Wednesday, 21 November 2018



Dear Swami Ekarthananda Puri,

Maharaj, this is a golden idea but one that needs your periodic visits to Nepal and lecturing there. If the focus be there, this should be possible in some form or other. At any rate, you must not let this idea drift anymore but must hold on to it so that it gains fruition if even at a distant date. 

The sincere aspiration is ever fulfilled, albeit, at its appointed hour and so will your will seek manifestation in real terms to help restore Nepal to her pristine Hindu culture. These are temporary changes in the mindset of the people of Nepal that are being observed owing to the current of sociopolitical evolution that must play its role, often malefic, before the Nepalese gather themselves and go back to their roots whence they spring anew to push on with the progress through the tide of times.

Social evolution follows its own sinusoidal waveform and a trough today will only see a higher crest tomorrow for the divinity within 'can neither be stifled nor stilled', to quote Joseph Stalin from a reference of his on religion and conscience. As such the resurgence of the Sanatan Dharma in India must see its outflow pouring into all her neighbouring states including Pakistan where the social transformation will bring Sufism once more into play and Salafism will give way to the enlightened version of Islam derived from India. How much more then will Nepal be influenced by this rise in real religion in India, the dharma that will inundate the whole world as prophesied by Swamiji. In this regard many a soldier of the soul will come forth carrying the message across to lands distant and lands nearer home and may you do so to the land of your origin to bring it to future fulfilment. Whatever service this writer may be to you in this regard, if life persists and means permit, he shall not fail to deliver. The combined effort of several devotees and protagonists of the cause will bring to fulfilment this sincere dream of a monk and to that day we must from now on earnestly work for. Some practical programmes must be worked out from this very moment and the prime among them is the inundation of our own souls with the lightning message of the Vivekananda master so that its flashes may strike the hearts of our brethren in Nepal with their luminous bolts and set them alight.

May all good attend on you, Maharaj, for rare in these days of despair and despondency do we come across someone like you beaming with hope and inspiration to work the way Swamiji had expected his successors to do and so make good his mission on earth! May you succeed in this common mission of ours and we shall be there, some of us for sure, with you right through this programme of awakening the sleeping divinity of the masses in Nepal.

Thanking you,
Yours in Ramakrishna-Vivekananda,
Sugata Bose.

Photo : courtesy, Swami Ekarthananda Puri

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