Sugata Bose : Why do politicians steal? They are supposed to serve the people whose mandate they carry.
Swami Sampurnananda : Politicians don't steal. Thieves have entered politics.
Sugata Bose : Well said.
Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Swami Sampurnananda, because most educated and peace loving gentlemen shun politics.
Sugata Bose : Debaprasad Bhattacharya, but that is owing to the dirty nature of politics post-independence and increasingly ever so ever since.
Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Sugata Bose, that is true. But isn't it the trend now a days almost in every country?
Sugata Bose : Debaprasad Bhattacharya, it is very much so. Great men think alike and small men think alike, too. Now it is the age of little men donning huge shoes. Culture is on the decline, education a sham and politics a perfidy that ought to be in wraps and not show its face in the broad daylight. But then, when the general mass of mankind is precipitously falling into a cultural chasm, hope takes flight from a recovery unto a decent order of social existence and decadence drives the fleeting tribe of gentlemen into their cocoon of self-survival far from the madding crowd of perverted politicians. So, the saga goes on with every hour drawing us deeper into the quicksand of self-annihilation consequent on the perfidious actions of these mercenaries among men who pompously parade as politicians.
Juthika Sarkar : "Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Juthika Sarkar, as if the person who spoke this was absolutely clean !!!
Juthika Sarkar : We get the Govt we deserve.
Juthika Sarkar : India left cultivating ideologies ,
left good practice of Barnashram.
Biplab Sarkar : Indian Politicians define Democracy in their own style.....Partism instead of Patriotism....Fake Secularism..... False Commitment....
Sugata Bose : Let us do something to combat these forces creatively.
Sugata Bose : Why do politicians steal? They are supposed to serve the people whose mandate they carry.
Swami Sampurnananda : Politicians don't steal. Thieves have entered politics.
Sugata Bose : Well said.
Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Swami Sampurnananda, because most educated and peace loving gentlemen shun politics.
Sugata Bose : Debaprasad Bhattacharya, but that is owing to the dirty nature of politics post-independence and increasingly ever so ever since.
Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Sugata Bose, that is true. But isn't it the trend now a days almost in every country?
Sugata Bose : Debaprasad Bhattacharya, it is very much so. Great men think alike and small men think alike, too. Now it is the age of little men donning huge shoes. Culture is on the decline, education a sham and politics a perfidy that ought to be in wraps and not show its face in the broad daylight. But then, when the general mass of mankind is precipitously falling into a cultural chasm, hope takes flight from a recovery unto a decent order of social existence and decadence drives the fleeting tribe of gentlemen into their cocoon of self-survival far from the madding crowd of perverted politicians. So, the saga goes on with every hour drawing us deeper into the quicksand of self-annihilation consequent on the perfidious actions of these mercenaries among men who pompously parade as politicians.
Juthika Sarkar : "Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Juthika Sarkar, as if the person who spoke this was absolutely clean !!!
Juthika Sarkar : We get the Govt we deserve.
Juthika Sarkar : India left cultivating ideologies ,
left good practice of Barnashram.
Biplab Sarkar : Indian Politicians define Democracy in their own style.....Partism instead of Patriotism....Fake Secularism..... False Commitment....
Sugata Bose : Let us do something to combat these forces creatively.
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