Sugata Bose : I'm not the body. It is changing. It will decay finally. I'll have to give it up.
Debkanti Moitra : I am also not the mind, not even the intellect but I am the witness and not affected by thoughts, emotions, pains, pleasure. All these appear in the consciousness.
Sugata Bose : But that is academic, learnt from texts, other people's thoughts and realisations. It has to be realised by oneself as well. Intellectually it is true but spiritually merely a statement not lived by as yet in fullest form. The ideal is there and the thrust must be on its actualisation in conception, perception and practice.
Debkanti Moitra : Not exactly academic, but it is the highest philosophy if Advaita Vedanta. Your initial comments are based on the doctrine of Drik, Drishwa Vivekaya- the seer and the seen are different. The seer is constant, remains unchanged but the objects changes.
Sugata Bose : I have written what I felt to be true for the moment. I have not gone by aphorisms of Vedanta texts but have merely written down my perception for the moment. Truth is simple and I do not complicate it by scriptural assertions, neither am I capable of doing so for I am totally ignorant of them. I, therefore, write what appears to be true and poetic, leaving more abstruse matters of philosophic discussions to the erudite who know better. For me it is golden to perceive the glimmer of truth and present it in as beauteous a way I possibly can. Scriptures appear before the mind's eye for all to see but the vision flits by as men care more for the written word than the rhythms and cadences that otherwise fill the prosaic spaces of life.
Sugata Bose : I'm not the body. It is changing. It will decay finally. I'll have to give it up.
Debkanti Moitra : I am also not the mind, not even the intellect but I am the witness and not affected by thoughts, emotions, pains, pleasure. All these appear in the consciousness.
Sugata Bose : But that is academic, learnt from texts, other people's thoughts and realisations. It has to be realised by oneself as well. Intellectually it is true but spiritually merely a statement not lived by as yet in fullest form. The ideal is there and the thrust must be on its actualisation in conception, perception and practice.
Debkanti Moitra : Not exactly academic, but it is the highest philosophy if Advaita Vedanta. Your initial comments are based on the doctrine of Drik, Drishwa Vivekaya- the seer and the seen are different. The seer is constant, remains unchanged but the objects changes.
Sugata Bose : I have written what I felt to be true for the moment. I have not gone by aphorisms of Vedanta texts but have merely written down my perception for the moment. Truth is simple and I do not complicate it by scriptural assertions, neither am I capable of doing so for I am totally ignorant of them. I, therefore, write what appears to be true and poetic, leaving more abstruse matters of philosophic discussions to the erudite who know better. For me it is golden to perceive the glimmer of truth and present it in as beauteous a way I possibly can. Scriptures appear before the mind's eye for all to see but the vision flits by as men care more for the written word than the rhythms and cadences that otherwise fill the prosaic spaces of life.
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