Just a while back on Doordarshan, Kushal Chowdhury, Trustee and Secretary of the Dakshineshwar Kali Complex, announced that the statues of the 16 monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna will be built soon along with those of Mathur Babu, Master Mahashay and a few others who were part of the divine play of Thakur. The statues will be installed in the space outside Sri Ramakrishna's room that is adjoining the Ganga. Again it is strange that the count of monastic disciples has been reckoned as 16 instead of 17. In all probability, going by what the number 16 means in this context as opposed to 17, Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj) will be omitted from the list once more. If it so happens, history will be wronged and the Avatar of Truth will be mightily wronged as well. Today, when the monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna were mentioned and their photographs beamed on Doordarshan, Swami Nirmalananda remained the only one left out as his 16 other brother disciples were prominently shown. What a travesty of truth this is and no one protests at this falsity foisted on the public as Gospel truth!
It is inconceivable that Sri Ramakrishna is supporting this historical heresy for he is Truth personified. Therefore, those that keep positing the theory that it is all Thakur's wish must be bringing Thakur to the level of their own peculiar notions of truth which is evidently the field of Avidya Maya or the infatuating realm of the Divine. We do not view the Avatar of Dakshineshwar that way. He was in his earthly incarnation full of the sattva material and was impregnated through and through with truth. So, the argument this way falls flat and the injustice by design being meted out to Tulsi Maharaj (Swami Nirmalananda) must now bring forth a fresh incarnation of Thakur as he had promised to Holy Mother and his disciples. Dharmaglaani (the decay in righteousness and virtue) has begun and this needs to be righted. Who else can do so but God Himself and it is time that He shall do so. We await Thakur's advent and emergence to redress the wrongs that obtain in the field of human interplay among which we register our right to see the reinstatement of Tulsi Maharaj as his beloved apostle as he duly was and remains in truth ever so.
Satyameva Jayatey! Jai Sri Ramakrishna! Jai Kali!
Written by Sugata Bose
Manab Pal : ki korben protibad kore..onader rkm er songe susamparko ...keno nosto korte jaben ei bitorke giye.
Juthika Sarkar : এটা কি ইচ্ছাকৃত?
Debkanti Moitra : I do not subscribe to this decision because by this action the serenity and spiritual environment of the holy place will be lost and it will turn into a museum ultimately.
Bhaskar Mukherjee : He strayed away.. alas for whatever reason.. Thakur always Just🙏
Sugata Bose : @ Bhaskar Mukherjee : This is brushing things under the carpet intentionally which is why untruth so easily persists in our nation of famed classical adherence to truth. Strayed or not, whatever it be, I am the son of my father and my relatives cannot alter it without indulging in criminal cover-up of truth. So also here. History does not change because of the fancies of a few who have not the courage to admit the truth. The court case notwithstanding, truth ought not to be hidden thus in the name of the Avatar who vowed by it ever and could never forsake it even at that critical juncture in his early spiritual life when he did renounce all at the feet of the Divine Mother.
Bhaskar Mukherjee : She bhai jai kow.. Math above all ✌️🙏
Sugata Bose : This sort of recurring recounting of partial truth and concealment of the entire truth, deliberately to cast Swami Nirmalananda into oblivion and to permanently impress upon the world the fiction that he was not Thakur's disciple, though, no more makes that feasible. It is now untruth in instances that is the governing principle and that is above everything else, above God and Truth, and Thakur's name in truth must not be any more polluted with such associations that cater not to filial adherence to truth and proceed to falsify fact and history despite countless contrary evidence being constantly cited to bring home the truth of the matter that has raged ever since these despicable developments surfaced. One is reminded of Swamiji's epic words of caution : ''Organisation breeds new evils.''
Swami Sampurnananda : Bhaskar Mukherjee, Please get your facts right before commenting. Swami Nirmalananda is being mentioned in all authentic and original books of Ramakrishna Mission as a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and that is Gospel Truth. Sw N remained a member of Ramakrishna Mission till his Mahasamadhi. Nobody strayed away. Those who are straying are the ignorant people like you. Belur Math built a beautiful temple to perpetuate the memory of Sw Nirmalananda in 1939 at the Ramakrishna Mission centre in Ottapalam. So it is the bounden duty of devotees of the Holy Trio to learn from the Life and Works of Sw Nirmalananda. South Indian people have done something though not much and it is up to Bengal to do its bit. I suppose there is nothing to stop Dakshineswar devotees from doing the right thing.
Jai Ramakrishna Sangha !
Bhaskar Mukherjee : Swami Sampurnananda, u are right Maharaj... hopefully he shall be included in officially among the Parshads. That shall render all in fine fettle.🙏
Swami Sampurnananda : Parishad is an independentant body. They themselves can do it.
Sugata Bose : Maharaj, Bhaskar Mukherjee used the word 'Parshad' which in Bengali means a companion. He did not use the word 'Parishad' which means council. You must have mistaken the word 'Parshad' as 'Parishad' with an intermediary 'I' added to it.and, hence, made your last comment along a slightly different, although, still quite pertinent line. @ Swami Sampurnananda
Swami Sampurnananda : Bhaskar Mukherjee, Swami Swami Nirmalananda is already among the Parshads and has been accepted by Thakur, Ma, Sw Vivekananda, Sw Brahmananda and other disciples. It is up to us present day busy bodies to accept the truth or go by some other fond notion.
Swami Sampurnananda : Swami Nirmalananda is being mentioned in all authentic and original books of Ramakrishna Mission as a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and that is Gospel Truth. Sw N remained a member of Ramakrishna Mission till his Mahasamadhi. Belur Math built a beautiful temple to perpetuate the memory of Sw Nirmalananda in 1939 at the Ramakrishna Mission centre in Ottapalam. So it is the bounden duty of devotees of the Holy Trio to learn from the Life and Works of Sw Nirmalananda. South Indian people have done something though not much and it is up to Bengal to do its bit. I suppose there is nothing to stop Dakshineswar devotees from doing the right thing.
Jai Ramakrishna Sangha !
Somnath Datta : আমি তো ভাবতাম সবার উপরে ঠাকুর ও স্বামীজী! আপনার এই নতুন ভাবনা বেশ চিত্তাকর্ষক! যদিও প্রশংসা করতে পারলাম না!
Bhaskar Mukherjee : Somnath Datta, Math ta korechen Swamiji... Thakur er nirdeshe.. Math na thakle kichui hoto na hobe na.
Somnath Datta : বুদ্ধদেব বা কৃষ্ণকে লোকে কোন মঠ বা স্তুপ বা মন্দিরের জন্য মনে রেখেছে? আবার পদ্মনাভনস্বামী মন্দির বা তিরুপতি মন্দিরের প্রতিষ্ঠাতাকে কতজন মনে রেখেছে?
মঠ না থাকলে কিছুই হতো না বা হবে না এই ধারণা যিনিই আপনার মধ্যে ঢুকিয়ে থাকুন, তিনি সুস্থ মানসিকতার নন।
স্বামীজী পড়ুন। একটা ভুমিকম্পে এসব মঠ মন্দির ধ্বংস হয়ে যেতে পারে। আপনার কথা সত্যি হলে মানুষ সেদিন থেকেই ঠাকুর ও স্বামীজীকে ভুলে যাবেন, তাই তো!
Somnath Datta : আপনি একটা মঠ তৈরী করে ঠাকুর বা স্বামীজীর মত একজন নতুন মহাপুরুষকে পৃথিবী বিখ্যাত ও এত মানুষের মনের মানুষ করে তুলুন দেখি! তবে আপনার তত্ত্ব সম্মান পাবে। না হলে লোকে প্রলাপ বলে উড়িয়ে দেবে।
Bhaskar Mukherjee : Somnath Datta, thanks for educating me. There is a saying that the Educator, needs to be Educated.And before pontificating, request please curb your arrogance.
Somnath Datta : মূল বিষয়ে বলার কিছু না থাকলে আত্মগোপনের একটা ভালো পদ্ধতি হল অপরকে ব্যঙ্গ করা। যাক, ভালো থাকবেন!
Manoj Sivan : On Solemn affirmation I am a chela and disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa of Dakshineswara. I met him just close by to my birth place in the house of a grihastha devotee named Balaram Basu when I was about 17 or 18 years old. That was the first time I met him and that place where I met him was within two minutes walk from my house. It is called Bag-Bazaar and is in Calcutta.. I was of a religious bent of mind and my parents were pious people and I went to see Sri Ramakrishna paramahamsa. Subsequently I used to visit Dakshineswar after, whenever I could find chance to steal away a little time from my studies. He was very graciously kind and affectionate towards me and after a few visits I was fortunate enough to be blessed with Upadesam or initiation. I was about 17 or 18 years old then. It was so long ago that I cannot exactly give the year and month and date . Swami Nirmalananda Tulasi Maharaj - 17.5.1934
Just a while back on Doordarshan, Kushal Chowdhury, Trustee and Secretary of the Dakshineshwar Kali Complex, announced that the statues of the 16 monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna will be built soon along with those of Mathur Babu, Master Mahashay and a few others who were part of the divine play of Thakur. The statues will be installed in the space outside Sri Ramakrishna's room that is adjoining the Ganga. Again it is strange that the count of monastic disciples has been reckoned as 16 instead of 17. In all probability, going by what the number 16 means in this context as opposed to 17, Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj) will be omitted from the list once more. If it so happens, history will be wronged and the Avatar of Truth will be mightily wronged as well. Today, when the monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna were mentioned and their photographs beamed on Doordarshan, Swami Nirmalananda remained the only one left out as his 16 other brother disciples were prominently shown. What a travesty of truth this is and no one protests at this falsity foisted on the public as Gospel truth!
It is inconceivable that Sri Ramakrishna is supporting this historical heresy for he is Truth personified. Therefore, those that keep positing the theory that it is all Thakur's wish must be bringing Thakur to the level of their own peculiar notions of truth which is evidently the field of Avidya Maya or the infatuating realm of the Divine. We do not view the Avatar of Dakshineshwar that way. He was in his earthly incarnation full of the sattva material and was impregnated through and through with truth. So, the argument this way falls flat and the injustice by design being meted out to Tulsi Maharaj (Swami Nirmalananda) must now bring forth a fresh incarnation of Thakur as he had promised to Holy Mother and his disciples. Dharmaglaani (the decay in righteousness and virtue) has begun and this needs to be righted. Who else can do so but God Himself and it is time that He shall do so. We await Thakur's advent and emergence to redress the wrongs that obtain in the field of human interplay among which we register our right to see the reinstatement of Tulsi Maharaj as his beloved apostle as he duly was and remains in truth ever so.
Satyameva Jayatey! Jai Sri Ramakrishna! Jai Kali!
Written by Sugata Bose
Manab Pal : ki korben protibad kore..onader rkm er songe susamparko ...keno nosto korte jaben ei bitorke giye.
Juthika Sarkar : এটা কি ইচ্ছাকৃত?
Debkanti Moitra : I do not subscribe to this decision because by this action the serenity and spiritual environment of the holy place will be lost and it will turn into a museum ultimately.
Bhaskar Mukherjee : He strayed away.. alas for whatever reason.. Thakur always Just🙏
Sugata Bose : @ Bhaskar Mukherjee : This is brushing things under the carpet intentionally which is why untruth so easily persists in our nation of famed classical adherence to truth. Strayed or not, whatever it be, I am the son of my father and my relatives cannot alter it without indulging in criminal cover-up of truth. So also here. History does not change because of the fancies of a few who have not the courage to admit the truth. The court case notwithstanding, truth ought not to be hidden thus in the name of the Avatar who vowed by it ever and could never forsake it even at that critical juncture in his early spiritual life when he did renounce all at the feet of the Divine Mother.
Bhaskar Mukherjee : She bhai jai kow.. Math above all ✌️🙏
Sugata Bose : This sort of recurring recounting of partial truth and concealment of the entire truth, deliberately to cast Swami Nirmalananda into oblivion and to permanently impress upon the world the fiction that he was not Thakur's disciple, though, no more makes that feasible. It is now untruth in instances that is the governing principle and that is above everything else, above God and Truth, and Thakur's name in truth must not be any more polluted with such associations that cater not to filial adherence to truth and proceed to falsify fact and history despite countless contrary evidence being constantly cited to bring home the truth of the matter that has raged ever since these despicable developments surfaced. One is reminded of Swamiji's epic words of caution : ''Organisation breeds new evils.''
Swami Sampurnananda : Bhaskar Mukherjee, Please get your facts right before commenting. Swami Nirmalananda is being mentioned in all authentic and original books of Ramakrishna Mission as a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and that is Gospel Truth. Sw N remained a member of Ramakrishna Mission till his Mahasamadhi. Nobody strayed away. Those who are straying are the ignorant people like you. Belur Math built a beautiful temple to perpetuate the memory of Sw Nirmalananda in 1939 at the Ramakrishna Mission centre in Ottapalam. So it is the bounden duty of devotees of the Holy Trio to learn from the Life and Works of Sw Nirmalananda. South Indian people have done something though not much and it is up to Bengal to do its bit. I suppose there is nothing to stop Dakshineswar devotees from doing the right thing.
Jai Ramakrishna Sangha !
Bhaskar Mukherjee : Swami Sampurnananda, u are right Maharaj... hopefully he shall be included in officially among the Parshads. That shall render all in fine fettle.🙏
Swami Sampurnananda : Parishad is an independentant body. They themselves can do it.
Sugata Bose : Maharaj, Bhaskar Mukherjee used the word 'Parshad' which in Bengali means a companion. He did not use the word 'Parishad' which means council. You must have mistaken the word 'Parshad' as 'Parishad' with an intermediary 'I' added to it.and, hence, made your last comment along a slightly different, although, still quite pertinent line. @ Swami Sampurnananda
Swami Sampurnananda : Bhaskar Mukherjee, Swami Swami Nirmalananda is already among the Parshads and has been accepted by Thakur, Ma, Sw Vivekananda, Sw Brahmananda and other disciples. It is up to us present day busy bodies to accept the truth or go by some other fond notion.
Swami Sampurnananda : Swami Nirmalananda is being mentioned in all authentic and original books of Ramakrishna Mission as a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and that is Gospel Truth. Sw N remained a member of Ramakrishna Mission till his Mahasamadhi. Belur Math built a beautiful temple to perpetuate the memory of Sw Nirmalananda in 1939 at the Ramakrishna Mission centre in Ottapalam. So it is the bounden duty of devotees of the Holy Trio to learn from the Life and Works of Sw Nirmalananda. South Indian people have done something though not much and it is up to Bengal to do its bit. I suppose there is nothing to stop Dakshineswar devotees from doing the right thing.
Jai Ramakrishna Sangha !
Somnath Datta : আমি তো ভাবতাম সবার উপরে ঠাকুর ও স্বামীজী! আপনার এই নতুন ভাবনা বেশ চিত্তাকর্ষক! যদিও প্রশংসা করতে পারলাম না!
Bhaskar Mukherjee : Somnath Datta, Math ta korechen Swamiji... Thakur er nirdeshe.. Math na thakle kichui hoto na hobe na.
Somnath Datta : বুদ্ধদেব বা কৃষ্ণকে লোকে কোন মঠ বা স্তুপ বা মন্দিরের জন্য মনে রেখেছে? আবার পদ্মনাভনস্বামী মন্দির বা তিরুপতি মন্দিরের প্রতিষ্ঠাতাকে কতজন মনে রেখেছে?
মঠ না থাকলে কিছুই হতো না বা হবে না এই ধারণা যিনিই আপনার মধ্যে ঢুকিয়ে থাকুন, তিনি সুস্থ মানসিকতার নন।
স্বামীজী পড়ুন। একটা ভুমিকম্পে এসব মঠ মন্দির ধ্বংস হয়ে যেতে পারে। আপনার কথা সত্যি হলে মানুষ সেদিন থেকেই ঠাকুর ও স্বামীজীকে ভুলে যাবেন, তাই তো!
Somnath Datta : আপনি একটা মঠ তৈরী করে ঠাকুর বা স্বামীজীর মত একজন নতুন মহাপুরুষকে পৃথিবী বিখ্যাত ও এত মানুষের মনের মানুষ করে তুলুন দেখি! তবে আপনার তত্ত্ব সম্মান পাবে। না হলে লোকে প্রলাপ বলে উড়িয়ে দেবে।
Bhaskar Mukherjee : Somnath Datta, thanks for educating me. There is a saying that the Educator, needs to be Educated.And before pontificating, request please curb your arrogance.
Somnath Datta : মূল বিষয়ে বলার কিছু না থাকলে আত্মগোপনের একটা ভালো পদ্ধতি হল অপরকে ব্যঙ্গ করা। যাক, ভালো থাকবেন!
Manoj Sivan : On Solemn affirmation I am a chela and disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa of Dakshineswara. I met him just close by to my birth place in the house of a grihastha devotee named Balaram Basu when I was about 17 or 18 years old. That was the first time I met him and that place where I met him was within two minutes walk from my house. It is called Bag-Bazaar and is in Calcutta.. I was of a religious bent of mind and my parents were pious people and I went to see Sri Ramakrishna paramahamsa. Subsequently I used to visit Dakshineswar after, whenever I could find chance to steal away a little time from my studies. He was very graciously kind and affectionate towards me and after a few visits I was fortunate enough to be blessed with Upadesam or initiation. I was about 17 or 18 years old then. It was so long ago that I cannot exactly give the year and month and date . Swami Nirmalananda Tulasi Maharaj - 17.5.1934
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