1. The problem with our politicians is that none inspires. That is why we have to keep going back to the likes of Netaji and Rash Behari Bose to seek inspiration. This is such a woeful state of things and extends even to the spiritual world where hardly anybody inspires.
6. Seek out the least common denominator of society and go for its positive affirmation. In India it would be economic development and equitable distribution of wealth. Let the poor survive. Let the middle class not slide into poverty. Stop the rich from hobnobbing with the men in power and getting to that obnoxious state of 'stinking richness'.
7. Intellectual violence is also violence.
8. After reading so much of Swamiji, has this plastic character developed at last? Where is the steel in the being that Swamiji so exhorted you to manifest?
9. আজকাল মহামূর্খদের ভক্ত বলে ডাকা হয় | দিবারাত্র মানুষের অবমাননা আর কল্পিত ঈশ্বরের তুষ্টিসাধন ধূপধুনো নেড়ে !
10. Submission to the will of God is not an easy act. It requires total self-effacement, a self-abnegation of extreme proportions.
11. Fear, once instilled in the mind, will make a mockery of democracy despite its safeguarding institutions. Voice your opinions freely and save democracy which is ever endangered by extremist elements across the political spectrum. This need not mean taking up a break-India antinational stance but it must mean resisting autocracy of all kinds, be it political, economic, religious or cultural. Unite the forces of good to combat evil.
12. Rare is the person who adopts a neutral stance and voices his concerns over issues that affect humanity. Tagore was one such.
13. Must journalism be done with a pre-set agenda in accordance with ideological and political affiliation and keeping commercial interests strictly in view with scant regard for public welfare or national good?
14. A dot of a virus kills the dot on a brother's forehead. But the divine dot who can erase? Happy Bhai Phnota !
15. Most of the sacred shrines of the Hindus are within greater India. A few, though, are elsewhere in Asia.
16. Liberal Muslims must come out much more openly and actively to bring about Hindu-Muslim understanding as Hindu liberals are doing.
17. Blame Muhammad Ali Jinnah and not Mahatma Gandhi for the Partition. Worse, blame the British.
18. As scientific education spreads, hopefully, regressive irrational religions will have lesser sway over the multitudes.
19. Clerics preach their own religion alright with all the verve and vigour but when it comes to their community's participation in yoga, they ask for it to be secularised, that is, separated from the Hindu religion. Lovely manoeuvring alright !
20. What a preposterous proposition that yoga is not related to the Sanatan Dharma ! Speaking through your hat, eh ?
21. When Muslim clerics speak of secularism, it becomes laughing stock. Now don't ask why.
22. Do not believe in the doublespeak of people with perfidious intent. Beware ! Do not be so trusting.
23. This is also India and that is also India, and yet the divide lies. And it lies, it lies. The truth it hides.
24. The population of the country and the world is growing at an alarming rate. One wonders what lies in store for us.
25. Is Uniform Civil Code bad for the Indian Muslims?
26. Why can't Indian Muslims merge in India as Indians and not persistently hold on to their separate religious and cultural identity whose extreme outcome is separatism?
27. There must be greater participation in intellectual activity on Facebook rather than indulging in idle admiration of photographs.
28. Those who persecute others are ever fearful of getting persecuted.
29. Journalists who criticise other journalists of driving political agendas are themselves culpable to the same offence.
30. There is a need for being nationalistic above being specifically religious. Nationalism when practised the way Swami Vivekananda preached is itself a sublime form of religion.
31. India is not a fascist state. Those who say so have a malefic motive behind it. Let them introspect.
32. Those who call India a fascist state have never experienced fascism even in their wildest dreams, much less in reality. Hence, their delusion.
33. This conversion thing has to stop. It is a barbaric practice and is neither secular nor liberal nor human. Stop it.
34. The irrational have fantastic solutions to complex problems of human existence. Which is why scientific education of a high quality is so very important for backward communities.
35. Heaven you have to believe in. Life on earth you see here happening. Which one will you give greater importance to?
36. You convert the Hindu to Islam and Christianity but fear the Hindu as threatening to convert India to Hindu Rashtra. Right? Only then is it that your good sense about the maintenance of one's identity arises? Am I spot on? By the way, do not therefore deduce that I am in favour of India becoming a Hindu Rashtra. I am just raising the issue of your own religious and political double standard.
37. The abolition of the triple talaq was a landmark achievement of the Government that restored the dignity of the Muslim woman.
38. Gandhiji is immeasurably greater than any other leader of our freedom struggle or of the world in the 20th century. This is my considered opinion and conviction at that.
39. Is it possible that a future government of India can reinstate Articles 370 and 35A? What does the law say? Will statehood also be restored for Jammu and Kashmir then? What are the possibilities and with what consequences this way or that?
40. Study Swami Vivekananda and make the nation strong. Each one of you, I exhort you to do so.
41. The life of a traitor is often longer than the life of a patriot and that is the contentious issue in this battle of the forces where evil is pitted against good.
42. Is life here on earth more important or an assumed life after death?
43. Liberalism is the balancing act of seeing history in the whole.
44. Netaji, Gandhiji, Nehruji -- they were great. They were the makers of history.
45. Commerce is making culture coarse. Capitalists, civilise yourselves.
46. Feudalism runs hard in capitalists who were historically the enemies of feudalism. After all they build their business 'empires'.
47. Culture suffers when inclusiveness in real intent and action goes. The nation then becomes impoverished.
48. Hindu children must be protected from conversion to Islam or to Christianity. It is the duty of every Hindu to spread the message of the Sanatan Dharma and, so, stem this rot.
49. So long as conversion from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity goes on and Hindus are thus diminished in numbers, India will slide into being a Hindu Rashtra. Nothing can stop its irresistible course which will thus seek justification in terms of sheer survival.
50. India will be poorer if its Muslim identity is lost but India will die if its Hindu identity is lost.
51. You reject my religion and call it false but I accept your religion as true, nonetheless. Can this be the basis of a fraternal relationship between you and me?
52. Is it moral to call one's own religion as wholly and uniquely true and the religion of others as partially flawed or wholly false?
53. Christians adore Christ as the only begotten Son of God but Islam accepts him reverentially only as a human prophet. Conflict !
54. Is India gradually moving from being a secular democracy to a Hindu Rashtra? Please give your views.
55. The Indian will has to be strengthened. A concentrated mass of people can defend its rights well, be they territorial or cultural.
56. The Communist goes shallow, the Muslim goes deeper, the Christian goes even deeper but the Hindu goes deepest, right to the core of Reality.
57. Being an Indian why do you need a cultural identity which is non-Indian?
58. Kashmir was destroyed by Kashmiri Muslims themselves the day they drove out 5 lakh Hindu Pandits from the land to rot as refugees.
59. It is not civil to mock communists as commies. After all communists have a deep political and economic philosophy of their own. Marx was a modern Rishi.
60. The historical process is more complex than any man or God can comprehend. And the complexities beneath are even more incomprehensible.
61. The country has threat from inside as well from outside. In this situation one must be vigilant in defence of the motherland.
62. What are the chances that Indian Muslims, when in the majority, if ever, would prefer to declare India an Islamic state just as the BJP and the RSS would like to declare it a Hindu Rashtra in due course, or so it seems? Give your views please.
63. সহজে যে জিনিস পাওয়া যায়, তার মূল্য যে দেয় না, সে ভক্ত কেমন করে হবে?
65. The patient and the pure do more for society than is their due given them.
66. Today Late Pandit Ajoy Sinha Roy is exactly 100 years old. He was born on 21 November, 1920. We pay our homage to his memory by laying before you some of his latter day recordings which give us a glimpse of what he must have been in his heyday as a musician.
67. Human relations are punctuated by necessity and not love. Where love enters the equation, necessity for a while takes the back seat before it makes its presence felt once again pushing love out of the way. The commercial instinct is dominant in the mind of man as necessity rules the roost and survival in a hostile world of matter and mind takes precedence over such delicacies as love which require superior refinement to live on.
68. Ultimately, it is performance for oneself, for it is the self alone that travels from the One to the One through the many and the one unto eventual perfection. All work is geared ultimately towards this one end, purification of the mind-stuff for dropping of the finite fetters and sinking into the infinitude of phenomenal oblivion in the ocean of infinite, unhindered consciousness.
69. What a personality, Satyajit Ray, and what an appraisal of the only star of the Bengali cinema, Uttam Kumar, by the master maker of films ! Unpretentious, straightforward, direct, incisive analysis and articulation by the last renaissance artist of Bengal.
70. It is irritating to hear Muslims address us Hindus as kaffirs (infidels) and idol worshippers to be looked down upon. Shame !
71. Love that is restricted to a sect soon rots and dies. What is left is a stinking mass of barbaric ideology unfit for civilisation in any age.
72. To make anybody the perfect model for future humanity is to restrict the scope of human evolution, for evolution ever springs surprises, its possibilities being endless.
73. Sensitivity is one and weakness another. The latter must not masquerade as the former.
74. How men strive to change others after having failed to change themselves !
75. Want to serve India? Then raise your cultural level.
76. Is the so-called Hindu assertion happening by way of Hindu reaction to betrayal of interests by past governments or is it simply a playing out of pure politics to secure electoral advantage, of course with an ideological end to be attained in view?
77. How would you rate Ramachandra Guha as a public intellectual?
78. 'The Discovery of India' is a shining testament to Nehru's greatness as a writer.
79. Does God make mistakes?
80. Did Swamiji uphold the caste system or was he against it?
81. More working days necessary in India. Some holidays ought to be scrapped. New demands for holidays ought not to be entertained.
82. A large proportion of the Jewish population is atheistic but highly scientific. Hence, their tremendous material progress.
84. It is not easy to understand Swamiji by a cursory reading of several passages of his Complete Works. One has to reverentially study him for decades, absorb and assimilate his teachings and messages before one gets to assessing in any real measure the magnitude of his philosophical genius.
85. Man stands above religion. So, we can get to inter-group harmony by transcending religion and affirming man.
86. I try to stimulate discussion on pertinent issues of the day. Calling me a hatemonger, thereby, may suit the agenda of some but detracts from the central truths of the day where democratic discussions are necessary on important issues by way of clarification of general confusion.
87. Being strongly supportive of Hinduism and pointing out pertinent issues that proselytising Christianity and Islam indulge in against the Hindus to expand their numbers is not being communal, rather the opposite of it. It is patriotism of a kind that Indians should be proud of.
88. We will in every sense reclaim our lost territory and rebuild our civilisation. That is our sacred duty, this our mission.
89. Jihadis bleed us daily and we call Hindus bigots !
90. Conversion from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity must stop. How can mutual trust develop otherwise?
91. Join me in defending the motherland and her Sanatan (Hindu) culture. Do not be idle spectators if you care for her civilisation.
I enjoin each and every Hindu to memorise the 'Svadesh Mantra' of Swamiji and to recite it reverentially every day.
I enjoin each and every Hindu to memorise the 'Svadesh Mantra' of Swamiji and to recite it reverentially every day.
93. If studying Swami Vivekananda does not ignite the soul, then it is a desire-drenched wet soul, indeed. Dry it in the fire of manifested manhood.
94. Drink mother's milk, then neglect mother for auntie elsewhere ! Is this life? Students of merit, serve your motherland. Do not leave her and settle abroad for the sake of the dollar or the sterling pound.
95. Muhuurtam jvalitam shreyo na tu dhuumaayitam chiram.
97. You know 'Rapid Action Force'. That is what we now need in the spiritual sphere. We must spread the word of our scriptures rapidly across the world without pretension to which most of us are prone. Let the self die in the service of the civilisation. Let the Sanatan Dharma propagate on the wings of our labour of love.
98. What is the difference between the preaching style of Swami Vivekananda and that of his followers?
99. Is defence of Hinduism and the Hindus from being persecuted to extinction as in Kashmir to be deemed being communal? Was Sri Aurobindo communal then for he copiously wrote and discussed in defence of the Hindus?
100. Even communists are divine, my friends, forget not. Our scriptures say so. Let them go against God. So what ? They'll reform.
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