Saturday, 17 November 2018

WE ARE ONE ... 1

WE ARE ONE ... 1

Religious literacy coupled with scientific rational training is necessary to counter religious fanaticism. Bigots are generally ignorant of the higher principles of life and it is from these that are drawn the bulk of the clerics who propagate dogma and doctrine that sully the human system and rob people of fundamental civic freedom. In this age of enlightenment when the discoveries of science are forging fresh pathways that extend present horizons, doctrinaire absolutist religions must give way to liberal thinking as masses of men and women educated in reason will combat these forces of patriarchy that render life sterile.

Indoctrination of children in absolutist scriptural texts must stop. Wrong ideas fed into the soft and pliable brains conduce to the mass production of future fanatics. This is a reprehensible practice in the name of theological education and is a massive force for induction of a noxious narrowness that tends to view the world through medieval prismatic glasses. Children must be spared this ordeal in enforced civilisation and must be allowed to grow up in the sunshine of life and liberty where they can think on their own and come to conclusions thereof. It is wrong to suppose that such freedom given to children will result in their faulty development and make them grow up into uncivilised barbarians unfit for society. Indoctrination must stop and not moral training based on reason and realisation. No fear need be entertained about the efficacy of liberalism in the training of children into becoming fine citizens when their hour comes to play their parts in this human drama of existence.

Religion divides humankind just as much as rogue nationalism does and it is time to spare future generations the ordeal of medieval indoctrination in prophetic injunctions that have outlived their hour of domination of the human mind. Now it is time for humanity to think deep on the issues of life and living instead of futile ruminations on everything inglorious in reprehensible roguish texts that infect susceptible minds with the virus of divisive mentality despite mischievous pretensions to the contrary. It is no more the hour of submission to religion that segments society but is the moment to reflect on our essential oneness as a species despite surface differences that keep us apart but which with better education will progressively diminish and draw us all into becoming a single human family. 

End of Part 1
To be continued ...

Written by Sugata Bose

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