Sugata Bose @RN Singh : There is no happiness when people are so oblivious of the dangers that face our polity, when merriment is made in the name of Christmas, true, and conversion of innocent Hindus en masse to Christianity goes on at the same time in the name of the 'Prince of peace'. Proselytising of these Semitic religions, Christianity and Islam, has well nigh reduced Hindus both in numbers relative as in influence and it is high time that we awake to our sense of cultural identity in the right way to redress these ills that keep afflicting our society. Only then may merriment be duly made in the name of Krishna, Raam, Shankaracharya, Chaitanya, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. Till then let us labour on to save our heritage, culture and civilisation.
Sugata Bose @Poonam Mis : It will take some more time for you to realise, if ever you can, the import of this post which relates to the evolution of popular force which has been aptly termed 'popular sovereignty' in political science.
Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : You mean the present day affiliates of those remnants within who Maulana Azad had pulled up post Independence for their erstwhile support of the Partition and their continuing disgruntlement with the ruling dispensation thereafter?
Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : Subramanian Swamy, though, thinks otherwise and considers the economic situation so alarming that unless corrective measures are urgently adopted may lead to the ouster of this government in the next general elections.
Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : Oh, is it that simple? Party wise determination?
Sugata Bose @Poonam Mis : It will take some more time for you to realise, if ever you can, the import of this post which relates to the evolution of popular force which has been aptly termed 'popular sovereignty' in political science. Perhaps, you are relating this post to the farmers' protest outside of Delhi but this is not so. It is a general observation about the evolving scenario of common consciousness post universal education which with exploding population will make matters so problematic for governments the world over, especially in densely populated countries like India, that politicians will take to their heels to save their skin should they betray people's interests. I can understand what you mean but I have now clarified my stand for your clear perception that could not be arrived at earlier on account of the cryptic nature of a coloured post. Thank you for participating in the discussions initiated by me and keep at it please. God bless you, Poonam !
Sugata Bose @Habibur Rahaman : And what about Islamic terrorism the world over including that in India where city after city has suffered from its dastardly attacks and even Parliament has not been spared, not to speak of Mumbai and the rest of the ghastly saga ever since from pre-Partition days?
Sugata Bose @Habibur Rahaman : No, not justification, but the spread of the Sanatan Dharma along with science and culture in all its multifarious aspects is the one way to raise humanity from the level of the brute to the level of the human en route to the divine.
Sugata Bose @Habibur Rahaman : I do. Do you?
Sugata Bose @Swapan Pal: Your profile picture please. Difficult to hold dialogue with a baby.
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Yes, he did, of course. Lots of references are there in the Complete Works. Why do you not put them up for all to read? Perhaps, you expect me to do it only. Well then, for your satisfaction, here are some passages from the aforesaid works of Swamiji. I am posting them as well and as dauntlessly as ever for you and others to read, those who cannot muster courage enough to post them, and understandably so.
'The more selfish a man, the more immoral he is. And so also with the race. That race which is bound down to itself has been the most cruel and the most wicked in the whole world. There has not been a religion that has clung to this dualism more than that founded by the Prophet of Arabia, and there has not been a religion which has shed so much blood and been so cruel to other men. In the Koran there is the doctrine that a man who does not believe these teachings should be killed; it is a mercy to kill him! And the surest way to get to
Sugata Bpse @Swapan Pal : But have the courage, old man, to show your face. Why hide under baby cover? Identity first before being catered to. You see that is even the governmental protocol. I am sure you do not have this profile photograph as your identifier on your voter ID and your Passport. If so, then I must say that universal adult suffrage has become truly universal to even include babies. In which case our politicians must soon be campaigning even in creches to collect potential votes from babies like you. Or, are you the arbiter of your destiny to the effect that even governmental requirements you can flout at airports and polling booths?
Sugata Bose @Subrata Ghosh : You are right. Cherry-picking Swamiji and making a mockery of a movement by fractionally following his message to suit organisational ideological convenience is quite possible along the way but then, which other organisation has the resource to activate such a vast programme as Swamiji had envisaged? He had said, "A hundred thousand men and women, fired with the zeal of holiness, fortified with eternal faith in the Lord, and nerved to lion's courage by their sympathy for the poor and the fallen and the downtrodden, will go over the length and breadth of the land, preaching the gospel of salvation, the gospel of social raising up -- the gospel of equality." Who will do it? Prof. Hiren Mukerjee, the CPI leader and the first leader of the Opposition in the Indian Parliament of 1952, had described Swamiji's above words as follows : "What powerful premonition of wide, deep-going, all-embracing revolutionary action to move a country out of its age-old inertia -- What lustre in the thought of this man of religion whose mind and heart, seeped in the mysteries of dedication to the 'Absolute', was set deeply still on the remaking of the human species, and first of all in his India !" If a communist leader of seminal attributes and attainments as an intellectual can think this way and make sense out of Swamiji's clarion in revolutionary terms, is it not alright if the RSS or some such future organisation dares make Swamiji's dream come true? And even if it fails, will not great social help result from such endeavour to give Swamiji's dream concrete shape whose nucleus in some fractional way the Ramakrishna Mission has already given shape to?
Sugata Bose @Subrata Sengupta : But this is not true. They never took credit themselves. Their successors and the people have given them that credit. They always stood for the people and never failed to recognise the people's contributions. Moreover, the import of the post has been missed, one that relates to the general weakness of the people in activating sufficient resistance to the perfidious designs to precipitate Partition. This weakness was there among the Hindus and remains to this day. This is the contentious point, the core content of the post. We have to rally unity and strength among nationalist Hindus to resist such future attempts at dismembering the nation. Nationalism is now the sine qua non for keeping the country integrated for good and to this end we must collectively endeavour with vigour and virility. Vande Mataram !
Sugata Bose @Subrata Sengupta : Not at all. Why will I counter you in this regard which is nothing but the truth that you have stated? But my point in the post has been missed. It has nothing to do with absolving these leaders from the heinous act of either precipitating Partition or succumbing to circumstantial pressure or even the temptations of personal ambition to doing so. The moot point here is that they did what they did to a terribly weakened Hindu polity through a thousand year alien subjection which, therefore, could not muster the necessary mind or muscle to combat the conjoined conspiracy of the British and the All India Muslim League of dismembering India. Had the average Hindu been stronger, these same leaders could not have succeeded in doing what they did. Just imagine this hypothetical situation. 25% of the population of a 75% Muslim majority India being force-partitioned by the Hindus with colonial help. Would it have been possible even if Nehru, Gandhi, Patel, Jinnah and the British attempted it? Difficult to even envisage such a circumstance, far less conceive it as really happening. This is what I had intended in this post to emphasise, this terribly debilitated state of the Hindus then and progressively through time even now that has precipitated India into all sorts of historical problems such as Kashmir, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc. which at last under this nationalist government now are beginning to resolve. But what a hue and cry is being raised by the Hindus more than the Muslims even over this ! I am not a political person and, perhaps, the illustration has not been convincing for it may immediately be reversely politicised to obscure my logical intent. However, the summum bonum of all this is that Hindus can no longer afford to be wishful thinkers in catholic dreams oblivious of the dangers that their very civilisation faces from being overwhelmed by proselytising Islam and, to a lesser extent but no less noxious one, by converting Christianity. God bless you !
Sugata Bose @কৌশিক রায় : Isn't the question silly? Does it deserve an answer beyond positing another sillier one like this : Is Koushik Ray = Swami Vivekananda? If the answer is yes, then why?
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : A touch of artistic genius. Unbelievable that this talent has not been groomed in any art school but has freshly come from the preserves of Nature. You must keep drawing these contours in curves and caresses of your core consciousness flowing in delightful streams in rippling lines and dewy dreams. A word about the work now. The reflection is apparently so very different from the substance because of the angle of vision, and this has to be always borne in mind in every sphere of life that sameness in space and time is not identity ever, for the coordinates shift and the likeness shifts with it despite maintaining fundamental unity at the base which is the essential principle of evolution where diversity does not destroy unity in essence. Variant looks of the same reality are only apparent, seen from varying perspectives, but the reality, unchanging and unchanged, ever remains the basis of it all.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : You have still not started reading Swami Vivekananda. Must you be so non-compliant? I gave you twice the link to his Complete Works. Now get going please and you will understand. Nonetheless, keep commenting, for you are simply hilarious, and, of course, with a wry touch of it so often.
Sugata Bose @Biswarup Dutta : But the Communists again did it at the time of the 1962 Sino-India War. How about it and their continuous support of China's border claims when they can never categorically speak in favour of India's territorial claims ever contested unreasonably by China, when they can never condemn China's open violations of India's borders, when they ever place their communist ideology and international affiliation over national interest which Bhagat Singh of hallowed memory never did? How can you even bring in that exceptional case of Bhagat Singh and the like of him to justify your argument?
Sugata Bose @Biswarup Dutta : Communists, aided by China, principally engineered the removal of the 'Hindu Rashtra' status of Nepal by Constitutional Amendment.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Communism is a philosophy which is materialistic and which in practice inevitably degenerates into totalitarian despotism in the name of application of high-sounding principles. The history of communism in the 20th and now 21st century bears testimony to this. Hence, I do not have to establish anything. Communists the world over have been establishing thus far what they do when in power. Instead of feeling ashamed of what they have done to Netaji and during the 1962 Sino-India crisis, they continue to defend their ways and means and refuse to acknowledge that they have perpetrated the most horrible genocides in history and, even today in China, they continue to persecute everything that goes by the name of culture and civilisation. My liking or disliking Karl Marx, Lenin and the like does not alter facts. Neither am I of the ignorant opinion that such a vast movement the world over has not left behind some of its traces in terms of social development in countries where it has reigned to the tears of tens and hundreds of millions. Its success or failure is to be judged by its acceptance or rejection by the people of erstwhile communist countries and by what they have to say about its beneficial or baneful influence and not by my distant opinion from a non-communist country from where I can merely sympathise with the suffering humanity under its regimented rule. Hence, the questions raised by you in this regard become extraneous and undeserving of answer right now.
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : There I agree with you. Economic principles ought to be the guiding line for political practice but electoral gains are being achieved by votaries of secularism through clever manipulation of religious sentiment, through minority appeasement and the like. Hence, the right-wing Hindu reactionary movement becomes the antithesis to it by way of dialectical development, you see. The dangerous mix of religion and politics is deemed so by people who view the dharma as divorced from 'rajneeti'. But historically in India such a rupture between the twain has never been barring when pseudo-seculars have made so in copious pretence since Independence. What is happening today is jarring the nerves of either irreligious communists or fanatical Islamists or liberal sophisticates because it is leading to Hindu solidarity, so very dangerous for these adversaries who have either hindered or ruined Hindu hopes thus far. Instead of advising me or others what we ought to do, perhaps, it will be better for you to get better groomed in the culture and civilisation of eternal spiritual India, and you can begin to do so by attempting the detailed study of Swami Vivekananda as suggested by me even earlier.
Sugata Bose @Ayan Bhattacharya : Ayan Bhattacharya, are you completely incapable of gentlemanly diction as ought to become a brahman which you by surname are but not by civic behaviour? And this I say on account of your past record in aspersion cast on me -- remember the BJP IT Cell reference which you had indiscreetly made against me and ran for cover when countered -- and by your present disrespectful address. So, before you expect any rejoinder from me barring this delicious dose right now, rectify manner and mode. Then come for open offensive, issue-based and not so by way of personal attack or aspersion cast. Till then chew on this, chum, and reform means, my dear acharya, you who, by definition of epithet attached to surname, ought to have been at the forefront of the dharma instead of condemning any such movement that tends to strengthen it.
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Wondrous forest this world indeed is ! Punned a bit for the sake of fun on the word 'wun' ('bone' in Bengali).
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : That is because communists here are not in power through their advocated revolution which is their theoretical imperative to be executed when circumstances are propitious. The moment they are so, they like the chameleon will change colour and be identical to their conceptual cousins in corrosive ideology. Then they will show their real fangs. Just as anti-Hindutvavaadis are alarmed by the rise of Hindutvavaad, so are liberal democrats the world over apprehensive of the residual seeds of communism wherever they be still. It is a high-flown materialistic philosophy which is impossible to execute without the regime sinking into fascist practice as has been testified by history throughout the 20th century. Even today what persists in 21st century China is being done in the name of Communism.
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : You mean leftist movements? Call you them all communist?
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : These leftist movements are nowhere as radical as classical communist ideology dictates its offspring in action to be. These mass movements are there and will grow over time as capitalism evolves to bring about increased exploitation of the masses. But, with the advancement of science and the advent of modern technology, whether the Marxian prediction of capitalism eventually crumbling on account of its inherent contradictions, will fulfil or not, is to be seen. Bertrand Russell was convinced that such a catastrophic collapse would not befall capitalism as science would be solving economic problems by hyper-production at affordable rates which would also ensure increased leisure for people as working hours would have to be drastically reduced to keep the demand-supply equilibrium. Hence, science and
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Communism is 'a way of life' / 'a philosophical system' / 'something which common cadres and comrades do not understand' / 'the antagonistic cousin of fascism' / 'an atheistic, materialistic, fanatical religion in practice while being high-sounding in propounded principles which are never practised save for the barbaric revolutionary part of it'.
Sugata Bose @Uddalak Pablo : Perhaps, 'Hindu Rashtra' is, even in your estimation, the least obnoxious of the three. By the way, if you do not mind, is your name really Uddalak Pablo? I ask you because it is way easier to relate to a person with real name and profile picture than a fictitious or assumed one which hides identity. I hope you do not take offence at this and remain affable to me nonetheless, while answering my question if you so wish to. Actually, it is quite a bother to answer people whose faces are not even revealed and names concealed, because relating to quasi-real beings is a deal more difficult than relating to fully real persons in name, face and identity. However, in your case, I can see your face but am not sure about your name being your real name or not. Pardon my indiscretion in case it is.
Sugata Bose @Biswarup Dutta : If you were in Syria or Afghanistan or Iran or Saudi Arabia, you would have understood, too.
Sugata Bose @Biswarup Dutta : Perhaps, you should revise your said lessons, too. There is a thing called a 'socialist state' but none that may be termed a 'communist state' for that would be a contradiction in communist terms. In classical Marxian theory the ideally evolved politico-socio-economic state of society is where it reaches its zenith of evolution in the communist order of human existence when 'the state simply withers away'. Hence, you see, research is necessary on all sides to refine knowledge, and I shall, at your behest and to satisfy my craving for refurbishing my arsenal of facts and figures and to replenish my depleting fund of data owing to long lapse in like reading, do it. So do you, too.
Sugata Bose @Biswarup Dutta : Poonam Mis means Communist Party IT Cell, in case there is one. Why pick the chaff from the grain? Why not the other way round? Respond to her intended meaning in her response to your earlier comment.
Sugata Bose @Biswarup Dutta : I am also a devotee of Swamiji and have been a life-long student of his works from the time when you were not even born. I have seen the great monks of the Order and know your Satyada (Swami Suparnanadaji) very well so as not to require your arrogant mediation to arrange an interview with him, and also know his great admiration for Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee who he once told us that he considered as next to Netaji among Bengalis in terms of patriotic fervour. That you presume yourself to be better versed than me in Swamiji's Works may be your personal brand of arrogance which becomes the ignoramus of sorts but it is highly unbecoming of one who has been thus groomed by the monks of the Order, and unsuccessfully so as everybody can see from your arbitrary assertions about my knowledge and psychological status. I feel pity for Bengal's present crop of children that they have become so utterly devoid of 'shraddha' for the elderly, and am just remembering Swamiji's thunderous comments to this effect. Considering your baby age I shall spare you verbal volleys further that you may not be in the mental state as yet to absorb, digest and assimilate to good effect, and I can only say that you ought to cultivate real devotion for Thakur-Ma-Swamiji instead of being peremptory in your judgement about men way more advanced in age than even your parents, to say the least. As to the rest of your description of my personal self, the less said the better, for it will be deliberation in the demolition of dastardly lies levelled against me, an act which, following Sarada Devi's teaching, I assiduously avoid. Henceforth, therefore, keep to limits in personal reference or else the restraint shown by me this time may not be your lucky lot the next. God bless you !
Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : This is what has been doing the rounds in political talk these days which I have referred to. Myself am just the voice of the multitude for which I have exposed myself to being misinterpreted and misunderstood, and, so, disliked by all and sundry, each of whose cause I try to alternately present and give utterance to, nonetheless, for, as I have earlier clearly articulated, I am the multitude.
Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : Muslims, I feel, must actively educate themselves to rise in the polity as citizens and not as Muslims, an identity which they carry everywhere overmuch to their own detriment. Education, secular along with the practice of the liberal principles of the enlightened versions of the Islamic culture will make them far stronger than retrogressive religious recourse will ever attain for them. Personally, I feel a great affinity for them and wish them not to indulge in petty and puerile politics over Islam. Indian Muslims should increasingly help each other attain to levels of literacy in the secular sciences and the liberal arts and not remain bogged down in reactionary politics reaching them from the international arena. Unless they unshackle themselves from an archaic past and forge ahead into the future, being bolstered by modern education put to good use and not for promotion
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : This is so because there has been a change in governmental economic policy, shifting emphasis from public enterprise to private. The disinvestment movement is on.
Sugata Bose @Somenath Patra : Somenath Patra, read, study and lecture me later when you have matured, about my duties and responsibilities, my imperatives and instincts, my service and sacrifice for the motherland.
Sugata Bose @Somenath Patra : And, for your kind information, Somenath Patra, let me notify you that I am my own arbiter and am no slave to any such imaginary code which at any rate by remotest connection has never been thrust on me by any order or movement, spiritual or material, and, as such, I am free as the Atman you have mentioned of as God, the God that is my essence and one that holds me in terrestrial trouble such as the one you are creating, whatever confused babble you may have given utterance to thereby. Do not assume superior status by way of some sort of association with the Ramakrishna Order. Rather come out in the open and fight like a lion like I do for the motherland, like Swamiji has exhorted us to do. Swamiji hated cowardice, must I remind you? Hence, desist from making presumptuous remarks about my intent, insight, inspiration and imperative with regard to my beloved motherland, one that I love far more than any, even the Ramakrishna Order or Movement that you mention of, that is, as apprehended or misapprehended by you.
Sugata Bose @Somenath Patra : So when Swamiji said, "I am proud to be a Hindu," was he being a naughty disciple of yours who would simply not listen to his Guru? Did Swamiji make a monstrous mistake in naming his paper which he read out on 19 September, 1893 at the Chicago Parliament of Religions, 'Paper on Hinduism'? You must scold Swamiji in that case when you meet your disciple next, that is, when he pays his visit to his venerable Guru which you are.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : You, Shakkeela, are a treat, ever at your best when it comes to opposing my messages ! Would it were everybody was as humorous as you are in putting across her resistive remark !
Sugata Bose@Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Shakkeela, you removed your humorous comment. Why? And, with your withdrawal, my comment by way of response has gone as well.
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : So, you will not admit that you are wrong and now you dare charge me with inciting communal violence? How dare you?
Sugata Bose @Anish Parua : By the way where is the incitement? Show me one such post where I have done so. If in comment they have come, I have merely posted by way of response what great men like Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Tagore and Ambedkar have said about these contentious communal issues, and that too I have said only when charged by people like you who needlessly, unashamedly and in absolute allegiance to falsity have done what they have done.
Sugata Bose @Ar Karthik Shyale : Please comment with restraint and do not resort to abusive language.
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : Rash Behari Bose was a member of the Hindu Mahasabha and even founded its Japan wing which he headed.
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : I think you have levelled all sorts of charges against me which I have taken grave exception to and it seems you simply do not know how to be civil in dialogue. This is regrettable and one that calls for reflection on the terrible psychological state of the youth in West Bengal.
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : The photos which you post are doctored ones by those who wish to malign the RSS. Please post authentic stuff. Also you owe me a downright apology and a withdrawal of the hate charge you have levelled against me unduly, having not the capacity to comprehend the import of my posts.
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : Learn it at the feet of your venerable parents who remain your first and best teachers. So, the scriptures say. If you have a spiritual Guru, go and learn it at his feet. Else, there is not much hope for you right now. This arrogant streak will land you in copious trouble for everywhere you will not find decent seeming adversaries like me, for in essence I am not an adversary of yours at all and hold you in fraternal affability.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Apologies. I have found it. It is appended to another post. It got misplaced among the deluge of comments that crowd out my copious posts.
Sugata Bose @To all my Facebook friends attending to a particular post : Anish Parua has fled after being countered robustly. He has even blocked me to avoid responsive retribution in remark.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : What about that? Don't you know that Indian communists are the most loyal of all communists the world over. Their loyalty to their creed comes from their Sanatan Dharma sanskara. Hence, even when communism has been rejected the world over and has died its natural death in Russia, China (which is a capitalist and imperialist country camouflaging as communist), Indian communists like incurable romantics hang on to this failed ideology which has brought only bloodshed everywhere in the name of socioeconomic advancement, and whatever advancement was achieved in these erstwhile communist states, it was brought about by the blessings of science and technology and not by any particular communist principle. Communism has been the scourge of humanity in the 20th century and wherever, as in China, its decadent residuum remains, it is continuing to spill blood to sustain its survival against the odds of popular rebellion. So, Bengalis will live in the dreadful dream of this dastardly philosophy in action till they are obliterated as a race. Only if they take recourse to the Sanatan Dharma in the rightful sense may they be absolved of the terrible reaction that is sure to visit them in the form of extinction in three generations as Swamiji had predicted would be the lot of those who would give in to indiscriminate sense pleasure and suicidal materialism.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Do not quite know but this much I can clearly see that we as a race are losing the national and international race in rapid evolution for we keep clinging to rejected materialism such as communism and have not the wherewithal either to build industry or to be ahead of all other Indian states as we once were in pre-Independence era. Our weakness in muscle and mind both is glaring today as we keep on foolishly alienating ourselves from the national mainstream and blindly glorify our provincial greatness, almost with a sectarian, fanatical zeal. No wonder so many Bengalis have converted to Islam, Communism and to diverse forms of irreverent atheism that pander to the vanities of the senses.
Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : United Bengal as a separate nation away from the rest of India? Is this Indianness? Is it nationalism at its best? How can one even imagine breaking Bengal away from India. It is betrayal of the motherland. Bengal ought never to have been even in imagination conceived of as a separate nation even if united thus. And by the way, what is this idea of Bengal having been a nation which Dr. Mookerjee broke? Are you regretting the fact that it did not become extended Bangladesh today because of the great man's seminal efforts? Or, are you suggesting that Bengal was a separate nation which nationhood Dr. Mookerjee through his perfidious designs robbed it of and mischievously attached it to India?
Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : Yes, the identity of Bengal is synonymous with that of India but only so long as it remained in India and not if it was severed from her through a unified partition as seems to have been suggested by your above observation related to the venerable Sarat Chandra Bose. Did Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee break Bengal or save it from becoming in entirety East Pakistan when Partition and the severance of Bengal en masse became a looming threat and almost inevitable which the great son of Bengal through urgent diplomacy prevented?
Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : Forgotten Suhrawardy, Jinnah and the Great Calcutta Killing on 16 August, 1946 and for two and half months in Noakhali which forced Gandhiji and the Congress to accept the Partition of India in Bengal and the Punjab? And now you lay the blame on Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee who actually saved West Bengal and its Hindu population from perpetual servitude under Islamists as has been happening in Bangladesh which you call cultural Indianness?
Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Das :Very unfortunate that you thus spit venom on the venerable Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee. Shame ! No wonder Tagore in his 'Atmaparichay' had regretted thus : 'Bangali mahat ke samman korte jane na.' Your invective against one of Bengal's greatest sons proves the prophetic insight of the Poet and the veracity of his utterance thereof. To call Dr. Mookerjee a collaborator ('one great collaborator', in your specific words) is blasphemous, despite the political dynamics of the times, and indicative of the despicable decadence to which a sizeable section of Bengal has plummeted. Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda also used to hold similar critical views regarding the lack of character among the common Bengali man whose crowning jewel along with Netaji was Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, nonetheless. It seems it will as yet take some time before atheistic, self-seeking, self-deluded Bengal recovers to understand the depths of seminal personalities like Dr. Mookerjee who even one amongst their creed, although much elevated in intellectual and moral stature, the great Prof. Hiren Mukerjee from his heart admired.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Because Stalin and Mao were much more peaceful. They sent tens of millions to peace. Which is why these two uncles are such great favourites of yours. After all, nieces need peaceful uncles as your cousin, Svetlana Alliluyeva, would have sworn had she been there among us today to confide in you the great peacefulness of her beloved father, Joseph Stalin, the Apostle of Peace of the 20th century. And if you visit China even today, you will find in many houses the skeletons of the past recounting to you how Chairman Mao sent their bodies to peace that passeth understanding, allowing only their skeletal remains life enough to recount their peace tales to nieces like you, Shakkeela, who would visit the motherland in the future to enquire about their great peacemaker Uncle Mao. Then you will be convinced that the Nobel Committee made a grave error in not awarding the Peace Prize to these Communist cousins, Uncle Joe and Uncle Mao.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Yes, Lenin, Stalin, Marx and Mao are insiders, born and brought up in Bengal.
Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Das : Keep criticising me, and do so as you please, duly or unduly. Few, alas, few understand the import of my posts to be able to rightly gauge my intent, and, hence in consequence, they lend voice to their refracted reactions to which they are welcome, though. Also, selective reading of my writings is the bane of the online reader, a tendency or circumstantial imperative to which you are culpable as well. However, my good wishes in civic cooperation and verbal combat ever remain, even though I find your caustic, nay, corrosive comments against the great Syama Prasad Mookerjee, who gave his life for the integration of the nation, unpalatable, as you rightly said with reference to the 'other' milk so very toxic to my system. You are welcome to drinking such milk, though ! Happy New Year to you, too, and to your near and dear ones ! Shubha Kalpataru Divas ! Advance in your study and make India proud of your attainments in research and reflection. God bless you !
Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : An isolated answer will not suffice. Keep reading all my posts and assess accordingly. But it will take a lot of your time and energy which may be better spent in the comprehensive study of Swami Vivekananda instead. This is my friendly suggestion, for 'life is short and vanishing', to quote Swamiji, and needs to be used for worthwhile causes among which reading my writings may not be counted by many. However, if otherwise, then do apprehend the intent of my diverse posts as the attempt to trigger conscientious thinking on the contentious issues of the times. Beyond that my spiritual posts pertain to the eternal verities of life which, if you are so inclined, spiritually that is, you may find fruitful to a degree. Here as well, I would suggest that you better read 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita' daily for your peace and spiritual well-being. Happy New Year ! Shubha Kalpataru Divas to you and yours !
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : How long will you cast aspersions on democracy and the Vedanta by way of casting in caste? It is well known that ideologically indoctrinated communists are opposed to both democracy and religion, and, necessarily, to all their derivatives in social or political parlance.
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Deep, mystical writing. With every movement of your pen your writing deepens and enthralls in equal measure.
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : A Nazi victory would have been terrible for the world and the end of democracy in much of the world for sure. It would also have meant supremacist German racial rule in Axis dominated countries in Europe and America and in West Asia. Fresh alliances would have then been forged between the victors and the vassals under their hegemonic control and the plight of the people would have been even worse than in communist countries which at any rate reduced hundreds of millions to inhuman conditions with freedom lost and bare bodies alive to the beating of merciless ruling dispensations. All these would have been in all probability worse compounded under Nazi global dominance. The Jews would have been annihilated completely to wipe out the best brains from the human scene which in turn would have taken human society millenia backward to barbarous times. In Asia, China would have been completely subjugated and who knows what would have befallen India? Communism would have been wiped out and communists annihilated en masse unless they converted to fascism. Overall a bleak human scenario would have been which with Nazi control on atomic energy would have either enslaved the whole world with Japanese collaboration, as is generally thought, or, as I think, would have then set up the stage for a Jap-German confrontation over the spoils of war leading to another hot World War in which further destruction and reduction of demonic power of the fascist regimes would have strengthened resistance movement worldwide to restore the modern democratic capitalist order, although, thrown decades back owing to the devastation caused by the two world wars in quick succession. This is how I viewed it as in a film in responding to this hypothetical question raised by you.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : You fanciful comment bespeaks of your ignorance of the fact that Hinduism stands on the eternal foundations of the Vedas which is indestructible. Hence, Hinduism will not only survive but absorb all other proselytising religions like Islam and Christianity within its fold in the tide of times, devoid of their exclusive claims, though, and emerge as the triumphant universal religion of future humanity which in essence it has always been as the enlightened of the world have testified. Caste is a social institution and has nothing to do with Hinduism per se, although it has afflicted and divided Hindus for far too long. Believe me, the day caste goes, you all will not like it at all, for that day Hinduism will become so strong that your atheistic current philosophy will not find shelter for succour and solace. Hindus then will become too strong in a united fold and Hinduism will emerge as the Sanatan Dharma which in truth and essence it is. So long as Hindus are divided among castes, the better for Islam and Christianity and Communism. The day they unite, it will be impossible to convert any Hindu to these folds. The BJP and the RSS have this as their agenda which is why you are sop opposed to them. Now is it clear, Sister?
Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : But the Quran mandates this condition of conversion if Muslims are to marry beyond the People of the Book, that is, Christians and Jews. Otherwise, the marriage is invalid. What about it? Give a straight answer without deflecting. Also, tell us openly and unequivocally, if Hinduism mandates conversion scripturally or condemns other religions as partially true or downright false.
Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : Not wrong at all if you do so. I hope you understand that the post is about those who keep converting Hindus to Islam during such marriage on account of scriptural injunction, and the progeny thereof on account of scriptural and cultural compulsions. Do you see that you can never dare condemn your scriptural mandate on conversion directly and unequivocally? You must necessarily deflect discussion ever elsewhere.
Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : Exceptions only prove the rule. And you still avoid condemning your scriptural injunction and I can understand why you dare not do so. It is easy to criticise Hindu scriptures as Hindus so easily do but the reverse done to his by a Muslim, or by anybody for that matter, will bring in dire consequences. Is it not so, my brother? Sufficient is the balance of dialogue in this regard and sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : There you get caught as the votary of Islam and Christianity and the antagonist of Hinduism. Each of your responses are to that effect where you are specifically oriented in offering support, directly or indirectly. The agenda is so clear. Communism cannot win this way, Sister, for it is opposed to religion as such. Hence, all this maneuvering, masterminded towards establishing Marxism which is the enemy of all religions -- although it masquerades motive by coming in support of minority religions in places where it has to thus thwart majority adversaries -- is bound eventually to fail as people everywhere will reject it as history uniformly testifies to.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Why should I when you do not have the cheek to criticise Islam and its practices ever and only carry on making carping comments against whatever suits you and your political agenda against rising Hindu nationalism? First be clean in your motives and means and then dare me into open parley. However, keep making your humorous comments, albeit one-sided, but humorous, often hilarious, nonetheless. They are the spice of Facebook reading in so far as I am concerned. But they lack in total truth. I mean they are made to reveal a bit and conceal most which makes the sleuth in readers active in reading your motives and motivations.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Very much so when 'dictatorship of the proletariat leads to dictatorship of the Central Committee which in turn leads to dictatorship of the Politburo which eventually leads to dictatorship of the Secretary General'. Where are the workers in the scene?
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil/Ar Karthik Shyale : Peace ! Peace ! Let civilised debate go on. I request all to refrain from un-parliamentary language for it destroys discourse.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Perhaps, you did not comprehend the import of my quotation of one of your famous communist's celebrated saying, and in effect echoed my point to your now realised surprise.
Sugata Bose @Ar Karthik Shyale : Blocked Ayan Bhattacharya just now who has kept on calling me an IT Cell man despite being repeatedly told that I have no such affiliation to it, whatever IT Cell as such may mean. But he would not desist. So, the only recourse left to avoid being constantly told lies about was to banish him from my online interaction.
Sugata Bose @Ar Karthik Shyale : Unfriended another sympathiser of such wicked comments. Will have to clean up the house. These are educated fools and totally opposed to everything Hindu.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Nath : Perfect. But this simple thing my Muslim friends do not have the courage to admit. They must necessarily bring in Hinduism as being equally toxic to some other effect and conflate things. Else, they will go into the mute mode to avoid further deliberation. But in this age of information the truth is out and will be dealt with in reasonable terms to provide effective resistance.
Sugata Bose @Prasanta Bhattacharya : I know the communist idea of freedom -- mass murder in the name of revolution and post-revolution purge (ref. Lenin/Stalin/Mao), indoctrination/brainwashing of the population (ref. Mao's Red Book etc.), suspension of fundamental democratic rights (ref. essential principles of communism), territorial expansion to force-spread ideology and system (ref. Russia/China) and creation of Police State (ref. all communist states/regimes). Yes, Communism is the cater-cousin of freedom, indeed !
Sugata Bose @Srikumar Mukherjee : But Sri Ramakrishna was not a prophet nor was Swami Vivekananda in the classical sense of the term. The word 'prophet' comes from Semitic religious literature which essentially means the chosen one of the Lord who is specially and uniquely as belonging to the prophetic class endowed with revealed spiritual/religious knowledge quite apart from the concept of universal access to spiritual knowledge obtaining in Vedic literature. Hence, Sri Ramakrishna would not qualify to be prophet in this classical Semitic sense and why at all should we borrow that Semitic idea to adorn our great one? He is the Avatar and not the Prophet by any means. I hope I have made myself amply clear for your easy understanding.
Sugata Bose @Prasanta Bhattacharya : No, we have it (freedom) only in China !
Sugata Bose @Prasanta Bhattacharya : I know not about individualism, as you rightly say. Only that in a Communist country the individual must survive till he is killed by the Communist dictator who is the arbiter of all earthly events.
Sugata Bose @Prasanta Bhattacharya : Read Uncle Joe's and Chairman Mao's life and you will get it quite clear. I hope you know who Uncle Joe is. For that read Winston Churchill whose uncle he was.
Sugata Bose @Prasanta Bhattacharya : The communist individual is an atheistic robot, indoctrinated to think and act as told and never to rebel except to seek death in consequence. The communists invented the robot first. What we today see in the world as mechanised robot is but a poor imitation of the real one which Uncles Ulyanov, Joe and Mao invented long back under the discipleship of granduncle Marx.
Sugata Bose @Prasanta Bhattacharya : Vivekananda also supported the Vedanta which your communist creed considers anathema for its atheistic philosophy.
Sugata Bose @Prasanta Bhattacharya : Swami Vivekananda did support the cause of social equality but not through atheistic communist methods.
Sugata Bose @Prasanta Bhattacharya : Will you read if I start writing on communism in detail in a series of essays?
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Communism the world over with its absolute grip on the polity, its persecution and purges, destruction of monuments (ref. Lenin's monumental revolution), destruction of culture (ref. China's attitude to occupied Tibetan Buddhist culture and that of Uighur Muslims), its enforced starvation (ref. the Stalin-made famine of Ukraine) etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. All these have happened at the behest of a terrible organisation called the Communist Party whose stated agenda is the destruction of everything that stands in the way of its monstrous mass revolution with its dangerous and dastardly consequences that care neither for
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