Sunday 3 February 2019



Fundamentalism has to be defeated lock, stock and barrel. Superficial critiquing of fanatical faiths will not do. Boldness of approach is necessary. Read the texts that have these core beliefs as revealed principles and come to your own conclusions thereof.

Such superficial statements that all religions preach peace equally and that all are equally culpable to the same offence of having violence as their credo will not do for it is simply not true. Monotheistic religions have done in the past and are doing now irreparable harm to humankind through the literal application of malefic passages in their texts and it is time we own up to the fact that it is so and stop blaming the Indian dharma traditions for being equally violent and crude which is simply not the case.

Read these scriptures and come to your own understanding, then find a way how to integrate human society along broad lines of sympathy and fellow-feeling founded on the admission of truth and not on its denial to somehow remain politically correct and above the scrutiny of those that label one with being an insufferable 'phobe' of sorts.

Knowledge will give power. The terrorists have the knowledge of their sacred texts. You who wish to redress the issue of global terror, are you equally aware of what these texts teach? If not, then educate yourself. Your ignorance is weakening human defence against these ravagers of civilisation and empowering them to carry out their desecration in broad daylight with impunity. Awake ! Take up your rightful stance in awareness and fight for human freedom and self-dignity above prophetic injunctions or scriptural revelations.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Tarishi Jain, an Indian girl brutally murdered by Islamic terrorists at the Dhaka cafe. Faraz Ayaaz Hossain, her Bangladeshi Muslim friend, laid down his life along with Tarishi after refusing to leave the cafe when offered the opportunity to do so on account of his being a practising Muslim.

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