Monday 16 November 2020



Do not be fooled by clerical lies. Gullibility is a weakness that ruins. See through the motives of these massive liars who talk of religion on the one hand and nationalism on the other. Their intent is to propagate their religion and increase their numbers while feigning patriotism till they are no more in need of such pretence for the numbers in the fullness of time are theirs. This is the sad state of things wherever they are in the majority and will be imposed on India as well when the doomsday mark has been reached. Partition stands as a glaring illustration of such an already attained fate. Now in newer garb the scenes are being repeated. So, do not be fooled by clerical posturing on fraternity. Be on your guard. Trust the common man instead but be not gullible enough to be caught off-guard once more to precipitate a second dismemberment of the motherland and horrible carnage which she is again likely to suffer in its wake.

Written by Sugata Bose

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