1. Ought one to be a proud Hindu (rajasik) or a humble Hindu (saattvik) ?
2. If hatred vitiates prayer, why pray ?
3. The continuous engineered conversion of Hindus to Islam stands as the great roadblock to the attainment of communal harmony.
4. Assertive Hinduism is the call of the hour. Else, it will be extinct soon. But assertion must be strictly knowledge-based.
5. Can there be love where there is hate? You hate me and I love you. How long is this possible, this one-way religious traffic?
6. A great light is needed now, a new hope, a direction for faltering humanity. The Avatar must appear now to save mankind. Will he?
7. A handful of committed souls pledged unto the motherland is all that is needed now to resurrect her sleeping spiritual current.
9. Is there a mission that India has? Yes, she has, and it is the spiritualisation of the entire human race with the lofty principles of the Upanishads. Hinduism must conquer the world. Only then will humanity rise to self-consciousness.
10. Ramakrishna calls from the rooftop of his Dakshineshwar habitat, ''O my dear ones, where are you? I can scarce bear the separation any longer.'' And even now the Master calls and the fortunate ones rush to meet him there at his Dakshineshwar habitat.
11. Help me propagate Hinduism. I seek the services of young women and men in this mission of mine which ought to be the mission of every Indian who is rooted to the ancient spiritual culture of India.
12. Hinduism is the loveliest religion in the world practised by the Hindus in the lousiest way. It is time to reform our ways.
13. Only immediate realisation (aparokshaanubhuti) dispels spiritual doubt forever.
14. The inability to tell the truth direct is the bane of Indian spiritual preachers in the West. This is also falsification of fact in the name of maintaining communal harmony. Why must truth bow down to society when society ought to stand on the secure foundation of truth?
15. Do not poison children's minds with archaic faiths and beliefs. Let them see reason and light and then they will emerge individuals equipped enough to experience Truth face to face. This is the way of the Vedanta.
16. The only way to spread a religion is through fanaticism. Buddhism remains the lone exception to this rule. Hinduism has shrunk in influence over the ages because of its catholic approach. Now, where lies the future of our grand spiritual heritage and culture?
17. The spiritual flow is from tamas to rajas and rajas to sattva. That is the range of evolution beyond which the flow stops in self-conscious silence.
18. The windward and the leeward side of the mountain. On either side is the Mayic tilt, but the summit is free, a point in singular self-conscious splendour.
19. A man goes to ruin in the absence of an ideal.
20. Individuality is a virtue only when it is integrated. Otherwise, it is the seed of selfishness and sin.
21. Let us have mercy on ourselves. Let us learn to learn and to think. Let us study what the masters have thought on the momentous questions of life.
22. Today Swamiji cries in the wilderness as men care not to listen to his message. Banished he remains from human attention. All that matter are his lotus feet and raised hands in benediction showered upon erring humanity.
23. Yet again India will rise and it must be through the building up of the lives of a few individuals of fire who will ignite the imagination of the world.
24. If you wish to build your character, study Swamiji. If you wish to have a decent mastery over the English language, read Swamiji.
25. Men are too preoccupied these days to read Swamiji. Few are retired enough or have the leisure to delve into this treasure trove that can transform life.
26. Unless the powder is dry, it won't explode. So must the soul be dried of desire for it to fire.
28. The famished cannot renounce. The desire-drunk cannot witness the glory of the Self. It is the soul that has been cleansed of all this petty clinging to sensory life that is fit to see the light that ever shines.
29. Let monks thunder and shake up society from its stupor.
30. Hate spreads fast. Goodness seldom does. The flights of fancy rise hawk-high on the wings of weakness.
31. Let some brilliant young women and men come to the fore and take the message of Swamiji across. But they must shine with the message themselves for them to have any effect on their audience and they must carry Swamiji to them and not their own selves in place.
32. Goodness devoid of strength will die at the hands of the fanatic. It is courage of conviction that is needed to withstand the onslaughts of proselytising hate.
33. The sun rises daily at dawn but we are asleep and fail to see its coloured new look. What a ruddy shame !
34. Be manly. Stop this debilitating dance to the tune of effeminate music and spreading peacock plumage to poetry of all shades and shadows.
35. Let men speak in a bold voice and not in a faint, suppressed tone. A full-throated speech sounds better than an overly softened one. Let there be confidence in the voice and in the articulation thereof. How can you inspire confidence in your audience if you are yourself so subdued?
36. A deeply divided society is not conducive to national integration in the larger scheme of things. Superficial conciliations will not achieve ends. They will only throw communities further apart. Cultural integration is necessary and that will take time and evolution. Till then Om !
37. Why is it that people cannot do anything substantial for the world despite having the material capacity for doing so? It is because of selfishness.
38. In this world nobody understands the one who is ahead of his time. So, a Swamiji sheds tears in the wilderness.
39. The magnet of the world is neither attracting nor repelling the man. This is spiritual freedom.
40. Rare is the monk who is self-effacing and, yet, monks they all are.
41. Do not seek the limelight if you wish to see the light. In the silence of the soul sings serene the austere Saraswati.
42. Must we so fail Thakur-Swamiji that they will have to come again to rescue us and suffer so?
43. The aspiration must be to be not merely a shadow of the Guru but to be one with him.
44. I wish to see one young person at least who will dedicate her/his life to the study of Swamiji and the activating of the message enshrined therein in the same.
45. It takes a big heart to feel for another. But people are so preoccupied with themselves. Who has the occasion to feel for another after all ? It is downright business for oneself.
46. The simple alone are sincere. The rest are pretenders to the trait. No wonder simplicity has been hailed by Sri Ramakrishna as the attribute imperative for the attainment of spirituality.
I have felt for the farmer's son from my childhood when from the window of the train I witnessed him tilling the land at an age when I was going on holiday with my family during the school vacation. I felt a great sorrow to see him work when I went to school, to see him living in a dark hut at night when I lived in a well-lit apartment. Even today he remains my inspiration as I toil away at my keypad trying to ignite my countrymen's imagination to bring about a more equitable order of things.
48. Love is all that is and there is none but love. The lover and the beloved, the twain have dissolved in love.
49. The positives and the negatives all eventually resolve out into God.
50. It is such a shame that successive governments of India failed to honour the greatest contemporary jewel of India with the Bharat Ratna during his lifetime and bore the ignominy of recognising his genius posthumously with the award. I am talking of Satyajit Ray.
51. Do not fear God. You have to get past these archaic tribal notions about a being waiting to deliver terrible judgement on you. Give up this hypnosis and be free. Stand in the sunshine of reason and overcome fear. Then alone you will be fit to become truly spiritual. Till then prayers and fasts, sacrifices and vain imaginings will only perpetuate terrestrial delusion. So, overcome these and be free.
52. The moment you institutionalise a personality and stop critically examining his life and works, you create a cult. This is opposed to the scientific spirit of the dharma.
53. This life perpetuated with added pleasures ad infinitum is heaven and this world perpetuated with suffering intensified ad infinitum is hell. All this is the puerile fancy of the terrestrial child groping his way through the dark of his ill-conceiving mind.
54. Live to love. So, love to live.
55. Hate unites people more than love, and this is a strange anomaly, a predicament of the present state of human evolution.
56. Broadcasting devotion is good but to keep it silent in the secret chambers of the sacred heart is better.
57. Religion is not codified in a book. It is not located in space or dated in time. It is a continuing revelation universally accessible, a spontaneous self-discovery every moment of onward life. Such a religion is the Dharma, the science of the Spirit.
58. An education that alienates one from one's motherland and relocates one in an alien land of much benefit and copious commercial gain is not something that a true son of the soil would cherish. But so many of our daughters and sons are now true to their adopted homeland of gain and greed and are oblivious of their responsibilities to the motherland.
59. Let people pray in peace. In peace flourishes civilisation. Only do not impose your doctrines on any. Let coexistence be, in love and harmony, in service and sympathy, in benevolence and blessedness.
60. Rare is even the saint or the prophet who can accept the whole world as his own. Ramakrishna was one such. No wonder he is so venerated everywhere today.
61. If religious and ideological conflict is right now the way of the world, Ramakrishna's universal love and acceptance is the way out of it.
62. মানুষ নিজেকে নিয়েই ব্যস্ত | ভগবানের কথা ভাবার অবকাশ কই তার ? এত আত্মপ্রীতি !
63. The real devotees of Swami Vivekananda are dying at the borders in defending the motherland's territorial integrity, youths imbued with sublime patriotism that flinches not once to give up laughingly their bodies at the altar of the motherland's freedom. Verily, these martyrs belong to the Vivekananda Youth Mission.
64. Vivekananda weeps as devotees neglect him. After all who has time for him beyond pursuit of self-interest ? The greater the levity, the more the attention the man gets. Poor Swamiji fails here. His photographs attract but they have not been appended to the excerpts from his Complete Works. Hence, the height of devotion regarding him has been reached !
65. Are we dead to culture that stupid posts draw attention while Swamiji goes abegging?
66. For once in Navadveep
68. Politicians, who at the drop of a hat call for 'bandhs', ought to study what Swamiji has spoken about the ideal of work required by our country today.
69. The Ganga flows by, purifying men, even as men keep on polluting her. So is the benediction of the Guru bestowed on his disciples.
70. Farmers suffer and politicians gain from it. Making capital out of any opportunity is the characteristic trait of our despicable leaders, now utterly devoid of character.
71. It is not good to sell out the country to capitalists wholesale.
72. Tribals dislocated and destroyed, farmers driven to suicide, the youth misguided by mischievous politicians into deserting academic duty and indulging in fruitless politics, hundreds of millions unemployed and the population ever soaring -- whither are we headed?
73. Instead of discussing whether God is formless or with form, young people, discuss how Swamiji's message may be spread widely to address the problems that beset us.
74. The capital besieged, people disgruntled everywhere, politicians playing foul with each other, capitalists looting the country at will -- where are we headed as a nation?
75. But the Home Minister has integrated Kashmir. This is the landmark achievement of this government. What is your take on it?
76. Make India strong by identifying with it. If there is to be any identity for Indians, it must be Indian.
77. 12 January, 2021 approaches. Yet again the youth must gear up to celebrate it. But will the celebration be but for a day or will some young folks dedicate their lives for Swamiji, for the fulfilment of his mission on earth?
78. The prosperity of a few is ever balanced by the poverty of the multitude. The balance of imbalance, shall we say?
79. Are there really 'break-India forces' operating internationally as claimed by Rajiv Malhotra?
80. Swamiji lamented the lack of intelligent followers and how right he was ! Few, alas few, care to read him !
81. So long as devotees remain passive in piety, they are of not much use in spreading the word that must in time inundate the world despite such intolerable inertia. Your indolence weakens Hinduism much more than proselytising attempts by Islam and Christianity do. How then will the world spread? The world will wake up to its reality and accept the pristine principles of the Sanatan Dharma as its healing formulae, as its saving grace. That is how.
82. The ruling dispensation must be prepared to listen to constructive criticism of its many moves in order to to be able to change trajectory and rectify course wherever required. After all intelligent people must be listened to for one's own benefit even if they be sitting on the opposition benches or be part of the critical Press or bureaucracy with valuable past experience in governance.
83. Is the Chief Minister's repeated alluding to the country's ruling party as a Gujarati party that has no business in West Bengal not a linguistic and communal slur as well?
84. How may India benefit from becoming a Hindu Rashtra and how may she be harmed? Your views please. Thrash it out.
85. Communists always denounce fascism. Where are the fascists today who can in response denounce communism ?
86. বৈয়াকরণ হয়ে কি হবে ? অধিক বিদ্যার্জন ভগবানলাভের পথে বাধা | শাস্ত্রের মূল সিদ্ধান্তগুলি জানলেই হল | ঈশ্বরলাভই লক্ষ্য |
87. Many people talk on spirituality but hardly any impress because of the lack of conviction with which they speak. And this lack of conviction is evident in them because of the lack of practice in their lives of the very principles they preach. And I include monks within the ambit of this affirmation of mine.
88. If you are hell-bent on self-destruction, self-destroyed you will be. None can save you. Your friends will leave you, flatterers will surround you so long as you have resource to feed them and your enemies will bide by time till they overpower you. So, beware of vanity, of egotism that kills !
89. There is no point in preaching good things to people which have made no impact on oneself to begin with. Reconstruction of oneself is the primary need.
90. Sorry, there is a slight grammatical error in the tweet and now that you have shared it, I would not like to delete it but would like to take the opportunity here to edit it by way of an additional reply tweet. It ought to have been written 'but hardly any impress' and not 'hardly any impresses'.
91. So many youths I exhort to read Vivekananda which transformed me and so few, hardly any, listen. What a tragedy it is that Vivekananda goes unread in youth despite such easy availability of his literature ! And we are attempting the reconstruction of this country !
92. Devotees of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, look beyond passive piety and take to active study of the divine duo and the consequent application of their teachings to transforming your lives.
93. Fire yourselves up with the volcanic words of the Swami Vivekananda whose least touch transformed the lives of Goodwin, Noble, Greenstidel, MacLeod, the Hales, Bull, Bose, Mukherjee, Gandhi and the Mission monks.
94. It is fated that you will be free for you are already free. Therefore, stop visiting astrologers and buying their fate-rectifying gemstones unless you have enough money to throw down the drains. And even then, that would be unethical.
95. Simplicity of faith gains more than complexity of thinking. But you can think deeply while maintaining simplicity of being as well.
96. The greatest strength is purity -- purity of the body, purity of mind and purity of purpose. The Atman is shorn of all impurity, and if it has to be reached, purity is the way.
97. What are these politicians -- prattlers of yesterday, perfidious practitioners of the day and castaways of the morrow? Truth alone abides and unto Truth shall thy allegiance be, never to political professors.
98. The word gains power from chastity, runs like a razor through masses of ignorance and resettles man, deluded from Truth, unto light and understanding.
99. There is but a grain amidst masses of chaff, so poor is human evolution as of now. But education can change it all and as culture spreads, man with a lightning shake 'will awake to life and freedom'. [quote within inverted commas, courtesy, Jawaharlal Nehru]
100. Hindu resistance to depredation and degradation of its culture by real and perceived enemies should start with the cleaning up of its own house. Stop labelling critics with foul names. Rather, study your dharma and get to winning the ideological battle along civilised lines. To meet fanaticism do not turn fanatical for it is a suicidal process that reduces oneself to ought. Self-restraint and civility are not weaknesses that will destroy Hinduism but will preserve it from being destroyed.
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