Sugata Bose : No religion will be able to displace the glorious Sanatan Dharma which is the mother of all these infantile faiths born yesterday.
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : You are so good on your religious posts but life is a bigger one. Try to take on other topics as well.
Sugata Bose : I write on varied subjects and request you to read them.
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : I don't have seen anything except religion. Try to write on sex or ghost as well. Thanks for replying.
Sugata Bose : Partha Sarathi Sarkar, you are abusing the sanctity of my profile wall and, hence, shall be blocked from it for good.
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : 😊 take a control on your anger first.
Sugata Bose : I have blocked you duly as I had promised I would by way of preventing your further inglorious comments reeking of a lowly body culture. This I have done not out of anger but have done so out of the urgency to preserve the aesthetic content of my profile wall that was so defiled by an aforesaid comment by you. Henceforth you will have to seek greener pastures for grazing than will ever be afforded you by me for you shall remain forever in the periphery of my preferences in friendship and never quite approximate to me.
The other day you had irked me unnecessarily on another post and accepted defeat in debate eventually but today's transgression of the line of decency by you has prompted me to keep you at a preferred distance in banishment from my page. I feel so unhappy to see so many losing decency in conversation so easily these days and attribute it to a terrible lack of culture that seems to be precipitously on the decline. An insufficient vocabulary aspiring to overaggressive self-expression founded on flimsy cultural anchoring is leading the lads these days into troubled waters where they are floundering in conversation and making a mockery of their social parlance. It is regrettable that it is so and needs must change from its current status if these offenders in civil discourse are to be considered gentlemen. I rest my case here, though, I seek no verdict on it as such.
Debjit Banerjee : This is one of the funniest comment (from Mr Partha Sararhi Sarkar) I hv ever seen ... this comment amply shows Mr Sarkar understands neither 'life', nor what is 'big', not to talk about 'religion' ..... my humble submission to him will be that he should first make an honest attempt to understand the inner meaning of the post (of Shri Sugata Bose) before expressing his (mis) judgement.
Avijit Banerjee : আমি সুগতবাবুর পোস্টগুলোর একজন গুণগ্রাহী পাঠক। Partha Sarathi Sarkar যা কুরুচিকর লিখলেন আমি তার প্রতিবাদ না করে থাকতে পড়লাম না। কারন এটা পরোক্ষে আমাদেরও অপমান। সুগতবাবু কি নিয়ে লিখবেন তা তো তার সম্পূর্ণ নিজস্ব ব্যাপার। তা কি আমরা ঠিক করে দেব! আর ভূতের নৃত্য চারপাশে তো অনেক দেখছেন, একটু না হয় স্বদেশ আর সনাতন ধর্মের আলোচনা হল। পছন্দ না হলে পড়বেন না, কিন্তু please নোংরা ভাষা ব্যবহার করবেন নাsocial media য় ।
__________________________ _______________________
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : Are you from RSS in any case?
Sugata Bose : I am from the one imperishable source, the Atman, that enfolds the totality of existence relative while remaining in lofty transcendence ever.
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : So ridiculous. In our Atman no religion is alien. Read Vivekananda not only his writings.
Sugata Bose : How to address these foolish little minds as Partha Sarathi Sarkar is possessed with? They neither have the rational sense well developed nor depth of experiential understanding that would make them fit to be responded to beyond blocking them for abusive comments as posted above.
Nilanjana Chakraborty : Partha Sarathi Sarkar will you please guide this man Mr Sugata Bose so that he may become so shameless and irrational like us that he will also forget the minimum sense of mannerism and the highest religion that is humanity. Please dear do us the needful!
__________________________ _______________________
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : Try to use some more good grammar when you are updating us with such great things.
Sugata Bose : My dear friend, if good grammar would mean interspersing abuses to spice up language, then I plead guilty to the charge of being ignorant thereof but do not therefore seek your tutelage in such linguistic perfection of your preference.
Sugata Bose : No religion will be able to displace the glorious Sanatan Dharma which is the mother of all these infantile faiths born yesterday.
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : You are so good on your religious posts but life is a bigger one. Try to take on other topics as well.
Sugata Bose : I write on varied subjects and request you to read them.
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : I don't have seen anything except religion. Try to write on sex or ghost as well. Thanks for replying.
Sugata Bose : Partha Sarathi Sarkar, you are abusing the sanctity of my profile wall and, hence, shall be blocked from it for good.
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : 😊 take a control on your anger first.
Sugata Bose : I have blocked you duly as I had promised I would by way of preventing your further inglorious comments reeking of a lowly body culture. This I have done not out of anger but have done so out of the urgency to preserve the aesthetic content of my profile wall that was so defiled by an aforesaid comment by you. Henceforth you will have to seek greener pastures for grazing than will ever be afforded you by me for you shall remain forever in the periphery of my preferences in friendship and never quite approximate to me.
The other day you had irked me unnecessarily on another post and accepted defeat in debate eventually but today's transgression of the line of decency by you has prompted me to keep you at a preferred distance in banishment from my page. I feel so unhappy to see so many losing decency in conversation so easily these days and attribute it to a terrible lack of culture that seems to be precipitously on the decline. An insufficient vocabulary aspiring to overaggressive self-expression founded on flimsy cultural anchoring is leading the lads these days into troubled waters where they are floundering in conversation and making a mockery of their social parlance. It is regrettable that it is so and needs must change from its current status if these offenders in civil discourse are to be considered gentlemen. I rest my case here, though, I seek no verdict on it as such.
Debjit Banerjee : This is one of the funniest comment (from Mr Partha Sararhi Sarkar) I hv ever seen ... this comment amply shows Mr Sarkar understands neither 'life', nor what is 'big', not to talk about 'religion' ..... my humble submission to him will be that he should first make an honest attempt to understand the inner meaning of the post (of Shri Sugata Bose) before expressing his (mis) judgement.
Avijit Banerjee : আমি সুগতবাবুর পোস্টগুলোর একজন গুণগ্রাহী পাঠক। Partha Sarathi Sarkar যা কুরুচিকর লিখলেন আমি তার প্রতিবাদ না করে থাকতে পড়লাম না। কারন এটা পরোক্ষে আমাদেরও অপমান। সুগতবাবু কি নিয়ে লিখবেন তা তো তার সম্পূর্ণ নিজস্ব ব্যাপার। তা কি আমরা ঠিক করে দেব! আর ভূতের নৃত্য চারপাশে তো অনেক দেখছেন, একটু না হয় স্বদেশ আর সনাতন ধর্মের আলোচনা হল। পছন্দ না হলে পড়বেন না, কিন্তু please নোংরা ভাষা ব্যবহার করবেন নাsocial media য় ।
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : Are you from RSS in any case?
Sugata Bose : I am from the one imperishable source, the Atman, that enfolds the totality of existence relative while remaining in lofty transcendence ever.
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : So ridiculous. In our Atman no religion is alien. Read Vivekananda not only his writings.
Sugata Bose : How to address these foolish little minds as Partha Sarathi Sarkar is possessed with? They neither have the rational sense well developed nor depth of experiential understanding that would make them fit to be responded to beyond blocking them for abusive comments as posted above.
Nilanjana Chakraborty : Partha Sarathi Sarkar will you please guide this man Mr Sugata Bose so that he may become so shameless and irrational like us that he will also forget the minimum sense of mannerism and the highest religion that is humanity. Please dear do us the needful!
Partha Sarathi Sarkar : Try to use some more good grammar when you are updating us with such great things.
Sugata Bose : My dear friend, if good grammar would mean interspersing abuses to spice up language, then I plead guilty to the charge of being ignorant thereof but do not therefore seek your tutelage in such linguistic perfection of your preference.
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