Thursday 5 April 2018


Who is the Guru? He who can read your past, present and future, and can alter the course of your evolution by quickening the process with the imparting of the Seed Word (Beej Mantra / Ishta Mantra), absorbing your sins and replenishing the void thus created by filling in his good impressions into your system and, so, redirecting your soul towards its highest end in life, the transcendence of phenomenal bonds and bondage thereof and the realisation of the Self within and in all of sentience. He is the Lord embodied and apparent to you for your cosmic release who out of his unbounded mercy graces your soul with his benign touch and breaks the fetters that bind you. The Guru picks you up, as it were, from the by-lanes of earthly existence and relocates you in the royal avenue of God. The meandering course of your life is straightened as you traverse along the sunlit path of the Divine, savouring every bit of the progression in ever-increasing delight till you reach the destination by his grace when the Guru dissolves in your Chosen Ideal (Ishta Devata) and becomes one with Him. The Guru, the disciple and God --- the trinity are now one. In an all-enveloping, all-encompassing spiritual consciousness where unity reigns you are absorbed in the Divine and are rendered divine for good. Such is the Guru's grace who is none other than God Himself. Jai Guru!

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