Friday 1 February 2019



It is impossible for this nation to rise to its full potential till Netaji, Rash Behari Bose, Bagha Jatin, Masterda Surjya Sen and countless other revolutionaries who bled and died for freedom are duly honoured. A nation steeped in lies and deceit, a people sunk in ignorance and forgetfulness cannot hope to flourish till its debt to the martyrs is paid.

Ingratitude becomes the attire of the lowly and that has been the fate of us, Indians. How then may we hope for a better day than what we thus far have been blessed with when our own ingratitude has sown the seeds of our own downfall beginning with the Partition and ever since continuing with the presence of perfidious Pakistan? And we cannot only conveniently blame the corrupt Congress politicians for this dastardly state of things and absolve ourselves of our own callousness in bringing it about for we have done nothing to personally pursue as much knowledge as is already available in the public domain, busy as we are with the trivialities of life.

It is, therefore, meet that we engage in greater self-exertion in becoming literate in the available history of the freedom struggle first before we clamour for greater knowledge, for facts suppressed, data diverted and destroyed. Right now our greatest enemy is our own indolence, our self-imposed ignorance, our fanciful frivolous living that is at the root of this terrible self-delusion as a citizenry. Let us amend our own stance first, rectify our attitude towards the glorious revolutionaries who won us freedom before we lay stake to a greater inheritance in knowledge of national history.

The greatest suppression has not been done by Nehru and his Congressmen --- who for their deliberate denial of data to the nation need no forgiveness, by the way --- but by us with our self-centred petty existence as miserable pleasure-bound wretches. Let us do something about it first and then shout hoarse before the Parliament and the Secretariat. It will then carry weight, for no undeserving people ever get their clamoured-for-dues but duly receive only their dole deserved.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Bagha Jatin (Jatindranath Mukherjee)

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