Sunday 6 December 2020



It is strength of character that is missing in the preachers of the scriptures today, a lack of conviction in the speakers themselves, absence of fire in the voice that can ignite the spirit of the audience. If men of apparent renunciation, as expressed in their ochre apparel, speak in materialistic terms, the soul sighs in hopelessness and yearns for a sage who has perceptible power that can move the mind into following the precept preached. But the current crop of preachers are so devoid of substance that the heart despairs if ever those glorious days will come again when one basked in the rays of realisation of rishis of this modern age. Now it seems commerce has hijacked the spiritual discourse and even those who have renounced hearth and home have found in monasteries a fresh lease of mundane life as they preach using familiar commercial terms, at once irritating and worthy of banishment from the lexicon of what may be deemed spiritual. This failure to fire up the spirit of man with insipid talk masquerading as spiritual discourse is killing the conversation and it is of utmost moment that speakers worth the salt alone take to the podium and the compromised characters of no character worth the call spare the audience of their disgusting discourse with deadly doses of worldliness.

Written by Sugata Bose [Sugata Bose]

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