow. And they are the lawmakers of the land ! Amazing !
4. What an orator (Atal Bihari Vajpayee) ! And what a leader, a real man of character who has activated in his life in true intent the lofty principles of the Dharma !
5. The atheistic, materialistic communist philosophy will never be accepted in India.
6. It is the will that wins. And purity and character strengthen the will. Truth of motivation and intent triumphs.
7. Hawks trying to break the country will never succeed. This motherland of ours has the realisations of the Rishis as her foundation and the blessings of Swami Vivekananda to carry her forward. And Mother India herself is with us, protecting us, guiding us in our bid to preserve her civilisation.
8. A dazzling Parliamentarian, 'an orator by divine right', Sushma Swaraj lights up the House yet again.
9. With the coming of Ramakrishna the rise of eternal India truly began in this modern age. Rammohan was the precursor to this latter development but the nucleus of this rise is located in Ramakrishna. Vivekananda is the sequel to it.
10. Are the farmers wrong in at last raising their voice against the progressive injustices meted out to them by successive governments that have compelled tens of thousands of them to commit suicide for the last three decades? Read P. Sainath for information.
11. The ire of the people is rising. The fire will soon be difficult to control. Either the politicians reform their ways or they will have to endure worse days in the future.
12. The integration of Kashmir was a slap on Pakistan's perfidious design to break India. Now let it keep its dreams limited to less ambitious projects.
13. At last we have a nationalist government that has the guts to combat the break-India forces without and within and crush their dastardly designs. Problem is that the economy flounders with every blundering move. Time to rectify course where lapses are.
14. Islamic terror will never see reason. It is fuelled by irrational fanaticism and has to be met with force. However, clerics preaching radical stuff to ordinary citizens must be checked. That way the contagion will not spread.
15. The law and order situation of the land is alarming. It is necessary for educated individuals to take to Swamiji's works for building up of adequate social pressure to combating it.
16. The strength of the country is running through to its core consciousness along diverse channels, radial routes to the Divine. Intensify each one of them without trying to win over any to your own ideology or faith, for conviction given up in oneself is suicidal. So says the Geeta.
17. Does religion alone fracture humanity? Does atheistic ideology, political or social, not fracture it as well? The human species is as gregarious as it is diverse and, hence, loves to aggregate along fractured lines. This is the way of evolution unto eventual oneness which is a far cry as of now.
18. @WIRE : Please do not work merely against the nation. Work for it as well. Your programmes are good but geared to helping the break-India forces. That is reprehensible. So, raise funds towards building India and not breaking it. Then alone will you get the lasting sympathy of the nation.
19. When work becomes unbearable, just reflect, it is not the goal of life. It is but the means to gaining purity of the mind-stuff to obliterating the mind itself that seemingly generates work. Then shall you be free when the seeds of work have been burnt and you have no obligation whatsoever to yourself or to any.
20. Through all the different currents of theological and political thought running in India, I see the unified racial trait which may be uniquely termed Indianness. This alone will triumph in the tide of times and make this country great. Let us unite.
21. Spread culture so that harmony may be.
22. Spread Hinduism as much as you can. This is the one way to counter terrorism.
23. Wishful thinking will not win the ideological war against terrorism. They are well prepared to destroy the nation. Are we as well to counter them in more than equal terms?
24. Politicians talk more than they can deliver. Would it were in the reverse order !
25. Nationalism may be a dirty word for Europeans who suffered from its aberrations but for Indians it is a necessity. This is the only way to keep the country together and fight the break-India forces.
26. Unless the condition of women improves, there is no hope for the betterment of this nation. Patriarchy is in most cases responsible for this but women as well are in places equally responsible where they fail to discharge their duties towards uplifting fellow women.
27. Tyranny is everywhere, and the tyrannised suffer and the tyrant suffers, too.
28. The universe is dipping to the Divine.
29. Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi or Narendra Modi -- which of these was/is the most dandily dressed?
30. Why do politicians in India flatter so much their leaders at every level, centre or state ? And these very ones are hoarse in criticism of the dynastic dispensation at work in Indian politics? Is not their said sycophancy symptomatic of that very same feudal mind-set?
31. We have had so many great men and women in our modern history. Then why do we see everywhere so many institutions named after the Nehru-Gandhi family members? Did they deserve so many of them?
32. The Constitution has done away with caste privilege but to imagine thereby that the natural order of the varna will thus be done away with is to imagine the abolition of the force fields of Nature by wishful unifying thinking. People who so clamour for unity in diversity, why can they not accept this natural diversity in human tendencies and attributes ?
33. Pray for the well-being of all, not just sections of humanity belonging to your religious or ideological denomination. Most of all, pray for the atheists for, poor fellows, they cannot pray for themselves anymore by self-imposed rational restrictions.
34. Atheists are those who have learnt to think. But right now they think shallowly, so they reject God. As they deepen thinking and perception opens up in accordance, they will also accept the One who has never rejected them.
35. The protection of the cow is enjoined in the Bhagavad Geeta [Chapter 18 Verse 44 : krsi-gau-raksya-vanijyam vaisya-karma svabhava-jam]. However, the word 'gauraksya' has been translated as 'cattle-rearing' which is contextual but inaccurate in literal terms. 'Gauraksya' literally translates to 'cow-protection'.
36. The day secessionist Muslims forced the partition of the motherland by refusing to stay with the Hindus, that very day the rise of political Hinduism was sanctioned by them, even if at a distant date, and the death-knell struck on sub-continental secularism despite articulate pretensions to the contrary.
37. We should not routinely respect Netaji. We ought to reflect on his life and message, attempt to realise its import and, thus, revise our reverence for him, offering it as the crystallised residuum of our refined recollections.
38. Cowards cannot serve the cause of Hinduism. The valiant alone are fit to do so. A multitude of cowards may hide behind the screen of pretentious patriotism but are cowards, nonetheless, who feed their inadequacies on the shortcomings of others and require others as shields to fire their darts from behind. No wonder Swamiji hated cowardice in his countrymen.
39. Quoting the Upanishads, chanting mantras, taking the name of Swamiji and raising slogans of victory in his name? Don't you feel ashamed that you cannot defend your religion when it comes to it? Must you forever be aggregate cowards who can only in unison chant but have not the courage of conviction to fight it out on your own for your dharma whenever and wherever the need arises?
40. 25% of the population of undivided India succeeded in forcing Partition. And the 75% absolve themselves of their responsibility for it by blaming it on Gandhi, Nehru and Patel, not to mention Jinnah and the British? Has there been any change in the continuing state of cowardice of the Hindus who are now 78%?
41. Courage and character go together. Cowardice and complicity likewise are colleagues.
42. Hindus are not 78% of the population but are only a handful who dare defend their dharma from proselytising attacks of Islam and Christianity. The rest are denominational Hindus of no account.
43. I burn my fuel to fire up the nation. But the slumbering soul does not wake up. There is a dearth of manliness that makes the Vedanta inactive in India. There is disunity and terrible selfishness that only looks to self-safety and security and nothing beyond that. Who cares whether the dharma lives or dies after all ? This seems to be the attitude.
44. Swamiji had exhorted his followers to set up a Ramakrishna centre in each and every village of India. That is a tall order to achieve for it would mean setting up 664,369 centres as there are as many villages in India. Who will do it? The Ramakrishna Mission does not have the machinery to do it. Will the RSS make Swamiji's dream come true?
45. Swamiji had wanted the free distribution of 100,000 copies of the journal 'Udbodhan' daily in the streets of erstwhile Calcutta. His dream remained a dream and I used to wonder how if ever it would fulfil. The time has now come when the RKM can make it possible online and the prophet's words will be vindicated.
46. Youths, do not turn into atheists. Read Swami Vivekananda and you will find that your scepticism has dissolved. In Swamiji you will also find the contentious issues of the day being discussed ahead of time which is why he remains so relevant even today and will continue to be so.
47. Dictators are born of domestic dictators.
48. Somewhere along the line one feels that the politicians of the day, almost without exception, just do not possess the transparency and strength of character to inspire the nation. The same holds true for the states. All sold to self-interest. It's almost a leaderless nation.
49. India is going through a churn where Hinduism is being redefined along robust terms. But is the definition right or even righteous? Your views please.
50. I am a social commentator and, perhaps, even a keeper of social conscience through my writings. I am strictly apolitical, consequently, non-partisan, and merely post diverse ideas in print to bring about clarity of conception about these contentious issues that affect our lives today and may be doing so for the foreseeable future.
51. The Congress and the Left parties must post many more informative videos on the YouTube like the BJP does to its advantage. That will be election campaigning as well.
52. Political mudslinging is electorally counterproductive. Positive programmes must be laid before the public well in advance and campaigned on for long before their fruits may be consumed in a post-election delectable dinner that will host the losing parties as well. Negatives never win.
53. Leading Bengali politicians who pride in the Nobel culture of Tagore and Amartya Sen would do it better to learn from them their delectable diction as well. The political dialect in Bengal has plummeted to an abysmal un-Tagore-like status. One wonders how the Poet would have reacted to all this cultural pretence over him for electoral gains.
54. How is it that here in West Bengal we find so many anti-fascists but so few anti-communists in the real sense of the term despite the tyrannical track-record of communism the world over? And why does Bengal shift in ideological allegiance so fast? Do we not have sufficient steadfastness or strength of character to hold on to our convictions? Or are we carried away by every gale that blows over Bengal?
55. I am constantly making contrary posts as my thoughts flit along diverse perspectives on the national question. This should not make people believe that I wholly subscribe to any particular one of them. I voice the opinions of the multitude from their varied outlooks and understanding. Hence, the contrarian confusion. I am the multitude.
56. Does Islam believe in the grand principle of 'unity in diversity' which is the bedrock of Hinduism?
57. Which of these is most dangerous - Hindu Rashtra? Islamic State? Communist State? It seems there are adherents for all of these.
58. A thought experiment, improbable, though, as it is in reality. How would like Shashi Tharoor to be the Prime Minister of this country with all his liberal views and his stupendous intellectual abilities?
59. There is no justice in this world. This is a world of unfulfilled hopes, fractured dreams, unattended aspirations, uncared for individualism in a collective coercion we term society where talent is lost in the melee of the market.
60. বহিরাগত কারা ? মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর মুখে বার বার এই 'বহিরাগত' শব্দটি শোনা যাচ্ছে | একই দেশে, বহিরাগত ও আভ্যন্তরীণ, এইরূপ বিভাজিত ভাবপোষণ 'অসাম্প্রদায়িক' ও সর্বগোষ্ঠীর জননেত্রীর মুখে কি শোভা পায় ?
61. বুদ্ধদেব ভট্টাচার্য ছিলেন পশ্চিমবঙ্গের শেষ সংস্কৃতিবান মুখ্যমন্ত্রী | তাঁর ভদ্র আচরণ, পরিশীলিত ভাষার ব্যবহার, শিক্ষা ও সংস্কৃতি, সবই তৎপরবর্তি মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর অনুকরণের অপেক্ষা রাখে |
62. You can damn people by calling them whatever you choose to, but so long as capitalist exploitation grows, the left movement will grow to resist it. Dialectics, my dear. Can you stall its onward march ? The people's movement is on. Who can thwart its evolutionary course en route to the Divine ?
63. Communist China is becoming the haven of freedom for the proletariat with perfect freedom of speech and expression, a free Press, complete freedom to criticise the Communist Party and the Government, and absolute liberty to Tibetans there and the Uighur Muslims ! Am I not right, dear Comrades ?
64. China and the erstwhile Soviet Union have been models of human freedom, and the West and other democracies like India have completely suppressed human rights ! Am I not right, Comrades ? Please support me when I am countered. I need your help.
65. ভাইরে,
বাংলা ছেড়ে কোথায় যাইরে ?
এসব ছেড়ে যেতে না চাইরে !
পালিয়ে যাওয়ারও পথ নাইরে !
ভাইরে ?
66. Set Tibet free. Hands off, China !
67. Indo-China friendship ? Well, well, after the demise of this diabolic regime there that persecutes Tibet. Now, enemy number one !
68. How is it that Islamic countries do not protest against Chinese atrocities in Xinjiang against the Uighur Muslims when they are so vocal about Kashmir ? Pakistan, wake up !
69. Nepal was the only Hindu Rashtra till the other day. Alas, communists have destroyed it ! Bravo, China, what foreign policy !
70. India needs a strong nationalist government at the Centre and like ones in the States as well. Only then can she preserve her territorial integrity in the teeth of Communist China's predatory moves along her borders. Meanwhile, China keeps encircling India through her 'String of Pearls' policy.
71.Never suspect the patriotism of Indian Communists. They are patriotism personified. They respected Netaji like none else did. They called him Tojo's ... log? fog? bog?
72. Transcend the language that holds and be free. Right now you are caught in the word. Go beyond it. Get past all conditioning.
73. The whole of phenomena is the Mother-heart manifested. Each particle is the pulsating principle, the throbbing heart of the Divine.
74. Have you ever heard a communist criticise China unless his affiliation was to the Soviet Union at the time of their dissent and consequent split in communist alliance, with China forging friendship with U.S.A.?
75. The Communists must strengthen their political hold once more in West Bengal to prevent the terrible intellectual decline in politics here. Comrades, what do you say?
76. Is supporting the BJP and the RSS that bad as comments coming in seem to suggest? Communist Party, Congress, Trinamool Congress and the like are all okay, but not BJP. Is that the stated case then? And, why so?
77. I request my Facebook friends to put up their profile pictures as they ought to be for identification of their persons and not as they often are with pictures otherwise and fancy names which are not theirs.
78. Is India truly moving towards becoming a Hindu Rashtra as alarmists to that effect keep on saying? If so, what are the Constitutional amendments that will have to be made to make it possible and if at all the Constitution provides for such facility?
79. Has West Bengal become a factory for producing irreverent atheists who have neither knowledge of the Sanatan Dharma nor have genuine respect for the Hindu heritage and culture? Will Hinduism see its eventual demise here?
80. Unless Muslims become progressive in their general outlook on life, they cannot compete with the rest of humanity. One must take a cue from the Jews how they have used science to more than adequate advantage.
81. Self-rectification is better than pointing fingers at others. Knowing the adversary's strengths and weaknesses is good but keeping the adversarial attitude at all times to the negation of one's own development is detrimental, to say the least.
82. If you are a supporter of the Communist Party and Communism, you are so by conviction, but if you are a supporter of the BJP and the RSS, you are so because you have been brainwashed or radicalised. What sort of preposterous argument is this?
83. India should aim to be not one of the top three countries of the world, as Shree Amit Shah has affirmed she will in due course become, but, to my mind, she should aim for being the number one country in the world which has so often been her historical status.
84. Political Hinduism must oppose political Islam and political Communism. Otherwise, spiritual Hinduism will be wiped away from the face of this earth despite puerile pretensions to the contrary.
Swami Gahanananda, the fourteenth President of the Ramakrishna Order, disciple of Swami Virajananda, the sixth President of the Order who in turn was the disciple of the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, holy consort of Sri Ramakrishna. Here the venerable Swami is gracing brother monks with his benign smile and blessings.
86. How wonderfully clad we are ! In the 'Agenda Aaj Tak' meet all the male Indian industrialists welcoming and watching the Union Home Minister Shree Amit Shah were clad in European attire. The near lone exception was the Home Minister himself who was dressed in traditional Indian attire. Indians we indeed are, foster children of the Occident !
87. Do not destroy Hindi by interspersing Urdu words everywhere in it while speaking. Do so when you wish to out of literary liking but not so under compulsion, forced by ignorance of chaste Hindi.
88. Why is it that in Pakistan and Bangladesh the Hindus have drastically dwindled in numbers while in India Muslims have proliferated?
89. I have been writing so much on spiritual and social issues for so many years now but I see one decadent trend amongst the people that they only like spicy, juicy stuff where controversies potentially abound. This is despicable. Do not call yourselves responsible citizens if this is what constitutes your taste.
90. Criticise political Hinduism and you are hailed as an enlightened secular liberal. But criticise political Islam and you are damned as a bigoted Islamophobe !
91. Work strengthens the will. The will is feared. Dictators are born of the will to do and to dominate. Domination democracy resents.
92. PM removes triple talaq and becomes a champion of Muslim womanhood. But he is castigated nonetheless. Why?
93. We, Bengalis, are a strange lot. We eulogise the tyrant Stalin but cannot tolerate the patriot Syama Prasad Mookerjee.
94. Comrade Stalin and Chairman Mao should have been jointly given the Nobel Prize for Peace ! Grave injustice done to the divine duo !
95. Communist China oppresses Uighur Muslims, three million of them in concentration camps, brainwashing, indoctrinating them with an altered version of their scripture to suit Chinese requirements, and Communism is the philosophy of peace and goodness !
96. India must be militarily far stronger than she is now. Only then can she hope to counter China effectively in its dastardly border designs against India and only then can she hope to recover POK and Aksai Chin.
97. Nehru was responsible for our loss of territory in Kashmir which is today dubbed by us POK and by Pakistan as Azad Kashmir. When the Indian army was busy recovering it, Nehru unilaterally called for a ceasefire and the army had to midway retreat, leaving the territory unrecovered. Till date this Indian territory is in the heinous hands of invading Pakistan.
98. Congress is finished as a political party because of its continuing dynastic dispensation. It must rid itself of this familial reign to recover and live on.
99. If students in school had been as unruly as our legislators who stall proceedings and refuse to abide by decency or decorum, what would have been their punishment? Would they have been pampered thus by their teachers and parents, in this case by the respective political parties? Detestable !
100. West Bengal would have been in East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, had it not been for the timely intervention of Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee who secured it for India. And you dare say what he did for freedom ? Dare call him unpatriotic ? He is the father of West Bengal. Are you Indians who malign him so ?
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