Monday 9 April 2018


10th President of the Order, direct disciple of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, second longest serving President after Swami Brahmananda, Swami Vireswarananda had met Swami Vivekananda as a small child with his father in Madras in 1897 which in later years he could not recollect though but which he used to in a lighter vein speak of as an occasion when he may may have missed seeing Swamiji but surely Swamiji must have not missed seeing him.

I was fortunate to have touched his holy feet at Belur Math several times and to have received his silent blessings from a distance and once a gracious look, too, in those last days of these spiritual titans, Prabhu Maharaj, Surjo Maharaj, Bharat Maharaj, Prabir Maharaj, Devanandaji, Narayananandaji and so many other living lights of the Ramakrishna Order.

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