Friday, 16 November 2018



Jinnah was responsible for the Partition and not Gandhi. Nehru acceded to it. Later, Gandhi reluctantly did the same. But Jinnah was the culprit. The Great Calcutta Killing on 16 August, 1946 was engineered by Suhrawardy at the behest of Jinnah to create terror in the hearts of Bengali Hindus and force them to settle for Partition. Pakistan, thus, has terror as its base, its founding father having set for it its future national agenda, that is, if Pakistan may be called a nation at all. It is a rogue movement of massacre of humanity everywhere, within its borders and across it. It is the germ of global terrorism today, the first Islamic State on earth since the abolition of the Caliphate after the First World War.

Pakistan oppressed savagely the Bengalis in its eastern province (East Pakistan), its army massacring three million of them in a genocide unparalleled in the history of the Indian subcontinent. India saved the Bengalis of East Pakistan and the Indian Army liberated it to allow for the formation of Bangladesh. The mass molestation of the Bengali girls by the West Pakistan Army is a horror tale that ought not to be ever forgotten by Bangladesh and that ought to forge patriotic feelings in them to counter this rogue assemblage of Indian provinces called Pakistan.

Pakistan remains the fundamental virus in India's body politic despite its severing from the motherland by the treachery of Jinnah and his Muslim League in connivance with the British who wanted to see a debilitated and impaired India in independence. We ought not to lay constant blame on the Mahatma for our motherland's mutilation of limbs but ought to square up our stance in censure of that non-practising Muslim, an atheist or an agnostic at heart, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, for the mischief of Partition. Gandhi was not responsible directly for it but caved in under insuperable circumstantial pressure to accede to this treachery perpetrated on our motherland. Forget not that the Mahatma was a votary of non-violence and, so, was unequipped in arms as such to resist Partition effectively. He must have remembered sadly his 'truant son', Subhas, when matters turned for the worse and Nehru joined in the fray with Mountbatten and Jinnah to apportion India's fortunes and cripple her future largely with it. It is said that Gandhi had in those bitter days of disappointment and rejection by Nehru rued that he had 'backed the wrong horse'.

India has recovered from the horrors of Partition but Pakistan has not. It was divided into two in 1971 with the liberation of Bangladesh and it continues to be under threat of further fragmentation to nought with the liberation of its remaining four provinces beginning with Balochistan where the freedom movement is being mercilessly put down by the Pakistan Army.

India's hopes of amicable coexistence with this rogue Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a foolish idea to even entertain when the latter exists solely with the aim of overseeing India's destruction. This, if India has not yet learnt to be Pakistan's stated objective despite the unprovoked wars and countless terror attacks that the latter has waged against her, will prove to be India's undoing at a phenomenal cost in the future and it is high time that the average Indian becomes aware of this noxious neighbour breathing poison fumes into the very lungs of their motherland to stretch its career unto doom.

And for all this it is pointless making Gandhi the scapegoat for he was not the principal actor in this perfidious drama of partitioning the motherland. The Mahatma by default became party to it in the final analysis but he cannot be directly blamed for its enactment. It was Jinnah who was the betrayer of India's hopes of a total freedom with fullest backing by the British and it was Nehru who did not have the teeth to resist it but rather made his portfolio of Prime Minister secure in settling for the dismemberment of the motherland.

Let Jinnah be studied well by patriotic Indians and may his misdeeds in making Pakistan the perfidious political programme of the world be exposed before thinking humanity the world over. Blame the betrayer (Jinnah) and not the betrayed (Gandhi). May the Mahatma shine in our hearts forever and may we draw spiritual and social lessons from him while learning the political ones and those of statecraft from Rash Behari Bose and Netaji !

Written by Sugata Bose

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