Sunday, 18 November 2018



Liberalism will forge its way despite oppressive restrictions imposed by exclusive religions that thwart its progress. Evolution will triumph over exclusiveness. Future humanity will reject these medieval misconceptions about God and man and deliver itself unto a better order of social and cultural existence in keeping with the best traditions that humanity has ever been heir to.

It seems that the Upanishads are emerging at last from the archives of the ages and are flashing their searchlights on the dark corridors of human consciousness. Humanity is coming of age at last to be able to appreciate its grandest inheritance from the millenia gone by. As more and more of humankind are exposed to the pristine principles of the Vedas, as more take to the study of Sanskrit and the Chhandas Bhasha preceding it in which the scriptures of the Hindus were recorded, the long awaited awakening of human spiritual culture across the planet will become a reality.

Or so at least it is fondly hoped, for the vagaries of human movement in evolution are many, and complex are their resolutions and tortuous their resultant forward motion. However, this remains the hope of humanity and we must work towards its fulfilment despite unceasing opposition from archaic elements that yet dominate the landscape of human consciousness in the form of medieval religions of exclusive claims to truth.

End of Part 1
To be continued ...

Written by Sugata Bose

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