1. The days of fanatical religions are over. Society the world over will soon turn scientific enough to spell their doom. But the backlash from the fanatical elements will come, for transformation of mass consciousness is ever an incongruous affair.
2. Buddhism converted two-thirds of the Hindus by introducing image worship en masse. Islam rejects image worship and massively failed in this respect. Hence, Hindus are safe against mass conversion in India as the image of God will prevent them from religious perversion.
3. Why do Hindus convert to Islam to marry? For a change why don't Muslims convert to Hinduism and marry?
4. Interfaith marriages are welcome for they are bound in love. Pray, tell us why you convert Hindu girls and boys to Islam to bring about this union of hearts and souls? And why bring up the off-springs from such consummation as Muslims?
5. I ask this simple question. When a Hindu and a Muslim decide to marry, which of the two thrusts the condition of conversion?
6. Upon each Hindu lies the defence of the dharma and he should begin it by practising it rather than idle hatemongering tantamount to nothing substantial. Mere verbalising love for the motherland and its culture does not do much good but doing something by way of one's life-building does oneself and the nation a world of good.
7. The contributions of Guru Tegh Bahadur and Guru Gobind Singh towards the preservation of the Hindus and their dharma must ever be remembered with utmost veneration.
8. Selfishness is at the root of most of our aspirations which is why we so miserably fail in achieving anything worthwhile in life. Root out selfishness and work for the motherland out of pure love for her.
9. Let spirituality not be a mere aspiration for gaining happiness and bliss for oneself but let it be an instrument for bringing about social change, justice, equality and good living conditions for all. After all these countless afflicted masses are the living embodiments of God. They are the one reality a spiritual person will never be able to take his attention away from for they represent his Chosen Ideal in flesh and form.
10. Dedication to the motherland must be absolute and total. Let this alone be our religious ideal for the moment as we build our nation. Vivekananda is our general and we are but his foot-soldiers.
11. Love is the great integrating force but it has to be a love that seeks not anything for oneself but dedicates itself to the well-being of the world whose no mean segment is this, our motherland. Upon the survival of India rests the salvation of the world.
12. The plight of the poor passes all theological considerations and needs an immediate redress. These are the living goddesses and gods we must serve, the very poorest of them to begin with. Come on, for once be truly spiritual.
13. If you want to be truly spiritual, give up all ideas of the body which is where religion and its retrograde rituals and dogmas belong.
14. Fire up your language. Be masculine in expression. Avoid debilitating poetic references from Tagore that do both yourself and the poet injustice by way of contextual incongruity. Be original. Have faith in yourself. You can do it without such weakening references.
15. All this dualistic interpretation of non-dualism is quite a curious affair. Scripture and literature, all quite mixed up in an Indian delicacy called the 'khichri' ! The coalition of confusion runs quite well in an altered expression of mass awareness.
16. Self-confidence will come with increased knowledge. So, learn. Study the scriptures along with the secular subjects. Let the spark of knowledge ignite the personality unto altered awareness where independence is spontaneous and dependence on others rendered increasingly redundant.
17. The RSS must organise the teaching of Sanskrit by opening schools and colleges specifically for this purpose. Only then can our ancient spiritual culture come alive in our mass consciousness in all its grandeur and sublimity.
18. Sanskrit must be made easily accessible to all. Let the Ramakrishna Mission approach the Government of India in this regard and, seeking their financial assistance, take the lead in fulfilling this dream of Swamiji.
19. Every Muslim that I know of knows Arabic. Why does every Hindu not correspondingly know a modicum of Sanskrit? We must introspect and act to redress this imbalance.
20. Languages are good to know and they raise the literary culture of the land. Why must then our curriculum not lay greater emphasis on learning the indigenous languages which will go a long way to integrating our motherland better?
21. When Muslims will have shed their dogmatism in the light of progressive thinking and Hindus their divisive way of looking at their own people, a great nation will emerge from the shadows of the past to fulfil India's grand destiny.
22. A fractured federation, a polarised polity, a perpetually wrangling people cannot make a great nation. Enlightened leaders by the hundreds and thousands will as yet have to rise to take this country from medieval mind-set unto the age of reason and light. Then and then alone will India recover her heritage in all its inclusive scope and context.
23. I live for the defence of the dharma and so must you if Hinduism is to survive proselytising inroads by Islam and Christianity. Resist conversion.
24. There are liberals (Indian and Hindu by origin) sitting in London who call the Bhagavad Geeta a casteist scripture. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof ! And, ironically, these exalted ones adorn the seats of the House of Lords and we facilitate their views because we, Hindus, are open to discussion and dialogue. I only hope that these renegades keep on getting this bit of space to air their perfidious views on the Sanatan Dharma even as they coax and cajole their British masters to offer them the knighthood for rendering such anti-India services. Incidentally, this particular gentleman is a Padma Bhushan which was awarded him by the UPA Government in 2008. An end note. The concerned person is an atheist academic in economics. And he characteristically thrusts his views on the great Indian scripture through his atheistic lens. Thank you. Now watch the video to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of his scriptural stance in this regard and of the pertinent rejoinder he gets from an articulate member of the audience.
25. I am happy to note that I now find people voicing variant views on my profile posts which are meant to trigger public thinking on the pertinent propositions of the day. I thank you all for it and hope to see your continuing and ever-increasing participation in the said programme.
26. Be proud to call yourself a Hindu and never be apologetic about it even if so-called seculars and liberals try to damn you with the epithet that you are a Sanghi (meaning an RSS/BJP sympathiser). So what, what they call you? Be true to your heritage, that of the Rishis, ancient and modern, and emerge a Rishi yourself.
27. If you can call the Congressman Congi, the Communist Commie, the secular sicku and the Marxist Maku, then it naturally follows that they have a right to dub you, if you are an RSS sympathiser, a Sanghi. Revel that they do so in case you are one. In case you are not, then just muse over the Shakespearian quote, 'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.'
28. Lock your profile and you will get a lot of followers, for it will trigger interest in your most uninteresting self. Secrecy works, you see.
29. Good news. Some young people of my acquaintance have been inspired by Swamiji and have taken to reading his works and allied works from the Online Reading Room of Belur Math. Sharmistha Chatterjee, thanks !
30. Do not speak in the singsong, effeminate manner of the modern American where the end part of a statement reaches the higher notes in an amusing musical manner which is nauseating nonetheless. Rather absorb his virile and heroic spirit by all means.
31. Never say religious tolerance. That is quite an offensive thing to say. To tolerate means to just about bear someone's existence who you fundamentally dislike otherwise. No, say, religious acceptance. That says it all. Here is spelt out proper spiritual fraternity. This was Swamiji's opening Chicago message.
32. How do you stop a virus from going in society, a virus that eats into its very vitals and eventually destroys it?
33. Do not believe in the fraud of astrology when it claims to alter your fate through prescription of costly gemstones. All this is fraudulent business practice designed carefully to fool you into surrendering your hard-earned money into the purses of these perfidious professionals.
34. Do not follow fake Gurus. Seek spiritual guidance from reputed organisations like the Ramakrishna Mission or the Bharat Sevashram Sangha.
35. Where is Krishna?
36. There is a higher law, the law of karma, very sophisticated, attaching and detaching souls as per deserving, never missing the mark. This is the dispenser of justice, the merciful, the righteous hand of God.
Be one with Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission and empower yourself spiritually. You will feel a great deal of spiritual health, and physical health as well in consequence, for the Spirit, the mind and the body are in continuum.
Be one with Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission and empower yourself spiritually. You will feel a great deal of spiritual health, and physical health as well in consequence, for the Spirit, the mind and the body are in continuum.
Belur Math, the seat of world spiritual culture right now. A riverside view of it. But within the material Math lies a spiritual one, invisible to the naked eye but visible to the spiritual eye that has been denuded of all material dross.
Belur Math, the seat of world spiritual culture right now. A riverside view of it. But within the material Math lies a spiritual one, invisible to the naked eye but visible to the spiritual eye that has been denuded of all material dross.
The beauty of our gods and goddesses is that the infinite and the finite have beautifully merged in their forms. They are specific even as they are limitless.
The beauty of our gods and goddesses is that the infinite and the finite have beautifully merged in their forms. They are specific even as they are limitless.
40. The chastity of a race is the index of its spiritual greatness.
41. A lyrical alliteration is the linguistic song of the soul.
42. "Him I call a mahatma whose heart bleeds for the poor. Otherwise, he is a duratma." Thus thundered Swami Vivekananda once. So, what are we?
43. Study more, my children. Perfect your knowledge. Otherwise, yours will be lives wasted, of no use to the motherland. Remember, study itself is austerity.
44. Unselfishness is spirituality. It does not lie in scriptural knowledge but it sure enough lies in the expansion of the heart.
45. When delusion strikes, intelligence is warped. And Maya weaves her web in the woof that follows in its wake. Wound you are in her entrancing womb whence She wishes you out into disintegrating waves. Now will your way through this wondrous wheel till you wear off the apparel of wishful dreams and freeze for once to flee this flow.
46. I am the creator of my God but who am I?
47. I am one with the God I worship. In essence I worship myself.
So, the Hinduism much politicised and propagated is sadly a one-sided dualism of sorts with no comprehension of the Absolute behind. Wish to see Hinduism understood in more comprehensive terms. Then all these verbal tirades and concomitant activities will be over and the clear stream of reasoned strength emerge in all its protective and preservative power to secure the civilisation issuing forth from the fountainhead of the Sanatan Dharma.
So, the Hinduism much politicised and propagated is sadly a one-sided dualism of sorts with no comprehension of the Absolute behind. Wish to see Hinduism understood in more comprehensive terms. Then all these verbal tirades and concomitant activities will be over and the clear stream of reasoned strength emerge in all its protective and preservative power to secure the civilisation issuing forth from the fountainhead of the Sanatan Dharma.
Culture in the hands of the ignorant wielding power is bound to flounder and no amount of material propagation lacking in intellectual insight and spiritual light will lead to its resurrection from its current degeneracy. Therefore, a spiritual illumination is the urgent necessity of the hour and who better to provide it than the monks of the Ramakrishna Mission. So, I request the Government of India to actively support the Ramakrishna Mission propagate the ancient spiritual culture of this land rendered in modern terms by the divine duo Ramakrishna-Vivekananda.
Culture in the hands of the ignorant wielding power is bound to flounder and no amount of material propagation lacking in intellectual insight and spiritual light will lead to its resurrection from its current degeneracy. Therefore, a spiritual illumination is the urgent necessity of the hour and who better to provide it than the monks of the Ramakrishna Mission. So, I request the Government of India to actively support the Ramakrishna Mission propagate the ancient spiritual culture of this land rendered in modern terms by the divine duo Ramakrishna-Vivekananda.
50. The wide dissemination of education at the grass roots' level needs to be complemented with sufficient refinement of higher education in our universities which have become battle grounds for the capture of political power.
51. Lata Mangeshkar, Rabindranath Tagore and Sunil Gavaskar were my inspiration in my blossoming adolescence.
52. Love is the panacea for all the evils of the world but, alas, how few know how to love any !
53. Love ought to free but it binds everywhere. Is that love then?
54. Teacher : What is the definition of revolution?
55. Bhuteshanandaji used to say that what they (the Ramakrishna Mission monks in general) wanted was evolution and not revolution.
56. Revolution, barbaric and gruesome, will take India to the dark ages if it is atheistic and communist in content. Spiritual evolution is the call of the hour and this has been already recognised by the leading lights of our land, foremost among them being Vivekananda, Aurobindo and Gandhi.
57. Thank God Gandhiji was there to prevent the communist takeover of our country. They simply could not match up to his titanic personality and his absolute hold on the masses which saved India from the possible communist corruption. But West Bengal yielded to this dubious doctrine, nonetheless.
58. Vivekananda is awaking in mass consciousness gradually. Amidst a modicum of misrepresentation of his message, he is coming alive, nonetheless, among the youth in increasing numbers. This trend will continue and in the coming two generations Vivekananda will emerge in right regal state the spiritual Guru of our motherland.
60. Simplicity comes as the resolution of all the feverish complexities of life. Then God-realisation follows.
61. All contradictions resolve in God.
62. Diversity is the law of life, but when it comes to communists, they paint all capitalists as worthy of revolutionary extermination, forgetting blissfully the diversity which they so eloquently preach these days.
63. Attachment is the seed of all misery. The detached remain blissful. This body is the source and substance of all attachment and all misery. Spirituality is the rising above the physical consciousness to begin with. Its endpoint is in singular super-consciousness whose outflow is detached divine love.
64. Before formulating opinion about Swamiji's letter and intent in his life and works, do take the pains to dedicate yourself to the study of Swamiji for at least two decades.
65. Spirituality is the removal of this manifold cosmic delusion and the realisation of the underlying oneness of existence.
66. Hindus must cultivate self-reverence [atmashraddha]. Otherwise, they will lose the respect of the world. Hindus must be critical of their attitudes but not irreverent to their scriptures, sages and divine incarnations as is so often seen among modern men of a little learning.
67. The power of a prophet is in the purity he preserves. Where it is absolute, he secures the lasting allegiance of humanity to him.
68. The spiritual process is the displacement of tamas (inertia) with rajas (activity), and rajas with sattva (tranquil illumination) till, eventually, the gunas (attributes/material adherences) are transcended. Such clarity of spiritual conception only Hinduism provides humanity. Therefore, the preservation of Hinduism is of such vital moment for the world.
69. Constantly affirm your Godhead and you will realise that you are God. You are the Maker every moment of all this delusion that makes you believe you are this miniscule creature called man. So, give up this false affirmation and affirm your real Self.
70. Work for Sri Ramakrishna. Do not turn into an atheist. God exists. Work for Thakur. You will realise Him.
71. The depth of realisation, intensity of concentration and sincerity of intent a speaker has will determine the effect he will have on his audience when he delivers a spiritual discourse.
72. A common thing with all spiritual speakers which I do not like is that they give material examples of the infatuating world to illustrate spiritual principles which are beyond it. Such contamination in thought is counter-productive, to my mind. It were better to directly tell the spiritual truth. Those in the audience who cannot absorb the message thus are not ready for the spiritual light as yet. They may wait in the anterior chamber to listen to some lower level of material discourse interspersed with spiritual thought. Hence, there are so many levels of the dissemination of thought all of which may surely not be deemed spiritual.
73. The world drops off and the Real is revealed. The shadow disappears and the conscious existence broods on itself. Alone through eternity without hope of replication. And, lo, multiplicity manifests ! The shadowy universe is back again but no more dark and fractured but integrated in the divine light.
74. A simple question I have. Where are we headed 'amidst the conflict and the chaos of the times', to quote Swami Vivekananda without mentioning his long-term prognosis of Case India?
75. A strong opposition is needed in India today to make democracy vibrant. Otherwise, past indiscretions will repeat to maul India's hopes of a recovery to real roots.
76. Family business must give way to credible politics that can keep India on the path to prosperity and progress.
77. Which of the great leaders of men from Rammohan to Rabindranath would have welcomed the current political dispensation and its policies? Do not forget Vivekananda and Aurobindo, Gandhi and Bose, Lal-Pal-Pal, Nehru, Patel and Ambedkar as well. Your views please. This post will give some valuable feedback from the public. Feel free to express your thoughts.
78. The kings have gone from this country, yet, the dynasty continues.
79. Communists keep on speaking against authoritarianism. But is communism also not authoritarian an ideology in principle and in practice?
80. We say we love kids. Then why do we sacrifice them to please God?
81. Animal sacrifice to please the Goddess was not allowed at Belur Math by Sri Sarada Devi. When will the rest of the world follow suit?
82. What glory is there in sacrificing an animal to please God? It befits the coward to do so. Sacrifice lust, greed and anger instead at the altar of the Divine.
83. Tribal practices in religion are best given up in this modern age. It does not befit the modern man to have this medieval hangover still.
84. Why destroy statues to obliterate idolatry? They are works of art, sculpted music frozen in rocks. (idea, courtesy, Goethe)
85. Is Narendra Modi not a great Prime Minister who has brought in great equality for Muslim women by getting the Triple Talaq outlawed and who has integrated India by making Article 370 inoperative?
86. Let not religion take precedence over the education of children. If they flounder later, no God will save them.
87. The accumulated wickedness of the world cannot be wished away. Millions must sacrifice their lives to bring about this transformation unto the golden age when men will at last be men and not animals as right now they are.
88. Stop persecuting your own ones while they are there with you. Soon they will be gone from the ambit of your life and you will live to rue alone.
89. Do not destroy the enthusiasm, the initiative, the inspiration for constructive work in your own ones through unwarranted tyranny by way of exercising familial right.
90. Through the mist of the times a fair age is coming when men shall awake to their rightful divinity and reclaim their lost heritage in a heaven heralded but never realised en masse in its true intent.
91. Vivekananda stands head and shoulders above the politics of the day and of the days to come, and yet his message, undergoing multifarious interpretation and often direct understanding and use, continues to make him so robustly relevant to the epic events of the day. Study Vivekananda to be able to apply his principles in practice the right way. That, indeed, will be service to the world and that, indeed, shall be Practical Vedanta.
92. The sattva element must be emphasised more and more for us to counteract the ill effects of tamas. The spiritual way is the way that leads to the manifestation of this sattva. If it does not, it is not spiritual. Now check on your spiritual credentials.
93. The problem today is to find a real inspirational spiritual speaker whose shining character infuses in his audience the yearning for the higher truths of life as Swami Vivekananda in his lectures and discourses could do. A well-cushioned life in comfort is today coming in the way of these speakers lacking the spiritual fire from inspiring any in truth.
94. I invite all Hindus, who pride in their heritage and actively support the rise of Hinduism in the world, to chant with devotion the holy name of their Chosen Deity (Ishta Devi/Devata) 108 times twice a day.
95. Hinduism is invincible. It will rise and spread throughout the world till the world knows that it is essentially anchored in its teachings. Even Islam and Christianity will have to seek philosophical validity in the principles of Hinduism. Otherwise, science will spell their eventual doom.
96. If you love Hinduism, do something to spread its teachings instead of seeking self-prominence. In self-effacement lies spirituality.
97. We must keep our temples clean, spotlessly clean, if we are devoted to our deities.
98. There I am being called to prayer again over the blaring microphone. It just never ends, night and day and dawn, blaring on.
99. Let good come or ill, fear not. Stick to God in love and never in fear. He is you yourself at your deepest. Ought you to fear yourself?
100. Do not fear God. God has no power over you other than what you in your self-hypnosis lend Him. Conquer this fear and be free.
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