10. General Yahiya Khan (Pakistan - Islamist) ... 1 point
N.B. Communists have topped the list with an aggregate score of 21 points and fascists have followed a close second at 20 points. Imperialists at 11 points have placed third and Islamists have placed last at 3 points. No Indian in the list.
30. The Constitution of India is a brilliant treatise that needs no tampering with but needs to be applied and followed in right earnest.
31. Over-centralisation of power is dangerous for a democracy. Political pretence need not be construed as political good intent. Citizens must always be watchful. Else, democracy will be destroyed. Stop pandering to the personality cult both at the Centre and in the State.
32. If we proceed along the line of dharma in our individual lives, we will not only strengthen ourselves but in cumulative effect strengthen the nation as well.
33. Do not ever believe if politicians change their voice and manner of speech to convenience, sometimes roguishly rough, sometimes sweet and cuddly. Beware ! The voice, modulated in tonal terms to impress, reveals the opposite intent of the politician. Beware !
34. Those who criticise the Hindus for casteism would never truly wish that Hindus rid themselves of it for it would unite the Hindus against these Hindu-haters and destroy their evil political designs forged out of Hindu disunity.
35. God has not made anything. He has become everything.
36. It is necessary to activate the Hindu religion in robust social terms and not be meek in its observance merely for pseudo personal liberation. A fiery character born out of brahmacharya is needed and not masses of cowardly devotees who quake in fear when the adversary attacks.
37. The potential of the country will go much to waste if foolish leaders neglect talent to pursue political perfidies.
38. Intelligence is there in some but not divine intelligence. It is devilish intelligence, designed to destroy the nation.
39. Unless large numbers of robust, spiritually sound people are developed in this country, the intellectual rogues will destroy it. We need millions of patriots to resist these break-India forces.
40. Sri Ramakrishna once told nephew Hriday, "I do a thing first and then speak of it but you just do the reverse. You first advertise your intention and then fail to act upon it." A pointer to our leaders from the master spirit of the age.
41. Unless the intellectual culture of our politicians improves and our intellectuals develop spirituality along with their gifts of the mind so that they stand up for patriotic values, our country will decline in every sphere. Talent, alas, is not given its due in an undue centralisation of power everywhere !
42. Intellectually and spiritually equip yourselves to save the nation from a cultural downfall. Else, dark days are ahead. Merely being heartless intellectuals with alien allegiance will not do. Patriotism is needed as well.
43. Look at the diversity of my posts and then call me names. Shame on those who indulge in such name-calling and cast aspersions on me ! My posts eminently reveal that I care only for the nation and not for any political ideology or party as such as you all do. Therefore, desist from indulging in foolish appellations in regard to me.
44. The more I am opposed in spreading Hinduism by Hinduphobe Bengali atheist intellectuals of sorts, the more will I spread it with redoubled vigour. The chariot of Hinduism will march on triumphantly.
45. Trying to create division among the Hindus by constantly referring to caste divisions is an old political ploy of anti-Hindu affiliates which we can all clearly see and can even expose such perpetrators.
46. Caste is a social institution which has nothing to do with the Sanatan Dharma and has outlived its utility as a mechanism of work efficiency based on division of labour. The Constitution must be adhered to and it makes no such caste distinctions.
47. Love is the undercurrent of life.
48. Those Hindus who are anti-Hindu by communist or other atheistic affiliation and cast aspersions on the Hindus by way of denunciation of caste all the time are hereby being cast into a new caste, the ASPERSION CASTE.
49. I appeal to all to preserve the sanctity of my profile wall and desist from abusive epithets. Even if apparent adversaries, we must respect all. These are all our countrymen, my friends. Love all.
50. The sign of an enlightened polity is where we can engage in fruitful social discourse without taking recourse to invective that hurts the fundamental self-esteem of an individual who, in our case, the Constitution has defined as a citizen of the Republic of India. My countrymen, love one another.
51. I am a patriotic Indian, nationalistic within bounds, humanistic by all means, and spiritually enlivened enough to love all.
52. Let us not divide ourselves into factions that cannot combine, for that will be detrimental to the cause of cooperative social operation that the national community stands for.
53. Repeatedly I say that I address contentious national issues from as many perspectives as I can, to trigger citizens' thinking, without compromising on essentials which I deem vital to national interest.
54. Vedanta is the science of the soul.
55. How is it that our hearts so easily dry up on our countrymen instead of warming up to them? Has ideology got the better of simple human feelings of sympathy and of love?
56. This is the colour of the carpet (deep green) that adorns our Parliament which is why I so often make it the background for my short posts. May my profile wall provide such a grand ground for enlightened civic discourse with the footballs (part of the design) symbolic of the participating parties with diverse viewpoints !
57. One man of character who can stand up to the Prime Minister or the Chief Minister and make them see sanity in policy-making is worth more than an army of sycophants inspiring insane ideas.
58. Blatant lying has become the core characteristic of our politicians. And, yet, our civilisation has been founded on the principle of Satyam (Truth). Shame that the average citizen does not spine enough to point this out to politicians consistently ! And how will they do it when they themselves do not practice truth in their lives?
59. Good habits are hard to cultivate but, if cultivated, they are hard to get rid of. The human mind is susceptible to the repetitive act. So has it been said that practice makes a man perfect. But the practice, to begin with, must be elevating, purifying and ennobling.
60. The break-India forces are having to contend with Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and they are finding it impossible to overcome the divine duo. The general awareness of Hindu culture that has thus been set in is proving to be a terrible stumbling block in the path of these perfidious forces that aim at India's destruction.
61. So many Hindus pompously, and should I say, shamelessly say that they enjoy eating beef. I wonder how many Muslims would say so of their forays, if ever, into forbidden food. And why should they? They are not as shamefully negligent of what their religious obligations are, neither so brazen in their dereliction of scripturally imposed duty.
62. The seer sees but is not seen.
63. God is the mute witness of everything but does not interfere with proceedings till when things go so out of order that He has to descend in common clay to correct the course of human evolution. That is the principle of the Avatar, arguable but there nonetheless.
64. The khayal touches the soul only when the soul has been put into the rendition, and that comes through prolonged sadhana of the musical genius and not any ordinary aspirant to musical excellence.
65. Swami Vivekananda has to be accepted, nay embraced, by the Muslims of India as well as their iconic figure. Only then can they prevent his personality from being appropriated by the radical right-wing of the political spectrum in India. Swami Vivekananda has to be accepted, nay embraced, by the Muslims of India as well as their iconic figure. Only then can they prevent his personality from being appropriated by the radical right-wing of the political spectrum in India. May the Muslims see sense in Swamiji's teachings and in his universal message !
66. Cosmetic changes will not make for solutions to deep-seated problems. Radical reforms are necessary which will address problems at their very roots. This is what Swamiji called root and branch reform.
67. Sri Ramakrishna stands at the junction of all the religions of the world. He is the harmony of all of them, his personality the synthetic message to mankind that will usher in peace and goodwill among warring communities of men. But it has to begin with India.
68. Before studying 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' thoroughly and comprehending its content in a life lived in accordance, it is impossible to know India well enough to be able to start commenting with authority on what is good and what is bad for her people and their rightful advancement.
69. The human brain is variably wired as to allow for a wide divergence of approach to things phenomenal which is why there are so many systems of thought and faith, so many contrasting views on life. And all these make up the fabric of life. They must be respected and given their due places.
70. I cannot emphasise more than what I already have been doing about the absolute necessity of spreading the message of Swami Vivekananda in real earnest and not in comfortable selective mode to humour the requirements of pretentious citizens and devious devotees with cowardly characteristics.
71. Just four days to go and Swamiji calls on us once more to enliven the masses with his volcanic messages. The youth of India, unto you belongs this day and unto you is being handed the legacy of the 'Prophet Patriot' to carry forward his charge.
72. Swamiji wanted to awaken 'shraddha' among his countrymen so that they would rise in response to the challenges of the times and not only free their nation from bondage to the British but raise their fallen fellowmen to greatness and glory. His clarion call to the youth of India reverberates even today in the corridors of this blessed land.
73. None but Swamiji was so unequivocal in India's defence. All others were in some degrees apologetic about India's fallen state but not Swamiji. His Rishi's eyes could see through the apparent degradation to the hidden glory lying embedded in the innermost recesses of the national life.
74. Just four days to go for the National Youth Day which is Swamiji's birthday. Young people, gear up !
75. The country is dead and the youth are sleeping. It is time to wake up. Do not wait for another Vivekananda to come and stir you up 'into life and action'.
76. Swami Vivekananda was the first General President of the Ramakrishna Mission Association that was founded on 1 May, 1897 at Balaram Bose's house in Baghbazar.
77. What is the point in the Government at all levels celebrating Swami Vivekananda's birthday when it has decided that charlatans preaching arrant nonsense couched in delectable words are good enough to dish out spirituality to the nation against the price of the princely purse?
78. There is a need for the educated to stand up to these fake Gurus and expose them. A modern society cannot be built on the quicksand basis of superstition and arrant nonsense masquerading as spiritual knowledge. The young and the intelligent should take the lead in this regard from this National Youth Day, 12 January, 2021.
79. If you want to be spiritual, first love man and then love God. The reverse process, prematurely attempted, will simply lead to a heartless attitude in life, quite opposed to genuine spirituality. Remember, Swamiji said, "We, Indians, are essentially Man-worshippers."
80. Want to be spiritual? Then shun the charlatans and follow the realised souls like Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. In them you have a comprehensive guide to spiritual living, applicable to the modern age. Then shall you affirm your inherent freedom and, in a moment of supreme illumination, be free.
81. The cooperative way of living is the only way of effective existence and where it lacks, civilisation sinks.
82. There comes a time when a man becomes too weary to receive even love, too tired, too loaded in the nerves to receive anything more than mere survival.
83. As my boat sinks, one thought keeps reverberating in the corridors of my ocean-mind, 'water is Brahman'.
84. There are divisive forces in society and there are integrating forces. The tussle for supremacy is on. Which one will win? Supremacy in any human society itself is pernicious, though. But in reality the forces keep fighting for it despite pious pretentions to the contrary. This is the bitter historical truth.
85. As I listen to this fake Guru with the gift of the gab on YouTube to understand my country's present cultural predicament better, I feel so repelled by his degenerate and despicable utterances, cloaked though they be in a clever choice of words and reasoned rubbish without a pittance of realised truth in them. My India, arise and 'shake off this sterile curse' (quote, courtesy, Shakespeare) !
87. Ceaseless activity is bad for health unless it be conducted in a detached manner with no trace of egotism sullying discourse which in turn maintains the balance of forces.
88. The life of action is so often opposed to that of contemplation. Hence, the present problems in the political world where action proceeds from foolish conceptions.
89. One maintains a kingdom of lies, the other a veritable empire. These politicians have in truth been the Hegelian antithesis to their great predecessors in retrograde order to the utter violation of the Indian credo ‘Satyameva Jayate’.
90. Our country is on the rise because the youth are coming alive to the cause of nationalism. The next two generations will transform this motherland of ours from its present state in perpetual strife and betrayal to a renascent state in enlightenment and truth.
91. So long as religious people keep slaughtering animals in a horrendous way to please their God as per scriptural injunction, sacrificing them, so to say, there can be no peace for humanity, for barbarism is opposed to peace.
92. An innocent animal, clamped and slaughtered to please God, and then consumed ! What spiritual merit can be in that?
93. Religion ought to teach men peacefulness and respect for life. How on earth can it then scripturally sanction the slaughter of innocent animals which are God's creation as well and, that too, in such a brutal, bloody manner ?
94. What sort of a God mandates the sacrifice of His animal children to please Him ? It is time to reject such tribal interpretations of the Divine.
95. When you tie up an innocent animal, hands and feet, and then proceed to slaughter it to your divine delight, you must remember that the Law of Karma in Divine retribution will visit upon you for sure rather than the spiritual merit you in error seek thus.
96. Stop animal sacrifice to please God. Replace it with something more human, the sacrifice of your vices instead.
97. Stop fearing God. Start loving Man.
98. Asians, I feel, are less cruel than their European brethren, and here I include the European settlers in the USA as well. Am I correct in my assessment ?
99. Social evolution is on. People everywhere are learning to be good householders, committed citizens, morally sound individuals through all this conflicting affirmation of their faiths and ideologies. The Vedanta way in conception and consciousness looms large as the eventual outcome of these fighting forces.
100. Christianity says that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God but Islam accepts Jesus only as a prophet who is the human son of Mary and no more. They deny Christ's divine sonship and even his rising from the dead after crucifixion which they deny as well.