Wednesday 25 November 2020



The intellectual culture of the Hindus has been traditionally their strong point but seems to be floundering now. This ought to be revived in the rightful way once more. For this, free and fair criticism of Hinduism even by adherents of other religions must be listened to and arguments afforded them by way of refutation, wherever necessary, in a civilised manner.
Imperviousness to others' opinions is detrimental to one's own improvement and cocksureness about one's status is never conducive to any good. Hence, within the fold of Hinduism the scientific spirit must be encouraged with scepticism and questioning being given primacy as in science. Only then will Hindus learn to think clearly, intelligently and with a discerning mind that will equip them not only to hotly debate the contents of their scriptures but to study them duly in the process as well.
Our Sanatan Dharma stands on the eternal foundation of the Vedas and no devout Hindu needs to be apprehensive -- as adherents of absolutist religions are so often made to feel by their clever clerics when confronted with rational opposition to the absolutist principles of their scriptures -- about it sinking in quicksand when struck hard by rational disputations. Therefore, it is meet that Hindus train themselves in rational reflection on their scriptures so that they may emerge stronger from the exercise. But that wonderful element of 'shraddhaa' (reverential attitude tending to perfection) must not be lost. Only then will rationality lead to that which is supra-rational and transcendental in core and content.

Written by Sugata Bose

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