Monday, 7 December 2020



Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Archaic scriptures when they are the Smritis, are to be rewritten and updated for the modern age. This was the view of Swami Vivekananda. This is possible in Hinduism and has happened historically. This needs to happen again and will for sure in due course as the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda movement gains ground.

Sugata Bose @Sandipan Guha : Sheer abundance? The former seems likelier for a vast section of the population as it keeps exploding.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Please enlighten me as I have not been keeping track of events everywhere ever since the pandemic broke out.

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : Because Hindus traditionally do not convert, although, perhaps, the time has come when they should start doing so. But that would kill the spirit of Hinduism which has the grand, catholic concept of the 'Ishta' (the Chosen Deity) which stands opposed to this said proselytising. Hence, Hinduism is in a catch-22 position where it has to keep enduring the perversion of its adherents gradually to the fold of Islam and Christianity. How about you suggesting a way out of this conundrum?

Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : Have you any clue to what a proper press conference is?

Sugata Bose @Nitin Diwadkar : Sonia Gandhi is not the Prime Minister of India. Why equate her with Narendra Modi?

Sugata Bose @Habibur Rahaman : He left the Karan Thapar show long back as CM of Gujarat. May be he is uncomfortable before the intelligentsia as most people are and feels reticent thus to face it.

Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : No, I just thought that this was in place by way of historical wholesomeness of a tenure which posterity will judge a prime minister by as well. Hence.

Sugata Bose @Nitin Diwadkar : Did not Manmohan Singh face press conferences? That is the pertinent point here.

Sugata Bose @Habibur Rahaman : Brilliant point raised and aptly articulated. Let someone rationally answer this. Only see to it that you stick to reason and do not get into side-thrashing personalities of prominence for that will degenerate discussion and ruin rumination on an important issue concerning all of us.

Sugata Bose @Subrata Sengupta : True, not so much in real life where archaic ideologies hold, rendering humanity a mere extension of the propagated faith. This cinematic statement also has a simplistic element in it. It trivialises the issue that has been rocking mankind for millenia and, so, sidesteps it into letting it fester further.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : You are incorrigible. Read Vivekananda. I gave you the link to his Complete Works. If you read, you will understand the difference between Hinduism and Hindu Samaj (society being a rough translation of the term in English). Caste is not a religious/spiritual institution. It is a social institution. It has nothing to do with Hinduism whose principles are enshrined in the Upanishads. So, when I talk of spiritualising the world with Hinduism, I mean doing so spiritually (which is obvious, is it not?) and not imposing Hindu social restrictions of yore. You have to keep on repeating the same old line of thought in you mind and articulate accordingly when the record has already moved much along its track. I hope you follow.

Sugata Bose@Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : You have an admirable sense of humour. I hope there are some like me who appreciate it as well. Now don't take me amiss. I said it in good humour too.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Are you really sorry about it? Then ought you to turn spiritual for a change? Just a change of mood, say.

Sugata Bose @Ayan Bhattacharya : Oh, I am so happy, that you found the fun in it ! Are you not the one who passed that IT cell comment the other day and took to your heels when boldly countered? And it seems you are not at all proud of your Hindu heritage, your antecedents despite sporting that brahmanical surname of yours? As far as begging is concerned which I read in your reprehensible response to my post, well, that is the beggar's description of my attitude and aspiration, for one ever describes others by one's own mode of thinking. I hope you have got it. If not, let me know and I will elaborate and elucidate it to your potent satisfaction.

Sugata Bose @Sipra Banerji : Of course, I have, and doubtlessly so for sceptics to that effect. And it is for you as well to delve into it direct instead of asking me to make quick work of it for you, for as they say, 'Went to make the image of God and managed only a monkey.'
P.S. The question was quite an ordinary economical one, purchasable in the basement of any market and need not be deemed a million dollar one by hyper price appreciation in vainglorious linguistic self-estimation.

Sugata Bose @Amit Malpani : 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' are a more modern statement and interpretation of the Sanatan Dharma than Bhagavad Geeta which, though, is central to the Hindu scriptures by universal acceptance. Our problems being modern, I feel that the modern sage's thoughts in all his comprehensive sweep on today's ills and evils are more pertinent to us. Hence.

Sugata Bose @DrAjey Shinde : Let the debate rage.

Sugata Bose @Habibur Rahaman : That is what I had intended to impress in my messaged question? And you have rightly got it. This 'pride' element is a western introduction to our lexicon. However, if you look at the word 'pride' from the perspective of glory, then it ought to make some material sense of something that is pre-eminently spiritual.

Sugata Bose @Sipra Banerji : I am beginning to realise that you have read Swamiji and acquired the right attitude. As far as the 'monkey' question is concerned, perhaps you are not aware of the old adage to which Swamiji used to refer, 'Shib gorte giye ki sheshey bandor gorbo?' This latter quip of his was in reference to he being asked to write a biography of his Guru, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, a task which he thought he was eminently incapable of doing. The same thing I had said by way of response to your request to which you responded in your misapprehension of the import of my remark and my intent thereof by closing chapter on conversation.

Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : Yes, we can but the word 'divine' may have other theological connotations. Hence, the word 'spiritual' is safer to use to bring home the point to my reckoning.

Sugata Bose @Somnath Acharya : To quicken public thinking along diverse lines and, so, enhance the intellectual culture of the day which is sadly plummeting.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Fruitful politics you have in Kerala, you say. What? Seasonal fruit? Red in colour?

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : I asked you to answer for a change. It seems you and I are on the same boat of positing problems and asking questions. The question arises then - who will answer the same? Shall others emulate us as you seemingly emulate me?

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : What is your take on the innumerable Islamic republics spread across the world? Would you consider the bright option of proselytising proletariat power there and pulling down theocracy like your great Che Guevara did across the wide world? Or is your international communist duty limited to only sizing up India? Has the Comintern of yore turned nationalistic these days by circumstantial pressures?

Sugata Bose @Ritam Maitra : Giving birth to a new generation of noble souls, hundreds of thousands of them, who will alter the state of things. Children of light they shall be, some of them born with absolute knowledge, seeds pregnant in the very womb of the mothers, ladies of light, who will carry them. They are coming, Swamiji said, and we are but one or two generations away from them in distance and in time.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambapattuvalappil : Study Swamiji. How many times must I send you the link? Indolence seems to have affected Indian communists too, international in intent though they are.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambapattuvalappil : At last we are sipping the same cold drink. [In response to the 'thumbs up' sign.]

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambapattuvalappil : Banana -- again 'fruit'ful politics?

Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : The note above speaks of Opposition leaders, the Press and the bureaucracy of yesteryears. Moreover, being so dismissive of the Opposition which can dismiss the present dispensation from power one fine morn is not wise either. The adversary must never be underestimated. That has spelt the downfall of many a regime historically.

Sugata Bose @Self : This is exactly what young men you must avoid. This soft and sensitive music rendered in a delicate style will make effeminates of you. A robust rendition is necessary such as this gentleman here is failing miserably to do but which you must bring about in every movement of life. The hour calls for heroism, not hypersensitive sentimentality nor weeping in separation from beloved. The philosophical content of the songs of Tagore must be absorbed and the songs rendered in a manly style so that no weakness accrues to the rendition and manhood shines in every phrase and note sung. The present rendition of the singer is a horrendous representation of where we have been reduced to as a race and what we ought to aspire for in contrast. So, onward, my lads. Be up and doing what is virile, virtuous, strong and sublime without a trace of effeminacy in it.

Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : But the party to which you belong seems to believe that Hindutvavaad is the way to integrating the motherland. Have you issues with them and, if so, are you raising them by way of voicing dissent with their ways?

Sugata Bose @Kumar Uttam : But West Bengal is going the Bangladesh way at any rate in terms of appeasement of Muslim clerics which in effect has resulted in the persecution of Hindus on both sides of the border, there in the minority and here in the majority with minimum rights of protection of interests.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambapattuvalappil : Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Tojo -- all are gone. So?

Sugata Bose @Dhyan Maneesha : Who says that Totapuri does not find a mention in the Mission? His name adorns the pages of 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' and 'Sri Ramakrishna and His Divine Play', the two authentic original works on Sri Ramakrishna by M and Swami Saradananda.

Sugata Bose @Ritam Maitra : That's because people are misled by their weakened instincts in times of trouble and get themselves into trusting charlatans who make money out of their misfortune. Would it were that men knew that they are the architects of their fate !

Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : Not quite so in my experience. Just the reverse of this I see everywhere. I mean this is all that has come to my notice within my own known world of acquaintances where the Hindu man is allowing his children to be reared as Muslims, the Hindu man is allowing his children to be reared as Christians and the Hindu woman is allowing her child to be reared as Christian. None of these people have converted themselves in marriage, though, but the Hindu spiritual culture is being obliterated systematically in many of these cases, and unfortunately so, especially in the lives of their next generation who are even being indoctrinated into believing that Hinduism is false and inferior to Islam. The question that arises in my mind is this : why don't the Muslims and the Christians stop their prospective spouses from converting to Islam or Christianity instead of allowing them and, perhaps, doing so gleefully, to their cultural obliteration? Why at all the reverse trend is not so apparent in the case of mixed marriages?

Sugata Bose @Indradeep Bhadra : Yes, indeed, we as a race are the best illustrations of this wonderfully misinterpreted principle !

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : To that effect ISKCON has done some good, in fact a lot of it, but it is woefully short on ideals and acceptance of the different sects of the Sanatan Dharma as have evolved over millenia. It is dogmatic just like Christianity and Islam and, hence, is not truly representative of the Sanatan Dharma in its wonderful catholicity. However, by translating the Bhagavad Geeta into all the major languages of the world and helping disseminate Krishna's message thus, it has done the Sanatan Dharma a world of good and for this we must be thankful to it. Tens of thousands of people have been converted, mainly from Christianity to Vaishnavism, or Hinduism in a rather peculiar and uncharacteristic sectarian sense, and this has set in a global movement for the propagation of Hindu spiritual thought, albeit in a somewhat exclusive and arbitrary way quite akin to the Semitic religions barring their barbarism. This may be a good beginning but more work along better and truer lines needs to be done to firmly establish Hindu thought amidst the consciousness of greater humanity.

Sugata Bose @Suman : Who is that valorous one? And how much have you sacrificed for the motherland as yet? He suffered the rigours of the Cellular Jail for long long years and almost a lifetime of restricted physical movement thereafter in Ratnagiri. If you thus bring in extraneous issues here, then let it also be posited that Tagore did not have to endure the rigours of such terrible and inhuman incarceration. So, let sanity prevail and stop maligning out of turn our national greats even if you may have differences of approach and opinions with them regarding the well-being of our motherland and her prospective civilisation.

Sugata Bose @Sanjay Choudhry : The problem is not that but the reverse current of conversion from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity which is reducing our numbers relatively and in such sections obliterating our spiritual culture. You might be interested to read what Swamiji thought about the conversion issue as will be evident in the following discussion he had with someone :

(Prabuddha Bharata, April, 1899)

Having been directed by the Editor, writes our representative, to interview Swami Vivekananda on the question of converts to Hinduism, I found an opportunity one evening on the roof of a Ganga houseboat. It was after nightfall, and we had stopped at the embankment of the Ramakrishna Math, and there the Swami came down to speak with me. Time and place were alike delightful. Overhead the stars, and around — the rolling Ganga; and on one side stood the dimly lighted building, with its background of palms and lofty shade-trees.

"I want to see you, Swami", I began, "on this matter of receiving back into Hinduism those who have been perverted from it. Is it your opinion that they should be received?"

"Certainly," said the Swami, "they can and ought to be taken."

He sat gravely for a moment, thinking, and then resumed.

"Besides," he said, "We shall otherwise decrease in numbers. When the Mohammedans first came, we are said — I think on the authority of Ferishta, the oldest Mohammedan historian — to have been six hundred millions of Hindus. Now we are about two hundred millions. And then every man going out of the Hindu pale is not only a man less, but an enemy the more.

"Again, the vast majority of Hindu perverts to Islam and Christianity are perverts by the sword, or the descendants of these. It would be obviously unfair to subject these to disabilities of any kind. As to the case of born aliens, did you say? Why, born aliens have been converted in the past by crowds, and the process is still going on.

"In my own opinion, this statement not only applies to aboriginal tribes, to outlying nations, and to almost all our conquerors before the Mohammedan conquest, but also in the Purânas. I hold that they have been aliens thus adopted.

"Ceremonies of expiation are no doubt suitable in the case of willing converts, returning to their Mother-Church, as it were; but on those who were alienated by conquest — as in Kashmir and Nepal — or on strangers wishing to join us, no penance should be imposed."

"But of what caste would these people be, Swamiji?" I ventured to ask. "They must have some, or they can never be assimilated into the great body of Hindus. Where shall we look for their rightful place?"

"Returning converts", said the Swami quietly, "will gain their own castes, of course. And new people will make theirs. You will remember," he added, "that this has already been done in the case of Vaishnavism. Converts from different castes and aliens were all able to combine under that flag and form a caste by themselves — and a very respectable one too. From Râmânuja down to Chaitanya of Bengal, all great Vaishnava Teachers have done the same."

"And where should these new people expect to marry?" I asked.

"Amongst themselves, as they do now", said the Swami quietly.

"Then as to names," I enquired, "I suppose aliens and perverts who have adopted non-Hindu names should be named newly. Would you give them caste-names, or what?"

"Certainly," said the Swami, thoughtfully, "there is a great deal in a name!" and on this question he would say no more.

But my next enquiry drew blood. "Would you leave these new-comers, Swamiji, to choose their own form of religious belief out of many-visaged Hinduism, or would you chalk out a religion for them?"

"Can you ask that?" he said. "They will choose for themselves. For unless a man chooses for himself, the very spirit of Hinduism is destroyed. The essence of our Faith consists simply in this freedom of the Ishta."

I thought the utterance a weighty one, for the man before me has spent more years than any one else living I fancy, in studying the common bases of Hinduism in a scientific and sympathetic spirit — and the freedom of the Ishta is obviously a principle big enough to accommodate the world.

But the talk passed to other matters, and then with a cordial good night this great teacher of religion lifted his lantern and went back into the monastery, while I by the pathless paths of the Ganga, in and out amongst her crafts of many sizes, made the best of my way back to my Calcutta home.

Sugata Bose @Sanjay Choudhry : What are you talking about? Who ever converts unless force, induction, circumstantial compulsion and paraphernalia are there to bring it about? Compare the two religions and their doctrines and you will see how narrow my view is in truth. You need to study in depth the scriptures of the two religions to arrive at a comprehensive understanding as to why Muslim population increases in India and why the same of that of Hindus drastically decreases in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Read Vivekananda from cover to cover thoroughly and you will perhaps include him as well among those you consider as having narrow minded views.

Sugata Bose @Sanjay Choudhry : And Swamiji was terribly opposed to enforced conversion which Islam has done for a thousand years in India and Christianity for five centuries, beginning with the Portuguese. Read Vivekananda more thoroughly before articulating with such definitiveness as to what Swamiji has said and what he has not said, what his precepts were and his views on practical debilitation of the Hindus at the hands of the invading Mohammedan hordes were. Study him like I have done for decades and come to a better appreciation of him in all his catholicity and his scathing criticisms of both caste oppression and the Islamic oppression that slowed down the progress of India's spiritual civilisation for a full millenium.

Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : The Vaishnavs do not proselytise by force the way Islam has done throughout its history. Why do you always hide the facts? Can there be any worthwhile comparison in this regard? However, to answer your question, I personally am opposed terribly to the ideologically or theologically intolerant, albeit non-violent, ways of Vaishnavism as in ISKCON and in other like branches, and in that of the Arya Samaj as well. Conversion is a political concept which Christianity and Islam have perfected in practice to the detriment of world civilisation which, if it had been in a state of evolution high enough to appreciate Hinduism, would have been immensely more evolved spiritually by now. Whole national civilisations have been destroyed by Islam the world over and nations reduced to ruins before they were forcibly remodelled along Islamic lines. Call you this a right element to compare benign Vaishnavism with, a faith where there is no force on the voluntary converts whatsoever, despite my misgivings, nonetheless, as to the very proselytising principle, peaceful or warlike, whatever it may be? Conversion is a crime unto humanity and a day will come, even if in the remote future, when proselytising cults and their historical heresies on humanity will be looked down upon with derision.

Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : And why does the Islamic God punish for conversion from Islam to another religion while allowing the same from any other religion to Islam? Is that divine fair play?

Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : No it is not. Hinduism does not kill the convert to another religion from its fold which Islam by theological injunction does wherever the Shariat in truth applies. Review the apostasy laws in the Shariat please.

Sugata Bose @Amit Saha : I do not have any doubt regarding the same as you seemingly think.

Sugata Bose @Akashdeep Sarkar : Superb textual quotations to illustrate the point. Quod Erat Demonstrandum [Q.E.D.].

Sugata Bose @Indrani Dey : Wonderful. It is a new way of looking at an old thing and therein lies its beauty. Indeed, pristine principles must be rescued from hackneyed usage and their underlying import comprehended in altered terms suited to the times and implemented in real life in accordance.

Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Das : Brilliant. You are really a marvel and I literally learn so much from you. This is exactly the purpose of mine in positing pertinent questions, albeit sometimes in quizzical terms.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : But whatever you may think of them, these intellectuals are men of academic credentials which we must nonetheless aspire for while maintaining our allegiance to national culture and heritage. These worthies are not to be pooh-poohed on account of their intellectual variance with the more accepted culture of our country with regard to the sacred texts but are to be met on even intellectual grounds before the verdict on them and their academic assertions -- albeit apparently biased sometimes -- may be passed. For us commoners it is best to absorb what is best in the brightest minds of the day and compare notes then with what our great men of antiquity have originally spoken in these texts and what great modern thinkers like Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Bankimchandra and Rabindranath Tagore have thought on the same. Only then shall we thrive as a free thinking people of academic attributes and attainments and not wallow in the whirlpool of intellectual indulgence which is the hallmark of the ignoramus. So, let us learn from every source about our culture while preserving for ourselves the shraddha (reverential attitude tending to perfection) for the same which no caustic reference from any quarter can erode.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : Don't. Bring it about. Let others wait. Thou, O chid of light, break off the fetters and help others to do the same, for in the attainment of such freedom lies India's future integration ! But it must be spiritual freedom with material wants removed as well. An empty belly is no good for religion, the Master used to say. And herein comes the socialist call and its communist cousin's clamour. Beware of such totalitarian ideology but be cognisant of its humanitarian element.

Sugata Bose @Prithwiraj Sarkar : Acceptance in essence is that. By the way, religious pluralism to be, it need not go so far as religious acceptance does and may stop short at just allowing coexistence without accepting the grand truth that all paths are ways to the same Universal Truth which is at the foundation of phenomenal reality and is the transcendental Absolute Reality as such. In such a scenario religious pluralism becomes mere passive allowance of coexistence without having in it the substance of a genuine sense of oneness with each other which is at the heart of harmony.

Sugata Bose @Prithwiraj Sarkar : Acceptance need not be involvement in the sense you imply, for life is short and to attain realisation following a single path with dedication while bidding Godspeed to all others may take several lifetimes, thus not affording sufficient time or occasion for the aspirant to pursue all else. Mere superficial involvement in the religious practices of all religions obtaining in society is of not much use to the serious aspirant and becomes only the social being of casual interest in spiritual matters. In so far as inter-religious societal experience is concerned such as participating in each other's festivals, though, it has much value for it fosters social cohesion, though at the superficial level again. Hence, altering doctrinaire absolutist modes and accepting the truth of all religions is what goes deepest into engendering the best environment for social, communal and spiritual harmony in the real sense as is the objective of the Sanatan Dharma.

Sugata Bose @Prithwiraj Sarkar : Read the scripture of Islam and you will find what its ideals are. Its history of global tyranny and persecution at the point of the sword by doctrinaire injunction will tell us real tales of love and religious tolerance, pluralism and acceptance et al. And the doctrine with its death grip holds still. It will take much enlightenment and honest effort as opposed to pretentious ones for these archaic superstitions holding humanity to go for good. Mere wishful thinking, poetic fancies and articulate assumptions do not alter things but often bloody revolutions do as was seen during the Christian Reformation that cost millions of lives. Hopefully, in modern times changes will be more non-violent but with nationalism playing its perfidious part the world over yet, this seems as yet unlikely. However, who knows? Humanity may eventually prevail over inhuman religious doctrines masquerading as the word of God omniscient. And, indeed, what a divine pronouncement ! To imagine that things will radically change for the better at the present state of barbarous evolution is sweet delusion, to my reckoning, but, of course, you may delightfully or disdainfully differ with me.

Sugata Bose @Jacob Michael M G : Read Swami Vivekananda's 'Jnana Yoga'. This 'I' is neither the body nor the mind but is the infinite Spirit itself which we call God. This is the real 'I' or the real man as opposed to the apparent 'I' or the apparent man which latter case you erroneously suppose the 'I' here to mean, although, it is quite clear in the post what it all means.

Sugata Bose @Ganesh Dey : But why are you sad to begin with? Oh, I have understood -- so that you may evolve to bliss, 'ananda' via consciousness, 'chit'. Just a little humour on account of the word 'sad' which you have used instead of 'sat'. Take it in spirit. Do not take offence. And keep commenting. But jokes apart, you are dead right. There again, you see, I have unwittingly cracked one more, in using the term 'dead' but, as the scriptures say, the Sachchidananda is truly dead to the material world of ours. 'Where the children of the Lord sleep, there the children of the world are awake and where the children of the world sleep, there the children of the Lord are awake.' [Geeta in altered linguistic terms]

Sugata Bose @Jacob Michael M G : Not an expert who can opine. But read through and found it worthy of consideration. The point remains as to who will implement the process for one has first to build up the teachers for the purpose. So, perhaps, stage-wise this proposal may over the years be implemented. A beginning, for sure, may be made. Overall, a good proposal and one which the Government will have to one day with additions, alterations and amendments as they deem suitable, will have to implement, for that is the destiny of the civilisation of this land.

Sugata Bose @Swami Nikhileswarananda : Also Swami Nirmalanandaji (Tulsi Maharaj) had blessed Swami Ranganathananda and had asked him to read thoroughly the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda 100 times which he (Sw. N) said would empower him (Sw. R) to hold his own against the tallest scholars of the world. This is a narrative I have heard from a venerable monk of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Yes, a Bengali student who changes his identity as calls himself as per convenience a Keralite student to crack it on comrades in both the states. The class laughs in Kerala but in Bengal you have to come and find out. Here it is rolls all the way, rolls of laughter, peals of laughter that will light up your stay.

Sugata Bose @Uttam Mukherjee : Tell the 7 million Ukranians that who were starved to death by Stalin and his communism. Mao got through his fabulously regressive farmer and industrial policies 30 million Chinese wiped out of the planet. Applied Marxism has thus far failed, brother. Why not try this new variant of enlightened living by loving Ramakrishna and practising his harmonic principles in life? After all, serving humanity as God is better than killing millions in the name of progressive proletariat revolution which reduces the masses to veritable automatons in abject servitude to a tyrant at the top and his cronies carrying out his commandments to the horror of humanity.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Yes, a Bengali student who changes his identity as calls himself as per convenience a Keralite student to crack it on comrades in both the states. The class laughs in Kerala but in Bengal you have to come and find out. Here it is rolls all the way, rolls of laughter, peals of laughter that will light up your stay.

Sugata Bose @Partha Pratim Adhikary : Sadly, I was not much aware about him and his life in my adolescence despite my mother's earnest efforts to make me so since early childhood through a book on Swamiji which she had bought me. But I was averse to reading and being born in a Brahmo family (Sadharan Brahmo Samaj, to be specific) and being educated in a Catholic missionary school (Don Bosco School), I was not exposed otherwise in any way to him and his great Guru. Their influence came in early youth when I was 22 and since then I have been in their grip completely which has transformed my life and continues to do so even today.

Sugata Bose @Praba Karan : You mean astrologically deciphered tendencies and possibilities thereof or a predestination that is inviolable and inescapable.

Sugata Bose @Attachment is the seed of all misery. The detached remain blissful. This body is the source and substance of all attachment and all misery. Spirituality is the rising above the physical consciousness to begin with. Its endpoint is in singular super-consciousness whose outflow is detached divine love.

Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : But left movement, may not be Marxist, will only intensify over the years as population spirals out of control, intensifying poverty and precipitating anarchy, a situation in which leftist ideology flourishes best with its dished out hopes of 'a pie in the sky when you die', a Semitic religious reference which leftists are much prone to criticising while doing the same thing themselves when they exhort generations to sacrifice and suffer for the golden age of prosperity and well being to ensue for future generations, the Marxist concept of communist utopia in its remotest reality realm.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : That is the most difficult of realisations as it comes only after the realisation of Brahman. This state of seeing the Divine in all is the 'Vijnan' state and is realised only by the rarest of souls, the 'Jeevanmukta' (the Living Free) or the 'Ishwarkoti' (belonging to the Divine breed, if one may be allowed the usage).

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : As if revolution will provide these, and that, too, communist revolution. You, sister, are humorous, indeed.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Who killed Gandhi? Oh, you mean the body ! Gandhi's personality and thought survive his physical death and continue to inspire men everywhere. But, I agree, Gandhian thinking, like every other ideology, communism included, must be selectively absorbed for its continued relevance and affirmative effect. As for your concern about Gandhi so much, I wonder how communists these days have turned so compassionate from their erstwhile days of mass murder of millions, desecration of national culture and brutal repression of dissent in their homelands of Russia and China, leaving aside their cousins in Cambodia, East Europe and elsewhere.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : You mean, suicide?

Sugata Bose @Partha Pratim Adhikary : Recognised, not realised. Gandhi recognised the pre-eminence of spiritual evolution over material revolution along with Vivekananda and Aurobindo. Realisation of spiritual heights is a different matter altogether. Yes, I believe Gandhi was spiritual to a pronounced degree and there is ample evidence for such an assertion of mine as you will find it copiously strewn in literature on him, despite his aberrations in relation to his experiments in continence (brahmacharya) and his undoubtedly shrewd manipulation of political strings to oust Subhas Chandra Bose from political power. But the man, overall, shines lustrous in his spirituality which is the only credible way to explain his incredible hold on the masses in India without any use of violent force.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : No, post turiya in the relative plane on return to phenomenal reality.

Sugata Bose @Partha Pratim Adhikary : Have I compared them (Gandhi and Bose in spiritual terms) in this post in any manner that you should so be sorry about by way of expressing uncalled for difference which, perhaps, does not exist? And have you not quite apprehended the intent of the message in the post proper?

Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : But is not the banning of the triple talaq a move in the right direction?

Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Das : The question is to you. I posit questions to generate public debate and discussion, so very intrinsic to the right functioning of a democracy.

Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Das : The question is to you. I posit questions to generate public debate and discussion, so very intrinsic to the right functioning of a democracy. Here, on my profile wall, I try and make room for all to voice their diverse opinions so long as they, more or less, remain self-restrained in verbalisation and do not unduly cross limits of civility. My perspectives, standpoints and references are to be deciphered from my diverse posts tending to a varied view of life in all its spectral dispersions. Fundamentally, I am a Vedantist with a catholic view of life that aims at preserving culture and fostering evolution through education, material and spiritual, both. As such I am not ideologically bound to any narrow view of life and take in the widest and deepest sweep of the Sanatan Dharma as my anchoring ground of comprehension, conviction and contemplation.

So far as Shree Narendra Modi is concerned, I believe that he would be better served by relying on a team of renowned experts in economics rather than pretenders to the job. Otherwise, a failing economy may prove too toxic for the suffering electorate for them to be wooed into voting for his party a third or a fourth time as his proposed programmes for the reconstruction of India might require.

As regards Triple Talaq and Article 370, I consider them welcome moves, especially the latter one, and deem it to be integral to India's territorial and political integration. The manner of execution will always call for criticism but the job has to be done by someone nonetheless. That it was Narendra Modi who did it will paint him in history as the hero or the villain, depending on who rules India in the future to write her history and also how he eventually fares out. I, for one, consider the latter move as epic for, in the years to come in a fast-changing world, this integration would become increasingly difficult. Now that it has been done, we must thank our stars that India's territorial integrity has been taken well care for.

Narendra Modi's sympathetic relation with the armed forces also has fostered confidence in them to better wage their battles with the adversaries across the border. This is also something that I consider as being in the right direction, the executive's instilling confidence in the defence forces.

There is, of course, this trait in Mr. Modi of self-reliance to a fault which is responsible for many of his misadventures which has cost the country a great deal and these surely will not redeem him as a great Prime Minister once the dust has settled on the pages of history. Anyhow, he must learn to be more communicative with the people beyond conducting monologues over the radio, must periodically face the national and the international Press to keep his credibility right in public perception and to make his moves comprehensible, must govern through council conference rather than arbitrary self-assertion, and the like. These, if done from now on -- the chances are remote, though, for old habits die hard-- will project him as a great Prime Minister. Otherwise, history will be harsh in its judgement on his reign and he will remain as one of those Muhammad bin Tughluqs with grand ideas but with poor execution.

Much more may be written but will you have the patience to read through it all? Hence, I desist here.

Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Das : No, no, you are as illuminating as ever in whatever you write and I avidly read and enjoy your ripostes.

Sugata Bose @Habibur Rahaman : So, you support the Triple Talaq? Brother, but why did you unfriend me for raising the right questions? Anyhow, that is your prerogative entirely. But you are a good friend, nonetheless, despite you not finding space enough to accommodate me as your Fb friend as of now, for who knows about the morrow?

Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : But this was inevitable with their ideology based on Hindutvavaad, was it not? BJP's prime proponent, Subramanian Swamy, openly advocates the consolidation of the electorate's Hindu votes for the BJP to stay in power. He, for one, makes no secret of it, although, the others, for political expediency, do maintain their stance in a somewhat more circumspect way.

Sugata Bose @Habibur Rahaman : But you arbitrarily said that I did not know much about the Triple Talaq, which is true, for I do not know much except that it is a highly archaic, patriarchal system that has outlived its utility and ought to be forthwith done away with in every Islamic society which is why Narendra Modi deserves kudos from everyone. But my meagre knowledge about the Triple Talaq -- for what is there to much know about it after all? -- does not disqualify me from putting up a pertinent post to which you, apparently, have your considered reservations, and you can legitimately have them as well. Hence, you see.

Sugata Bose @DrAjey B. Shinde : Correct, but for that the clerics must be kept away from dominating the lives of ordinary Muslims, and for this to happen, the politicians must not play perfidious vote-bank politics over their religious issues in a manner that further entrenches these mullahs and maulvis into the lives of the ordinary Muslim citizens. Education must replace indoctrination. Unfortunately, there is an international conspiracy going on that is geared to radicalising the Muslims and seeds of this are beginning to sprout their noxious
saplings in young minds which is contra-disposed to all this enlightening effort by benevolent elements which wish to raise the consciousness of the conditioned Muslims to the true state of illumined citizenry. But, be the forces as they may be arrayed, the force of historical evolution will make its way through and usher in the Muslims of this country soon to the realm of rationalistic living, free of traditional doctrinaire pitfalls.

Sugata Bose @Swami Sampurnananda Puri : The truth and nothing but the truth. So succinctly articulated, hitting the bull's eye right away. At last someone says it, what I have always felt and what is so explicit in the 'Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda'.

Sugata Bose @Sutanu Chatterjee : Right you are. A great work awaits which will have to be rightfully done for all without qualification, for all are the embodiments of the Most High, divinities in their own right, the manifestation of the Mother, the expressions of the Supreme Self. God bless you, Sutanu !

Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : But these days some of Netaji's so-called post-disappearance devotees are propagating the theory that Netaji as Mahakaal had changed radically in his views towards the Hindu-Muslim question and had become a Hindutvavaadi largely, albeit in his own way that
might not conform to that of some others. What do you say to that? By the way, my take on this is that I do not subscribe to this post-disappearance theory at all.

Sugata Bose @Ramachandra Guha's article on the RSS : Good literature, robustly written by historian of eminence and obvious ideological slant. Posting any such does not necessarily imply endorsement of the same.

Sugata Bose @Sujoy Mukherjee : 'Minimum' or 'at least' is implicit and need not be explicitly stated as such. Not stating it so keeps the message succinct and simple that will go straight to the heart.

Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : It is and early in the morning, predawn to be precise, breaks one's sleep, especially those of old people who barely manage to sleep a bit with effort and pills.

Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : The question here is that of identification with the culture, heritage and spirit of India which, to my mind, the all-inclusive Hindus do much more than their sectarian counterparts from across and beyond the religious spectrum. Where ideology is born in alien lands, this predicament necessarily will be there and the only way to get past it is to evolve either to global consciousness or to a universal liberalism which places humanity and its inherent divine potentialities over and above all sectarian or narrow ideological considerations. It is a tall order and one that is removed from the world of today by millenia, so thought Swami Vivekananda. As of now, that is in the current state of socio-political evolution, these shifting allegiances of ideology and theology, nationalism and segmented internationalism will keep on creating frictions and often lead to violent resolutions till humanity has over millenia evolved to refinement of conception enough for it to metamorphose into a higher order of terrestrial consciousness where harmony will at last prevail regarding these issues. Problems will then change gears and affect humanity in higher dimensions of thought and spirit and the evolution and consequent resolution will carry on.

Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : Have you read the whole article or are you making comments based on presuppositions? And what sort of refinement of culture on your part, brother, is this to call a fellow human being an animal? Does this abysmal comment about my person befit you, you who are divinity incarnate, going by the Upanishads and my own reflections and realisations? I am neither a patron of the RSS-BJP nor am I patronised by them. These are your wild imaginings. However, to put matters into perspective, learn to enter into civilised debate rather than casting aspersions on others who you find intellectually or even politically adversarial, and restrain yourself from indulging in invective thus.

Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : So, Sourav, you thought it expedient to edit your disgraceful comment where you had asked me to reflect whether I was a man or an animal, right? Why did you not let everybody see what you think of me? Did you have compunctions of conscience or were you plain apprehensive of the verbal volleys that would be coming your way soon from people who know me better? That is cowardice, my son, but discretion nonetheless. Henceforth, be more circumspect in putting up comments against human beings who you in your wisdom deem to be animals. Hope the lesson has been drawn this dawn. God bless you, my child, and concentrate on studies rather than indulging in invective on people who are much much older than your venerable father.

Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : So, Sourav, even in your edited comment where you have absolved me from animal status earlier afforded me by you, you have, nonetheless, continued to cast your rather despicable aspersions on those who patronise the RSS-BJP combine, calling them animals, right? Why were you so merciful on me, my son, after initially labelling me as animal, too? Oh, I see you have edited your comment to call me an animal now in a clever twist of tongue ! My son, you are intelligent but you are abusing this precious gift of God. As the saying goes, "Your intelligence is as sharp as that of the edge of the grass 'kusha', but use it for worthwhile welfare projects in life." So, must you use your intelligence. Cultivate devotion for Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda and do not waste your youthful energy chasing wild geese.

Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : See, Sourav, I have also edited your name out of my post after you did the same mercy on me with a mischievous twist to it, though.

Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : In which category have you, after editing your comment about me, placed me after all? Have I been now promoted, my dear overseer, from the rank of the subhuman to humanity itself?

Sugata Bose @Partha Pratim Adhikary : You and I have to evolve more before we may comprehend the apparently incomprehensible. So, let us give in to the Puducherry programme. What do you say?

Sugata Bose @Partha Pratim Adhikary : You and I have to evolve more before we may comprehend the apparently incomprehensible. So, let us give in to the Puducherry programme. What do you say? P.S. If you do not understand, then, perhaps, you ought to stand over it, over-stand, that is. A heightened vision might help.

Sugata Bose @Partha Pratim Adhikary : Happy Swamiji to you ! Happy Swamiji to you ! Happy Swamiji to dear Partha ! Happy Swamiji to you !

Sugata Bose @Joydeep Das : Not quite. The population of West Bengal and Bangladesh added and the demographic distribution thereof will give you the clue to my obvious sanity. Forget not, Bangadeshis are Bengalis, too, and, by their self-assertion, even more so from the point of linguistic adherence and affiliation. So far as the strength of the Bengali race is concerned in relation to this vast conversion to Islam, well, that is the sarcastic part which your eminence may have missed the import of. However, the residual sanity will remain so long as that remnant of the Bengali race that is yet Hindu does not wholesale become irreverent atheists or fresh converts to Islam. When that is gone too, Bengal will die its natural death for, to all intents and purposes, her current irreverence is leading her to that end, barring the bare resistance of some virile ones like us who are up in arms (metaphorically speaking) against such a catastrpophic consequence.

Sugata Bose @Joydeep Das : Let me give you the near-exact statistics. Approximately, 66.14 % of the Bengalis are Muslims. As per 2021 census, 87.22% are Muslims in a total of 170.3 million in Bangladesh, and 25 million out of 92 million in West Bengal (at a low estimate, for the census in WB is of 2011). Well, 66.14% = 66.14/100 = 2/3 approximately. So, you see where my sanity or insanity lies, my dear brother. One more thing. Guess, but let it be an educated guess at that. Otherwise, guesswork is a bad affair.

Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : They are carrying out what Vajpayeeji had laid out before the then Lok Sabha as the agenda of the BJP to be fulfilled when the people's absolute mandate would back them. And today it is being done in accordance. As regards his successors, Vajpayees are rare-born politicians and patriots, and it is difficult to fit into their shoes, but then, every generation throws up its own individuals for carrying out specific jobs which in this case is the lot of the ones who you intensely dislike, perhaps, even hate, which is unfortunate, though.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : But this sycophancy which I am mentioning here is becoming endemic in the Indian political scene. Perhaps, they have learnt it from the Marxists of Stalinist-Maoist-Xi Jinping legacy.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Shakkeela, you are mischievously humorous, and numerous are your jokes but all carefully selected and presented to perfection with a pre-set anti-Hindutva agenda. I wish there were some comrades in your party who could understand your little understood genius. Try hard. Perhaps, you may succeed in driving home in their material heads some spiritual sense. As regards the demotion of temples is concerned, have the destruction of masses of them for 1300 years by Islamic invaders and rulers not been enough? Are Pakistan and Bangladesh not fulfilling your current dreams still? Do you want to demolish a few more? Surely, that you will do if ever the communists come to power in India, which, though, is a midsummer night's dream and will never materialise. I say 'materialise' because you are a communist and, so, by persuasion, a materialist. Else, I would have used some alternative word. And, for the sake of records, have you determined on a temple demotion course in advance? If so, which which?

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : They must go there, do it and find out first hand. Communists always want first-hand evidence. That is why I am asking them to actually try it out in their favoured dreamland. Insulting Xi will cost them dear, oh dear ! But they prefer to insult Prime Minister Modi instead in their 'land of settlement' where things are as yet not fully settled for them, because democracy allows them room for mischief here which their totalitarian regime in China does not.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Yes, as humorous as the posts on the intended break-up of India by pseudo-patriots like who? Learn to revere great souls like Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee who your stalwarts in the Communist Party of India like Prof. Hiren Mukerjee respected. However, how will you know about such things? I do understand your predicament born out of little knowledge about both the history and heritage of India and that of your own political party and its principal personalities as well. Keep reading me and you will see the light some day, I am sure, for even you, despite your doubt and disbelief, are delightfully divine. That day of sudden revelation you will discover what a great man Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee was. Till that day, however, you will have to suffer the pangs of this terrible atheistic ignorance and hatred of the Hindus consequent on your Godlessness.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : You have no understanding of either Hinduism or Swamiji. Study both first for the next two decades before making silly comments like this one which even has lost its characteristic humour which I much appreciate. Since you are innocent of Vivekananda literature, let me inform you that Swamiji is on record saying that by 2063 people will go mad to get a hair of his, such will be the adoration of his being and personality. Also, Swamiji had said, "I am proud to be a Hindu." Of course, you are right when you said that he had transcended sectarian bounds and embraced the whole culture and civilisation of India including that of its Islamic inheritance. But you stopped short at his having embraced the whole of India and erred, perhaps, in limiting him to that. Swamiji transcended all barriers to embrace the whole of humanity, sentient creatures and life itself. He even transcended the material universe in its gross and subtle dimensions to become one with the spiritual essence of existence itself.

Sugata Bose @সুমন : You should be ashamed to write so irreverently about such a great man as Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee. However, what more may be expected of decadent Bengal?

Sugata Bose @সুমন : People like you who hate great Hindus like Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee are themselves to blame for this decadence, not the ones who are rising up in resistance to save the honour and culture of our grand Hindu civilisation.

Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : That is my stated objective, and here have I stated it. But Bengalis are mostly a deluded race today. It will take an Islamic shake for them to wake up and sink to their doom.

Sugata Bose @সুমন : They are great as well. So are Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, Chaitanya and Ramprasad, and many others. But Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee is a great Hindu, one who rose up in defence of Hindu interests for which Hindus like you ought to be grateful. Unfortunately, ingratitude runs in the coward and this is very much evident in many a case of Hinduphobia these days. Perhaps, it is characteristic of the average Bengali of little learning and less culture today.

Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : Conversion to Islam till there are Bengali Hindus no more. Alarming prospects, but the alarm bell simply does not ring in Bengal so vacuous is the spiritual atmosphere here. Bengal is mired in materialism, rank atheism and gross liberal pretence.

Sugata Bose @Poonam Mis : They (communists) suffer from easy amnesia. That is a communist contagion. So, stay clear of them lest they infect you with this vile selective memory.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : Especially, Bengali Hindus have this habit of playing one leader against the other to the detriment of Hindus overall. This is symptomatic of decadence in a race. Do not forget that it was the Bengali Muslims who brought about the partition of the motherland and they pride themselves today in their separate homeland in the form of Bangladesh. Both West and East Pakistan were born in Hindu blood and history will avenge this violation of the integrated spirit of the motherland. Bangladesh in her liberation struggle has already paid a heavy price but her debt to history is far from having been paid fully. She will one day capitulate and re-join India on Indian conditions and fully get integrated into the ancient culture of the Hindus. And so must Pakistan to complete the territorial and cultural integration of the ancient motherland. The Sanatan Dharma will triumph throughout the motherland. India will not remain three but will become one with the ancient dharma as its guiding light.

Sugata Bose @Subhas Roy : One does not need to teach these things as such. Patriotism grows from nobility of birth and bearing, sublimity of sense, innate and intrinsic, which do not depend on education external but spring forth natural like the hot spring from subterranean layers of the moistened earth. I wholeheartedly agree with what you have said, though, and have merely supplemented it with this addenda by way of reminding you what Swamiji had said, "Man is born either divine or demoniac." We need to give birth to better souls. That alone can improve the quality of response in students even to education imparted. Otherwise, all effort will go in vain despite the best of external attempts made, for, if the raw material be not there, what good will machinery do to give the manufacture a fine finish?

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Learnt a new term 'social engineer' from you. Thank you, my teacher.

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : There, there again you show exceptional acumen and are able to sift the grain from the chaff.

Sugata Bose @Arindam Dutta : It seems you do not know that gods do not come down. Men rise to become gods. Seems you need a good grounding in Vivekananda literature. It is man all the way from the amoeba to the Buddha. This psychophysiological evolution culminating in the perception of the oneness of existence absolute is the end of all terrestrial movement and is the essence of the Sanatan Dharma in its applied mode. God in Hinduism is not a baby's dream as the materialist of little spiritual conception may be characterised as but is the subject of mature reflection which is the adult's domain. It is philosophy at its pristine best pouring forth from the fountainhead of the Sindhu, Saraswati and the Ganga, and brooded on in the forests and the hills of yore. No wonder the land of India, the 'himavatusetuparyantam' (between the Himalayas and the sea) is called Punyabhumi, the Holy Land.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : Close enough on all sides with prayer calls from all around. Literally surrounded am I by places of worship (mosques).

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : I am praying in many bodies and I am not praying in so many others, and I am here on Facebook in a body as well. Is that not what the Vedanta teaches?

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : Silence signifies affirmation ['Maunam sammati lakshanam'].

Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : True, it was so in West Bengal. They followed soft Marxist principles modified to evolving democratic conditions and never did project personality over principle. But in the Soviet Union? Uncle Jo? I mean, Joseph Stalin, in case you did not get it. Vladimir Lenin? Chairman Mao in China? Everywhere there has been this personality cult so very opposed to the Marxist principles of dictatorship of the proletariat where the leader is acknowledged as 'the midwife of revolution' but is not allowed the royal privilege of projection of the personality cult.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Nath : I think it was not the agenda of Congress ever to effect Partition but it capitulated to pressure under the prevailing communally surcharged circumstance. Partition was certainly not the doing of the Congress in intent or in practice but in the execution of the process of the 'Transfer of Power' they had to do the dirty work of being the conjoined signatory to it. Of course, you may say that they could have carried on the process of agitation for an undivided independence, but they did not because they did not want a bloodbath any further than what it already was. That the bloodbath mounted much more post Partition is what they could not, perhaps, envisage or, even if they did, they could not have avoided, and history took its toll tax at the over-bridge of liberation.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : You mean honest journalism goes with a begging bowl to keep it going? Why so? It will find support in the millions of honest citizens who seek facts and are fed up with the fiction fed. And if it does not, does it therefore justify the propagation of lies or half-truths in the name of commerce? Is that journalism?

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : They ought to have the strength of character to be able to do it, and there are some channels that, despite alleged persecution, are sticking to their guns and trying to do honest journalism.

Sugata Bose @

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