The best way to be popular as a spiritual personality with a mass following is to be a confirmed fool that all can easily identify with and a fair degree of cunning to boot so that the powers that be can consistently connive with. That is the current story in our country.
You may question how the concurrence of such apparently opposite characteristics of foolishness and cunning may be in the same human personality. The answer to it is that cunning is not wisdom. It is a brand of lowly intelligence, that of the predator that successfully preys on its target with sheer instinctive ability rather than attributes of superior learning and light. This these modern messiahs and miracle mongers, who are essentially mercenaries masquerading as dispensers of divine delight, are eminently well-funded with which makes for their superb performance in the art of public deception and their runaway success in providing added delusion to their devotees over and above what Nature has endowed their infatuated human minds with.
A fair ignorance as the attribute of the delightful spiritual deceiver and its foul counterpart which is the hallmark of the deceitful public servant called the politician make for a harmonic combination in destruction of national interest. Fools galore abound in these spiritual gatherings where tickets are high-priced or donations are craftily fleeced to ensure that enlightenment ensues in such self-sacrifice at the feet of the blessed Master who poses as anything from God to Guru but surely as someone in whom the special favour of the Divine subsists that can ensure deliverance of devotees from the turmoil of terrestrial life. Bogus philosophy is provided in pompous language where the deceiver is on the brighter side of the spectrum of wickedness and shallow nonsense is preached where the roguish Guru is on the duller side of things. But deception at any rate results, for the people are innocent and too inclined to believing anything that comforts them in this sorry tale of life where exploitation rules every sphere of natural expectation.
But to come to the original contention of this essay. Who succeeds the most in this stock exchange of spirituality? Well, the idiot surely is a runaway success for he the masses can identify with, and he, on account of all his shortcomings of the head, can actually resonate to the like failings of his flock to fleece them to content. And what a joy to be so fleeced in the name of the Lord who will bless here and hereafter! My countrymen, awake!
The sequel to it has yet to be enacted. The enlightened man, the seer of truth, the being of learning and light --- such a one has to wait in the wings as yet till society crawling upwards like the creeper attains to sufficient sunshine for sense to dawn and sensibility with it that will lend discrimination unto fair judgement and make a package of such spiritual garbage to be dumped into the seas. Till then we must endure this malefic culture of mass hypnosis by a handful of mischievous messiahs in collusion with constituents in the corridors of power that will keep our country riveted to regressive religion that benefits only these mercenaries among men and reduces the hopes and aspirations of a billion to ashes. Shall we allow this? May we not counter this mass deception by launching our programme of mass education? Well, that is the hope that lingers and the one avenue yet to explore which can drive away these deceivers to the Dead Sea whence they may choose a different habitat.
A final word and I will keep it short. I reiterate. My country, awake!
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo : Swami Vivekananda, a study in contrast to the 'sages' cited above, a real rishi (seer of transcendental truth), a modern messiah for the whole of humanity who had appeared in the latter half of the nineteenth century in India at a moment in history when the world was on the verge of a cataclysm that could consume civilisation.
Vivekananda's storming of western civilisation with the message of eternal India, many scholars believe, could pave the path for a future harmony of the forces of civilisation that today tear the world apart. The Swami's celebrated Chicago Addresses at the World Parliament of Religions in 1893 was an epic event of momentous consequences, a veritable turning point in the course of human civilisation whose impact futurity will reveal in all its detailed delineation.
Vivekananda remains the prototype of many a sage and a saint and incarnation divine to follow and he also stands out personally as the spiritual benchmark against which we may accurately judge the authenticity of personalities professing spirituality publicly.
This then is the test to find out who is a man of God and who is a charlatan. Ask yourself yourself how far your subject of suspicion conforms to the Vivekananda standard and in the answer will lie the relative merit of your messiah or mercenary. Study Vivekananda's life and message and apply this test with confidence. Exhort others you know to do the same as well.
Jai Swamiji!
The best way to be popular as a spiritual personality with a mass following is to be a confirmed fool that all can easily identify with and a fair degree of cunning to boot so that the powers that be can consistently connive with. That is the current story in our country.
You may question how the concurrence of such apparently opposite characteristics of foolishness and cunning may be in the same human personality. The answer to it is that cunning is not wisdom. It is a brand of lowly intelligence, that of the predator that successfully preys on its target with sheer instinctive ability rather than attributes of superior learning and light. This these modern messiahs and miracle mongers, who are essentially mercenaries masquerading as dispensers of divine delight, are eminently well-funded with which makes for their superb performance in the art of public deception and their runaway success in providing added delusion to their devotees over and above what Nature has endowed their infatuated human minds with.
A fair ignorance as the attribute of the delightful spiritual deceiver and its foul counterpart which is the hallmark of the deceitful public servant called the politician make for a harmonic combination in destruction of national interest. Fools galore abound in these spiritual gatherings where tickets are high-priced or donations are craftily fleeced to ensure that enlightenment ensues in such self-sacrifice at the feet of the blessed Master who poses as anything from God to Guru but surely as someone in whom the special favour of the Divine subsists that can ensure deliverance of devotees from the turmoil of terrestrial life. Bogus philosophy is provided in pompous language where the deceiver is on the brighter side of the spectrum of wickedness and shallow nonsense is preached where the roguish Guru is on the duller side of things. But deception at any rate results, for the people are innocent and too inclined to believing anything that comforts them in this sorry tale of life where exploitation rules every sphere of natural expectation.
But to come to the original contention of this essay. Who succeeds the most in this stock exchange of spirituality? Well, the idiot surely is a runaway success for he the masses can identify with, and he, on account of all his shortcomings of the head, can actually resonate to the like failings of his flock to fleece them to content. And what a joy to be so fleeced in the name of the Lord who will bless here and hereafter! My countrymen, awake!
The sequel to it has yet to be enacted. The enlightened man, the seer of truth, the being of learning and light --- such a one has to wait in the wings as yet till society crawling upwards like the creeper attains to sufficient sunshine for sense to dawn and sensibility with it that will lend discrimination unto fair judgement and make a package of such spiritual garbage to be dumped into the seas. Till then we must endure this malefic culture of mass hypnosis by a handful of mischievous messiahs in collusion with constituents in the corridors of power that will keep our country riveted to regressive religion that benefits only these mercenaries among men and reduces the hopes and aspirations of a billion to ashes. Shall we allow this? May we not counter this mass deception by launching our programme of mass education? Well, that is the hope that lingers and the one avenue yet to explore which can drive away these deceivers to the Dead Sea whence they may choose a different habitat.
A final word and I will keep it short. I reiterate. My country, awake!
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo : Swami Vivekananda, a study in contrast to the 'sages' cited above, a real rishi (seer of transcendental truth), a modern messiah for the whole of humanity who had appeared in the latter half of the nineteenth century in India at a moment in history when the world was on the verge of a cataclysm that could consume civilisation.
Vivekananda's storming of western civilisation with the message of eternal India, many scholars believe, could pave the path for a future harmony of the forces of civilisation that today tear the world apart. The Swami's celebrated Chicago Addresses at the World Parliament of Religions in 1893 was an epic event of momentous consequences, a veritable turning point in the course of human civilisation whose impact futurity will reveal in all its detailed delineation.
Vivekananda remains the prototype of many a sage and a saint and incarnation divine to follow and he also stands out personally as the spiritual benchmark against which we may accurately judge the authenticity of personalities professing spirituality publicly.
This then is the test to find out who is a man of God and who is a charlatan. Ask yourself yourself how far your subject of suspicion conforms to the Vivekananda standard and in the answer will lie the relative merit of your messiah or mercenary. Study Vivekananda's life and message and apply this test with confidence. Exhort others you know to do the same as well.
Jai Swamiji!
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