Thursday, 29 November 2018



We as a nation must stand together in terms of real knowledge and not assumptions, biases and prejudiced views accruing from imperfect education. Our history is distorted, our ancient habitat relocated from India to Central Asia by malefic design of the West and our dharma constantly maligned as being polytheistic, superstitious and false by agencies that gain through conversion of the heathen to their saving fold. Our intelligentsia has been so brainwashed and bought that they work against our own interests and usher in a neocolonialism that can potentially destroy our future hopes of a national resurgence and can thwart effectively the pace of progress we already are witnessing.

The dharma is our basis of national living. The Sanatana Dharma is the rationale of all religious thinking across the world. It has spaces infinite within it to enfold all the faiths of the world and countless more to come in the ages as yet to unfold.

The study of this universal system of Indian thought in depth is necessary today to overcome global maladies in the form of competitive international violence, intolerance, its offspring -- terrorism, and a host of other afflictions that affect human living. A cursory glance through Hindu texts is not enough. Detailed study with reverence is necessary to get to the core of the principles enshrined in these books of pristine purity of spiritual perception. Otherwise, misapprehensions will result which is the current case scenario.

The nation lives even today with a continuing culture dating from millenia in the past, a civilisation wedded to the quest of God in all phases of phenomenal and transcendental existence. The whole of India is impregnated with the spirit of the Upanishads and the people of this holy land of gods and goddesses are veritable gods and goddesses themselves. Such is the ideal, such the spirituality present in the common man who calls himself the descendant of the rishis.

This essential spirituality of the Indians is the bedrock of this nation's culture and existence that cannot be forsaken for flimsy western ideals that change by the day. This spirituality is the hallmark of our civilisation and must remain so. In it we have subsisted thus far. In it we have found perennial strength for cultural survival despite the onslaughts of barbarians from time to time. And in it we shall yet find the source of vigour that will enliven us unto progressing as a front-ranking nation of the world with a spiritual mission to fulfil. We must, thus, stand together in reverential study of our Hindu heritage and culture so that we may forge ahead with our historic programme of the spiritual transformation of the whole world, not entirely as we please but as the Mother dispenses in Her divine grace.

Vande Mataram ! Jai Hind !

Written by Sugata Bose

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