Pakistan was born in sin and it will be puerile to expect such a persistent sinner to mend its ways. So, strength is the only way out to deal with this rogue state, the ill-begotten offspring of Partition where the midwife was Machiavellian Britain. This crooked colonial power will have to yet pay for its misdeeds perpetrated during its centuries of oppressive colonial occupation, a prophecy that none other than Swami Vivekananda had pronounced on it and which is yet to fulfil. But fulfil it must.
Pakistan's active involvement in global jihad and its perpetrating terror persistently in India cannot go unheeded in the high hall of karma where fates of nations are ultimately resolved. The day will come, though, when this 'nation' will have to beg India to accept it back on Indian terms. This may seem a bit far-fetched today, akin to a fanciful dream or an absurdity seeking sanction in reasonable terms, but it will come to pass for the DNA of the subcontinent is one and cannot bear such a territorial and cultural schism for long. Till then let strength be the watchword in dealing with this deluded nation of sorts which is more a loosely hanging federation of freedom-seeking provinces, any moment to fragment, than a nation in democratic solidarity.
And what a misnomer is 'Pakistan' when 'Pak' means 'pure' ! Is Pakistan, for all its historical misdeeds right from its murderous birth when it mutilated its Mother India, deserving of this name which can only adorn the saintly and the divine? The hub of impure intent and action has the epithet 'pure' labelled on to its very name. Can there be a greater irony in nomenclature than this?
Written by Sugata Bose
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