Wednesday 4 April 2018


Something great can only satiate the soul that thirsts for the elixir of spiritual life, something substantial, beyond mundane necessity, beyond the routine rigmarole of earthly existence. An idea that ennobles, an ideal sublime that cuts the roots of material bonds and releases the soul in the rarefied altitudes of ethereal living where incongruities disappear and harmony prevails, such a principle made flesh must impregnate the soul with its higher vibrations and lend it fruition in the fullness of time in liberation from terrestrial ends, in freedom in Self-consciousness. In such a secure buoy alone may the soul find succour, the mind its repose and the body the harmonic state it had always felt when fresh but had lost it in the meanders of life.

The ideal once established in principle, it must become alive in the personality of the recipient with its pulsations throbbing through the whole frame, its vibrations setting up habitat in its fresh-found home and altering its existent state by raising it, deifying it, making it resonate to the universal symphony and the beyond. The will must play its part as the conductor of this cosmic symphony where the individual rediscovers himself as a unit of the universal before identifying with the universal itself. And then comes the transcendence of this phenomenal play for the individual soul as it careers into Self-absorption and relocates itself in the timeless zone, in the realm that is not space, yet enfolding all of space-time-causality on return to dual bounds with faint distinctions.

But such an attainment is a tall order and is not come by in a day. There comes a great dissatisfaction in the soul for all things mundane and it hankers for a taste of things beyond, even within sensory bounds but finer, subtler, approximating the immaterial, before it apprehends the great truth that 'not hither, not hither, but elsewhere lies the abode of Truth'. The realisation comes as a bolt from the blue and shakes the soul of the aspirant with seismic waves as it rises in a feverish mood unto the sublimity of renunciation.

The aspirant is now carried forward in a torrent of spiritual emotion towards a hazy ideal gradually getting concreted before his clarifying vision. The ceaseless pursuit of the ideal, ever shifting location like a mirage that deceives, lends the aspirant no room for any occupation save the ever-increasing thirst for union with the beloved perceived dimly in the elusive ideal. Hunger, thirst and sleep are given the oblivion as the child of destiny is torn apart by the torment of separation from the divine beloved and lives now like a live wire of the divine current circuiting through his form in alternate cycles of ebb and flow.

The divine drama is on as the Mother plays with her seeking son in peals of laughter and in sobs of pain that penetrate and permeate each and every pore of his being. The Mother plays as the child suffers the anguish of separation, ever intensifying his longing till the curtain lifts and the vision is seen of the effulgent blissful Mother in a sea of delight, an ocean of light, boundless on every side, rushing in to engulf the residuum of his phenomenal personality, yet leaving a trace of it for savouring the bliss that is the Mother. The son has seen his Mother as the Mother lifts him up to be one with him and lends him Her divine essence to forever change his life.

The seer has been born but the Mother has departed after the initial union and the hapless child is left on the shore of ecstasy, marooned in a strange world of visions and dreams that are the shadow of his earlier experience of the Mother and suffers ever more intensely now, seeking the incessant vision of his Mother. But such a delight is not so easily come by for informality has led him thus far and the formalities of the spiritual path are yet to be observed.

... End of Part 1
... to be continued 

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