1. Service to humanity is humanity.
2. He who loves, sees God.
3. A heartless mock-renunciation cannot be condoned in the name of spirituality. Detached performance of duty is the solution.
4. The conscience that is yet alive in the average Indian, the less educated citizen, is the hope of the nation in the days ahead.
5. Stillness of the mind is power.
6. Listen to Swami Nirbhayananda if you wish to hear the echo of Swamiji.
7. Combine, friends, positively under the banner of Vivekananda to uplift the nation and surpass even its former glory.
8. It is good enough to say that I love all the mothers on earth and, so, have no time for my own but it is an empty claim to love.
9. So distressing to see so many youths simply waste away their human resource chasing wild geese while the river of life flows by.
10. The Upanishads alone can root out religious intolerance. Exclusive faiths must reform their practising ways or suffer rejection.
11. Love unites all, no philosophy or faith can.
12. Falsity and pretence in the name of religion cannot hope to clean it ever. What is needed is earnestness and the will to reform.
13. I say your religion is true and you say mine is false. How can fraternal relations be set up on this fragile basis?
14. How can a religion that rejects all other religions as either imperfect or false ever harbour feelings of humanity towards all?
15. To win an argument you have to pin down your opponent with precise affirmations. Frequent fickleness will not do. Be pertinent.
16. I must submit to no dogma. I must question every article of faith and in self-realisation arrive at the truth. This is spirituality.
17. Upon what a flimsy basis faith-based religions stand! Self-realisation lends the Sanatan Dharma an unshakeable foundation.
18. Mahatma Gandhi could pull all the right strings against Subhas Chandra Bose because he was so good at charkha.
19. Why do politicians steal? They are supposed to serve the people whose mandate they carry.
20. There is a tremendous power latent in the Indian youth that is waiting to be tapped. Let Vivekananda inspire its efflorescence.
21. Why can't we combine to do some effective work for Thakur-Ma-Swamiji? Is it necessary to work so much in isolation?
22. We all want personal prominence which is why we cannot combine to do effective group work. Self-interest is ruining all.
23. It is a shame that we do not care for the recovery of our lost landmass in Partition and in war with China. We are a weak people devoid of self-respect.
24. A 1000 year old tyranny of the Hindus by Mohammedan invaders and Europeans after them has reduced us into a self-forgetful people.
25. Now, back to India, please, back to our culture and no more Anglophilia. This is national self-respect. Patriotism demands it.
26. Conversion is a nefarious practice that must by legislation be stopped in India. Morarji Desai tried but failed. May Modi succeed!
27. How long must Hindus endure the indignity of conversion to Islam and Christianity in the very land of their origin?
28. Hindus must reclaim their heritage by self-exertion and by putting up a united front against all onslaughts of alien religions.
29. Hindus must study the Sanatan Dharma well so that they can defend their faith against perfidious attacks by alien religions.
30. Why does Pakistan lie at every bend and turn? Does it have no national morals to guide it? Must it disintegrate thus in disgrace?
31. Lie a million times, Pakistan, and you shall lie in ruins, for this is Punyabhumi Bharatvarsha which shall reclaim its heritage.
32. No religion will be able to displace the glorious Sanatan Dharma which is the mother of all these infantile faiths born yesterday.
33. Kashmiri Pandits remain banished from their homeland and no protest nationwide is made against this injustice meted out to them !
34. Tarek Fatah must learn to conduct his shows in an orderly way and not himself indulge in frequent distractions that do not allow any inference to be drawn from the discussions beyond what Mr. Fatah himself determines by dint of his being the anchor.
35. The anchor, Tarek Fatah, must be in greater control of the show and not allow everybody to speak together to make it a babble of sorts. The anchor himself must also not indulge in frequent fluctuation in the discussion of pertinent points and must see to it that a single point is addressed to satisfaction first before moving on to the next.
35. The anchor, Tarek Fatah, must be in greater control of the show and not allow everybody to speak together to make it a babble of sorts. The anchor himself must also not indulge in frequent fluctuation in the discussion of pertinent points and must see to it that a single point is addressed to satisfaction first before moving on to the next.
36. The anchor, Tarek Fatah, is impatient and instead of listening through a person's speech and understanding what he/she is trying to say, foists implications on the speaker which deflects discussion and makes for a rabble show more often than not. This ought to change for the idea behind Mr. Fatah's show is to proliferate the right message through Muslim society the world over, especially India, and that cannot quite happen if the programme is to be dominated by the anchor himself and his assertions based on personal conceptions and preferences . This is a disservice to the noble intentions of the programme which is to spread awareness about contentious issues that affect Muslim society adversely at present. The programme also attempts to seek solutions to the pernicious problems that afflict Muslims today but cannot quite succeed unless the anchor is more restrained and focused in discussing pertinent points rationally and without frequent fluctuations of reference midstream through a panellist's speech or his own one at that.
37. A mass of tamasic clerics cannot undo the great system of the Sanatan Dharma which stands on the secure foundation of Truth.
38. How can women be free if they have to remain under facial and excessive bodily cover under the dictates of clerics?
39. If religion is truly one's personal matter as people claim, why convert followers of other faiths by force, fraud and propaganda?
40. Why must women have to live behind cover? Why can they not come out into the open with their faces in full view like men? What prevents?
40. Why must women have to live behind cover? Why can they not come out into the open with their faces in full view like men? What prevents?
41. In argument stick to the point, in settlement manifest the heart.
42. Muslim women will lead the reformation of Islamic society eventually in India and in the rest of the world. Arise, my sisters!
42. Muslim women will lead the reformation of Islamic society eventually in India and in the rest of the world. Arise, my sisters!
43. Priestcraft had held Hindu society to ransom from which Buddha had rescued it. Now who will rescue Muslim women from the clerics?
44. Geopolitical considerations prompted the British to use the Islamic agenda to advantage in inflicting Partition on India. Soviet expansion had to be contained in the East.
45. Geopolitical considerations prompted the US to use the atomic bomb on Japan. Soviet expansion had to be contained in the East.
46. Gandhi was great but gullible. He did not understand Ghazwa-e-Hind. It is time that we study its implications well.
46. Gandhi was great but gullible. He did not understand Ghazwa-e-Hind. It is time that we study its implications well.
47. The British drove divisions deep in the Indian mindset to partition India but not quite deep enough that we will not reunite.
48. Publish fiery messages of Swamiji on this page (Vivekananda Youth Mission) that will ignite the minds of men and inspire them unto service and sacrifice.
49. Netaji was convinced that the British would partition India if the INA failed to liberate her prior to the end of World War II.
50. The problem of little learning is that it conceives things in little terms, yet pronounces judgements massive on the whole.
51. Uniformity means death. The contrasts of life keep the difference of potentials for the current of life to flow.
51. Uniformity means death. The contrasts of life keep the difference of potentials for the current of life to flow.
52. The British partitioned India and must be held responsible for it. Jinnah was a pawn in their hands n they played him to good use.
53. The British partitioned India and must be held responsible for it. Jinnah was a pawn in their hands and they played him to good use.
54. In a country where national integration is topmost agenda, the non-existence of a Uniform Civil Code seems an enigma.
55. Do not be fooled into submission to fake Gurus for the sweeping nonsense they speak in the name of religion citing pseudo-science.
56. What is needed is genuine zeal to spread the message of the Master with lightning speed before the world precipitates into chaos.
57. Nepal calls. Swami Ekarthananda Puri is posted there to spread the message of Swamiji. Come ye, devotees, help him serve the cause.
58. Greater participation is necessary from devotees in spreading the Master's message and in helping the monks in their mission of service.
58. Greater participation is necessary from devotees in spreading the Master's message and in helping the monks in their mission of service.
59. Vivekananda rebukes us so hard, yet, we do not exhibit the slightest manliness to come out of this pretentious passive piety.
60. It is frustrating at times to be unable to elicit the right response to the pleas I make to galvanise men into action in His name.
61. In the absence of combination of devotees for the Mission's work, it is getting much impeded and fast progress so thwarted.
62. Devotees do not combine, monks do not do so. Now for heaven's sake, will the Lord alone do all the work yet again?
63. Why get bound to name and fame when ephemeral they melt in the hour of death?
64. For women Sarada Devi is the great ideal in this age. The more they approximate her, the greater they shall become.
65. In India work must be done alone with scarce any hope of help from any. Selfish lies the common man in indolent aloofness.
66. Monk or man, none will help. My soul, work alone.
66. Monk or man, none will help. My soul, work alone.
67. Netaji and Nivedita were the most representative disciples of Swamiji, Nivedita in person and Netaji at a distance.
68. Swami Nirmalananda is the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, yet he lies in organisational neglect. Why? Whither truth for monks?
69. The statues of 16 disciples of Thakur to the exclusion of Sw. Nirmalananda if built at Dakshineshwar will be a travesty of truth.
70. How can people lie in the name of Sri Ramakrishna who was the embodiment of truth? Sw. Nirmalananda must be given his due place.
71. Paid the price for pointing out the factual errors in Jay Lakhani's video on Swami Nirmalananda. He unfriended me promptly.
70. How can people lie in the name of Sri Ramakrishna who was the embodiment of truth? Sw. Nirmalananda must be given his due place.
71. Paid the price for pointing out the factual errors in Jay Lakhani's video on Swami Nirmalananda. He unfriended me promptly.
72. The struggle intensifies with every bit of obstacle that comes in the way. The will strengthens, the resolve grows firmer.
73. Let us join hands and others will follow. Let the leader be the first servant and all will follow.
74. Due to indiscriminate expenditure of the earth's resources we are facing an environmental holocaust. The signs are ominous.
75. Let us no more pretend to be pious in verbal terms alone but let us join hands to do something fruitful for society. Help RKM.
76. Shall we fail Mother? Shall we ignore the sufferings of her children in indifferent pursuit of our sense pleasure?
77. If we truly wish for freedom, we will have to create freedom conditions for all who now barely survive lives of servitude.
78. Mother rules all, yet, so much of suffering persists. What a maze of Maya this is! Unavoidable are its structural imperatives.
77. If we truly wish for freedom, we will have to create freedom conditions for all who now barely survive lives of servitude.
78. Mother rules all, yet, so much of suffering persists. What a maze of Maya this is! Unavoidable are its structural imperatives.
79. An active piety is solicited, not a passive piety that fossilises civilisation.
80. The spontaneous vision of the Mother in all of Her manifestation post realisation of the Self is the acme of spiritual perfection.
81. When material survival becomes so difficult, O Mother, where on earth will men get the occasion to think of spiritual liberation?
82. The wealthy must share their wealth far, far more liberally for opportunity to spread to all to come up in life and help all else.
83. Ancient revelations must be tested in the light of modern scientific methodology. What survives will be retained, the rest rejected.
82. The wealthy must share their wealth far, far more liberally for opportunity to spread to all to come up in life and help all else.
83. Ancient revelations must be tested in the light of modern scientific methodology. What survives will be retained, the rest rejected.
84. Hindus awake! Bhils of Rajasthan are being converted to Christianity by the hordes. Awake to your dharma.
85. Hindus must practise the dharma and integrate the vast body of their society to emerge triumphant. Stop discrimination, help all.
86. O Hindu sister, O my Hindu brother! If you neglect your own brethren, you will lose their fellowship, they will convert. Beware!
87. Christianity and Islam must not strut about as being the only true religion in the world. That leads inevitably to fanaticism.
88. Exclusive doctrines tend to produce fanatical behaviour in a large number of adherents of such. The mind is highly susceptible.
89. Obliteration of the ego to reveal the Reality from under material cover is the essence of the spiritual practice.
90. Humanity in its sublimest sense is the essence of Hinduism. Man is divine and to harm him is to harm divinity itself.
91. If you fail, try once more and a time will come when that one more attempt will be the successful one.
92. The price of greatness is sacrifice, suffering and sorrow. The ideal must ever be pursued with relentless zeal despite mountainous barriers.
93. Pure living and chanting -- this is the way.
94. Infinity hides in all. It is the surface play of the wave that constitutes all of manifested life.
95. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs must consciously combine under the common umbrella of the Indian dharma tradition.
95. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs must consciously combine under the common umbrella of the Indian dharma tradition.
96. Religions that target Hinduism must necessarily be enemies of India for the latter houses 1.1 billion Hindus of the world.
97. Practising Hindu liberalism must be founded on knowledge of the dharma and not ignorant ideas entertained to suit modernity.
98. Work itself is austerity when performed without thought of return. Such work purifies the mind-stuff.
99. The whole problem of Christianity and Islam is that they ask you to believe you are a body that has a soul. This has repercussions.
100. I am a free man, not the slave of God. I am I, none else.
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