Friday 1 February 2019



Pakistan is doomed if it continues to persecute Hindus and Christians. Islam cannot be the sole religion in any modern country if it has to remain modern and not revert to medieval barbarism. The universal principles preached by seminal saints like Ramakrishna and Vivekananda can show the way ahead in these dark days of Islamic violence in Pakistan. Remember Ramakrishna had practised Sufi Islam and attained to illumination even through that spiritual path which is highly coloured by the Vedanta of the Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism). This fact has to be recognised by the youth in Pakistan who are enlightened through education in liberal thinking. And it is very much up to the Indian Information and Broadcasting Ministry to cater to the propagation of this liberal philosophical line of the Vedanta so that it reaches the minds of millions of Pakistanis in these days of easy communication through the internet and so that it may in turn bring about better days in this nation torn by Islamic fanaticism and terror. My great hope is in the sanity of the Pakistani liberal youth and I am sure that they will gain in strength from day to day to eventually muster a critical mass that will change the political discourse in their benighted country and update it to modern standards of civilised living.

Written by Sugata Bose

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