1. Slavery to God or slavery to the senses? Come off it and stand free in the sunshine of life.
2. The all-engulfing ocean of existence is all over us. Where shall we seek for deliverance when free we ever are?
3. The war is with Avidya, that infatuating principle, that deflecting device that steals consciousness and hurls us into death.
4. The word of the Guru ought to be law in the disciple's life. But the Guru must be above Maya to be considered qualified.
5. Honour the monk as representative of God. But be careful with fake representations of such.
6. The whole focus of Hinduism is to unshackle man from the limitations imposed upon him by the senses. Freedom's the call.
7. The greats of the world who we honour are/were bound souls mostly. Rare indeed is the one who is/was free.
8. The personality must die so that the principle may live. Science has achieved it. Religion must, too.
9. There is a greater need of cohesion of the movement, a greater zeal, an enthusiasm to spread even as we consolidate our gains.
10. Holiness is infectious. Thus, association with holy men is the standard recommendation from saints for spiritual aspirants.
11. Is there a way out of this terrible dungeon called the body? Yes, there is. Chant the holy name of God and you will be free.
12. Be the giver and you shall be free. Hope to receive and bound you will be.
13. The Rishis remain unparalleled in spiritual attainment and the rational exposition of subtle thinking. What a civilisation we had!
14. Do not believe in a religion that asks you to have fundamental faith in some arbitrary assertions passing off as God's Word. Reason.
15. Reject all unreasonable fundamental doctrines of religion that seek to pass off as God's inviolable Word directly revealed.
16. Humanists, agnostics, atheists and rationalists are often better people than believers who are superstitious and turn fanatical.
17. To faith you have a right. To reason you have a right, too. But infringement of others' rights, to it you have no right whatsoever.
18. The western world is being rocked up by reason and people are fast losing faith in a benevolent God. Vedanta is now the way out.
19. Why do so many of the rational West still hang on to the irrational Semitic faiths? Many, however, are rejecting them as well.
20. It is time to create universities for Vedic studies so that missionaries from India may carry the dharma to distant lands.
21. God is testing us in this life -- what a ludicrous logic! He has his hands full with our exam papers. No wonder His line is busy!
22. Cast off superstition as so much worthless appendage. Strike out a path to perfection. Follow close if you have found one. Be free.
23. Believer and sceptic are both bound to the passions of the body and the mind. Freedom is equidistant from both.
24. Arrogance in the name of reason is as despicable a trait as arrogance of faith. The wise are humble.
25. It is a queer monotheism that Semitic religions all profess, a curious dictatorship of a tyrant God.
26. Religions that propagate the theory of end-times on earth are nearing their own end before such fanciful earthly doom results.
27. Conversion is a spiritual malpractice that no righteous religion ought to allow. Yet, it is the standard of Islam and Christianity.
28. Conversion to Abrahamic faiths for a Hindu is submission to hypnotic inducement of an ulterior kind.
29. Let 1.15 billion Hindus across the world stand united. That will be too great a force to resist. Peace will dwell on earth then.
30. The Hindus throughout the world must be considered a single people bound as they are by a common spiritual conception.
31. There is a single life-force running through all of animate and inanimate life-form even as thread runs through pearls in a necklace.
32. Ideas are universal, practices local. Even as culture roots you to finite forms, spread out your horizons in search of the infinite.
33. The deal with this body is this : Thou art my friend faithful that offers me residence as I embark on the search after my Self.
34. There is but a law of life that never fails when directed with sanity. Love all but with discrimination to guide its outer flow.
35. Everyday expand. Expand the horizons of knowledge, the limits of your love, the boundaries that define your finite self. Onward !
36. The best way to defend the Sanatan Dharma from foreign offences is to be aware of its principles well. Study the scriptures.
37. Prolific Bhaskar (Sen Sharma) restrains his pen. Why? Let his statement of the soul see the light of day. We await his luminous lines.
38. Happy birthday, Bhaskar (Mukherjee)! What more shall I say than that we miss the celebration in distant homeland?
39. Freedom is the one call that sounds from the depths of the soul. We either respond or in captive bonds remain.
40. Swamiji exhorted us to be patriotic for that was the first step to decolonisation of the Indian mind. Freedom would follow thereon.
41. We as a nation are being ideologically subverted by foreign influence that seeks to undermine our sovereignty. We must self-defend.
42. We have to raise the standard of Hindu intellectualism so that it can better represent the Hindu cause in world fora.
43. Business houses must patronise the study of Sanskrit. Only then will it proliferate and progress duly.
44. The Indian dharma traditions must combine to provide a united front against the Abrahamic faiths' assault on them.
45. First kill the infidel, then pray for their families. What a hypocrisy! Come out of fanatical faith if you be men enough.
46. The West has become intellectually violent. This is evident in their universities the most. Worldliness of the brain. Reprehensible.
47. Spirituality is missing in talks on spirituality. Why do monks speak of materialism so much? Business and money and CEO and what not?
48. Why is it necessary for over a billion people across the world to take recourse to medieval texts to direct their modern living?
49. I'm not the body. It is changing. It will decay finally. I'll have to give it up.
50. Imran says, let Kashmir be resolved. I say, let Pakistan be dissolved and reabsorbed into India. It is India after all.
51. By changing surname, a man does not change. By naming a part of India Pakistan, a country is not formed. It is India still.
52. Immy bounces, Sidhu ducks. We should wear helmets before facing Pak pace for we must counter their reverse swing of intent.
53. The Catholic Church that so advocates secularism in India must first make sure that the Vatican City is declared a secular state.
54. Pluralism is intrinsic to Hinduism. It is a fundamental feature of it. The concept of the Ishta (Chosen Ideal) testifies to it. But what about the pluralism of Christianity and Islam? Do they also in scriptural terms vouch for it?
55. Block a man from expressing his opinion in innocent fun and you would get your version of modern liberalism.
56. Happiest is he who lives in the Self.
57. ARe we to NAB each other in a nightly vocal match where the GO ahead is given by SWAMI for us to uphold the REPUBLIC?
58. Netaji left India by her north-western border but arrived with his army crossing the north-eastern border. Why so?
59. Give the people their lost identity, their forgotten individuality, as Swamiji put it, and they will be a power for good.
60. Let reverence for man be the basis of all social transformation. Worship man as your Ishta, your Chosen Ideal.
61. The life of the Spirit must here be lived, right now in this hermitage of humanity. This is the message of the Geeta.
62. Within a bubble is a whole atmosphere. So is infinity within man.
63. God is the sublimest ideal earthly man can conceive of Reality, the conception differing as per the culture of man.
64. Look after the poor people. They are the divinities who your scriptures address as God.
65. Be active, my friends, in the practice of the dharma and in the strengthening of your soul will lie its own defence.
66. Spread with zeal over the length and breadth of the country and make a Ramakrishna centre in every village.
67. The Ramakrishna Movement must spread far and wide, striking roots deep in the collective consciousness of humanity.
68. The Bhagavad Geeta teaches valour, detached action, renunciation, resignation unto the Lord and freedom of the Self.
69. A religion that converts can never be a religion of peace for conversion itself is war on human culture.
70. When you serve, do so with a smile. It costs nothing, yet it is so dear.
71. Purity is the precondition for the growth of all human attributes that make a person great.
72. Intellectual culture is good but turns roguish when not backed up by spiritual culture.
73. To be ignorant of one's culture does not stand one in good stead when residing in a foreign country. It
74. Obliteration of the ego is the aim of all austerity. Realisation spontaneously flows from it.
75. Tagore said to Romain Rolland, ''If you want to know India, study Vivekananda.'' But I say unto you, ''If you wish to be Indian, study Vivekananda.''
76. Bose and Bose -- between the two of them, they liberated India.
77. What a shame it is that Swami Nirmalananda who is a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna is no more recognised as such! Awake! Awake! Awake to the truth!
78. Conversion from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity must be banned by law in India if Hindu interests at all are dear to Indians.
79. Demographic changes through mass proliferation, conversion and immigration are dangerous for the future security of our country.
Conversion from Hinduism must be stopped as it reduces the numerical strength of Hindus even as it creates potential enemies in the form of such perverts to the faith all the more. Swami Vivekananda had this to say about such converts from Hinduism : ''And then every man going out of the Hindu pale is not only a man less, but an enemy the more.''
Written by Sugata Bose
The coming 2019 Lok Sabha elections are making out of politicians what no Hindu preacher has succeeded in bringing about so effectively and so fast thus far. It is making Hindu devotees out of vote-hungry politicians who are now flocking the temples and monasteries to get their much needed mandate. At last we see the emergence of character even in corruption and the renaissance of Hinduism. Hinduism has a hope after all. Haha!
Written by Sugata Bose
82. The network of civilisation must spread to alleviate the misery of the masses.
83. Same old track, beaten, yet, not battered quite. What to reply? Let people learn through experience or not learn at all. Men believe what they wish to believe and few are intelligent enough to comprehend issues beyond what casual and cursory glances through core concerns lead them to. The superficial ever ruminate superficiality and they have a right to their respective ruminations. So, may peace dwell in discourse yet and people counter my comments as they please so long as they do not vilify me in doing so.
84. Conversion is the curse of religion that has caused its perversion like nothing else. No religion that converts can be peaceful.
85. The problem of peace is perplexing for it is the resultant of so many conflicting forces at so many levels of human evolution.
86. An incomplete philosophy is the legacy of an individual prophet. The collective wisdom of humanity is what ought to guide us.
87. Humanity has to move on from its tribal past. It is time to modernise thinking.
88. Where there is life, there ought to be love. Where there is love, there life flourishes. Future civilisation must be built on love.
89. How long must man be bound to medieval practices and beliefs?It is time to look ahead. Explore new horizons and discover yourself.
90. Human sympathies are so limited even within the family and they talk of world peace!
91. The smaller the individual, the narrower his sympathies, the meaner his means and the viler his ends.
92. Tribal culture dominates even the modern man as he goes about his conquest of others' domains without compunction of conscience.
93. If there is one sin on earth, it is the thrusting of God on man. Let man evolve a God out of himself. Free him of imposition.
94. Liberalism must not be foolish enough to lose out to fanaticism hands down. What is needed is pragmatism.
95. A reverse cultural colonisation is now taking place in the West as immigration is changing its cultural patterns.
96. Changes in demography sweep through Europe. European civilisation in danger of being usurped. Cultural conquest by immigrants.
97. Appeasement created the Nazi demon. Will another such create a worse one now?
98. The Indian dharma traditions must combine to combat the menace of cultural subversion in our country. Cooperate, brothers.
99. India has been partitioned once and cannot afford it again. It is time for us to uplift our masses to prevent such an eventuality.
100. We need to educate ourselves in the scriptures of alien religions before pronouncing them as benign. Ignorance will get us nowhere.