Thursday, 8 November 2018



Monks talk of truth, talk about truth, but rare is the one who speaks the whole truth without hiding parts for expediency. Alas, Tulsi Maharaj, you have so few friends who can dare stand up for you against the might of the universe pitted against them! All have the survival instinct, the evolutionary programming that allows them to battle for their own survival but not to risk it for the sake of the very truth they espouse. Alas, how rare is the man of truth, for all are bound to organisational stance and directive and the vow of obedience instead of absolute allegiance to truth!

Where is dharma in this divine play that promotes the perfidy of a terrible untruth and systematically supports its perpetuation for good in the public mind? And must the now growing number of supporters of Tulsi Maharaj merely watch and lay the blame on those who refuse him due recognition as a direct disciple of Thakur? Must others merely acquiesce to this continuing disinheritance of the spiritual lineage of Tulsi Maharaj, citing devotion to organisation as the cause of their passive stance? If there are forces that are attempting the oblivion of Swami Nirmalananda for whatever historical reasons there may have been, there ought to be equally a host of others who ought to make a concerted effort to spread the good news, as the Christians say, that Swami Nirmalananda was, indeed, the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.

Today, social media rules largely the dissemination of common information and knowledge and the supporters of Tulsi Maharaj must use them to good effect to press home their point. Where is there a single video on Tulsi Maharaj on YouTube? None that I have succeeded in discovering thus far. It is high time to post a few and the message will spread like lightning. Likewise, a great website, beautifully designed and well-maintained, must project Tulsi Maharaj's life and works for all to see.

My heart burns to see the neglect to which Tulsi Maharaj has been by design subjected to and the sheer apathy of the devotees who by now know the truth but are too cowardly to act in defence of the truth that they have come to discover. Shame on this debilitated despicable degenerate devotion that dares not to defend the truth! No wonder a handful of Britishers had kept 300 million Indians under their heels for so long and a host of cowardly natives had sided with the alien occupiers to destroy their motherland's hopes for freedom. I understand this very well now.

But the hour is come and the truth is out. Swami Nirmalananda (Tusli Maharaj) has been proven to be indisputably a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna by corroboration from 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' by M, and a host of other authentic documents and letters, and everybody is bound to accept this incontrovertible truth. No more will distortion of historical fact hold. No more will suppression of the truth bear fruit. The facts are before all and they are as clear as daylight. Tulsicharan Dutt (Swami Nirmalananda) was the divine selection of the Avatar of Dakshineshwar to be his apostle extraordinaire and no untruth told and retold or the truth ignored and suppressed will hold ground anymore.

All are welcome to the world of Ramakrishna and there they may as yet discover the truth that lies unearthed after decades of attempted suppression for purposes as strange as they are startling, as bewildering as they are baffling, the fact that Tulsi Maharaj (Swami Nirmalananda) was a direct disciple of Thakur and a brother disciple of Swamiji.

Swami Nirmalananda was Thakur's disciple, he is Thakur's disciple and he will continue to be Thakur's disciple, for eternal is the bond of the Master and his playmates which no human hand may sever.

Jai Thakur! Jai Ma! Jai Swamiji! 

Written by Sugata Bose

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