Harmony with fanatics is possible only on the basis of submission to them. The fanatic will never understand the gospel of universal acceptance for his very ideology, be it religious or political, which is based on dogma and pseudo-scientific reasoning will not allow him the intellectual clarity to accept diversity as natural and, therefore, the imperative for human evolution.
Scriptures that teach absolute truths and denounce all other truths that do not belong to the fold of what they preach will ever hold the adherents of such religions within the narrow limits imposed by them. To then selectively quote verses from such holy books to state that they preach peace and harmony while cleverly keeping under cover their violent verses that denounce all those who do not subscribe to their teachings is a ploy perfectly designed to dupe but does not hold its ground when the searchlight of investigation is flashed on these holy books. Better by far is the extremist, the fanatic, the man of little learning in the art of camouflaging the true intent of these fanatical faiths than the pseudo-liberal who hides the dangerous elements of these holy books and quotes only the benign ones hoping thereby to gain the advantage of securing for his brethren protection against the ire of the majority, for, at least, the fanatic is in truth while the liberal liberally lies. This is not to mean that the fanatic is being thus patronised for his truthful articulation of the blackest human heresies of these books but is to say that the fanatic lets one know where he stands in terms of his intentions and programmes while the pseudo-liberal simply camouflages intent and makes matters complicated by his selective citation of the scriptures without mustering courage enough to openly denounce the anti-human passages of these texts which inspire men undergoing indoctrination in such passages to behave like beasts. The fanatic at least is, in a degenerate sense, brave enough to admit the truth about the content of these inhuman passages whereas the apologist is ever trying to hide their true meaning, thereby deceiving, deluding and duping the uninitiated about the essence of these texts.
This then is the scene where the open-minded and enlightened, who have privately in their heart of hearts rejected their absolutist religions while merely holding on to the pretence of their allegiance to the same and abiding by the celebration of their festive occasions, are too timid to risk their personal security in coming out into the open with bold assertions of their lack of conviction in the absolutist doctrines of their faith. The fanatical ones, on the other hand, are foolishly more courageous and openly declare the inviolability of the said doctrines which inspire them unto violent action to achieve scriptural stated ends. Here evil defeats the good and a handful o evil men dominate and desecrate the lives of a vast majority by sheer power of malefic conviction and malevolent methods. The majority, remaining passive in their liberal lies uttered in good intent to maintain peace and harmony, suffer the yoke of submission to this violent minority in submitting to cowardice thus. It is time to study these scriptures and get apprised of their real content rather than live to speculate about them and draw erroneous conclusions either way. In knowledge lies the solution to all problems and never in ignorance. The more the light is shone on the dark corridors of life, the more the darkness will lose its power to blind, for, essentially, darkness does not exist as such save in the absence of light. Bring in light and darkness dissolves to reveal the dawn of understanding.
Written by Sugata Bose
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