Thursday 29 November 2018



Lies, lies, lies in the name of exclusive religion that kills for apostasy where it is in power but pretends liberalism where it is in minority. Fundamental tenets will not allow its acceptance of other religions or ideologies save its 'revealed' word of 'God' as true, yet, the pretence of its being peaceful and tolerant persists in broad daylight darkened by medieval ignorance.

It is time for consistent opposition to this hypocritical stance to come about not through vile criticism or condemnation but through the reverential study of the universal spiritual principles enshrined in the texts of the Indian dharma traditions. All of the dharma traditions of India must unite in this common fight for survival and the sustained effort to conquer the mind of the whole of humanity so that peace may prevail everywhere where unholy friction is tearing societies apart consequent on the claims of exclusive faiths spitting the venom of proselytising self-interest. India, unite !

Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

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