1. From the beggar to the billionaire all are slaves to money.
2. চিন্তা কখনো মানুষকে সংস্কৃতিবান করে না ; সংস্কৃতি মানুষকে চিন্তাশীল করে |
3. Beauty is to be cultivated at all levels. Not merely cosmetic stuff but real refinement of the self in every phase and phrase.
Resist this cheap advertising culture that is engulfing the country. This is a weakening, paralysing culture that is making jellyfishes out of men. Resist it. Manifest strength. Exhibit character.
5. This human frame is the temple. How it is violated each day by human persecution itself ! Ah, the sacrilege of it !
Mother, thou giver of birth to humanity, upon thy pleasure rests the welfare of the world. Where women are worshipped, there the gods dwell.
7. Hindus who are persecuted in Pakistan and Bangladesh must be protected by the Government of India. This is its dharma.
8. Conversion is evil and cannot lead to heaven or to salvation. It is directly against the very order of Nature.
9. Stop calling someone a Muslim. Call her/him an Indian if she/he is an Indian citizen. Likewise for all religions.
Pakistan and Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) were carved out of India by striking terror into Hindu hearts. Gandhiji capitulated and India was dismembered. When will the damage be undone? When will Mother India become whole again? Her two limbs have been severed and we pay scant attention to her surgical recovery. Is this patriotism? Is this nationalism? Is this dharma?
Pakistan and Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) were carved out of India by striking terror into Hindu hearts. Gandhiji capitulated and India was dismembered. When will the damage be undone? When will Mother India become whole again? Her two limbs have been severed and we pay scant attention to her surgical recovery. Is this patriotism? Is this nationalism? Is this dharma?
11. A Member of Parliament is elected by his constituency to represent them for national good and not their good alone. Remember.
12. The Constitution of India is our modern Smriti Shastra. So said Swami Ranganathananda.
14. Do not indoctrinate the child. Let her/him think critically, based on available evidence. Let the scientific method be in place.
15. Flexibility is spirituality.
16. The love of life is the seal of death.
17. Do not create a ruckus in society which begins with your home. It will only decline the culture of the world and disempower you.
18. Inadvertently raise a controversy and you get a crowd round you ; write a sublime line or two and there are many passers-by.
19. The sign of wisdom is a purified tranquillity of the mind.
In these tough times, in this altered circumstance when death stalks the world like a dogging shadow that will never leave, the grace of the Guru alone makes one fearless and wise to travel unscathed through these troubled times.
In these tough times, in this altered circumstance when death stalks the world like a dogging shadow that will never leave, the grace of the Guru alone makes one fearless and wise to travel unscathed through these troubled times.
21. The greater the ignorance, the thicker the ego, and vice-versa.
22. Historians see history as it suits them and chronicle it in accordance. The method must thus be rationalised to avoid distortions.
23. Businessmen are the biggest beggars.
24. Every Hindu must make it a point to study thoroughly 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda'. Only then will the essence of Hinduism come clear to him.
25. Almost all the great men of our country have compromised Hindu interests in some way or the other. A rare exception was the leonine personality of Swami Vivekananda who stood tall to uphold the interests of our civilisation and did not hesitate to call a spade a spade.
26. Almost all the great men of our country have compromised Hindu interests in some way or the other. A rare exception was the leonine personality of Swami Vivekananda who stood tall to uphold the interests of our civilisation and did not hesitate to call a spade a spade.
27. If anyone wishes to do real good to India, he must wholeheartedly absorb the entire culture of the land whose soul is in Hinduism.
28. 'India is never going to be under foreign domination of any kind again.' This should be our resolve and this ought to be our national dharma. Our General is Swami Vivekananda and not Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin or Mao Tse Tung or any other leader from antiquity from beyond our undivided borders.
29. How many of you speak out against conversion when you so vociferously preach liberalism? Is conversion a liberal practice?
30. Hindus fight among themselves and their enemies make the best out of their resulting weakness to take them nearer to destruction.
31. Who loves the nation? One who loves only the Hindus? One who loves only the Muslims? One who loves each and every Indian?
32. If India's history post independence has been written largely by the leftists, it is time that the rightists educate themselves better and start writing their version of it. Then the resolution shall stand in an equal emphasis on contrasting and, perhaps, contradictory elements to help resolve out the central view of the history of India.
33. In this world of diabolical violence where man is predator and man is prey, Mahatma Gandhi stands out as a beacon for humanity to course through the tempestuous seas of self-survival unto the safe haven of a secure shore.
34. ব্রহ্মজ্ঞানই ঠিক ঠিক ঈশ্বরদর্শন | সকল গ্রন্থি ভেদ হল, সন্দেহ ভঞ্জন হল |
35. Buddha must be brought back into spiritual discourse in India. Likewise Gandhi must be studied and followed by individuals, not by the armed forces. Vivekananda is the wholesome diet for the nation now. Rammohan Roy must also be deeply studied and his thoughts implemented except where they concern his denunciation of image worship which Ramakrishna has shown to be valid in the spiritual path to Truth.
Did Thakur (Sri Ramakrishna) contract cancer of the throat because he over-exerted his organ talking to aspirants about God, especially in those days in the first half of the 1880s when devotees flocked to him like bees seeking the nectar of flowers?
Did Thakur (Sri Ramakrishna) contract cancer of the throat because he over-exerted his organ talking to aspirants about God, especially in those days in the first half of the 1880s when devotees flocked to him like bees seeking the nectar of flowers?
Ramakrishna Mission's great success has been that it has been able to help manifest goodness and a semblance of spirituality in hundreds of thousands of its devotees and initiates.
Ramakrishna Mission's great success has been that it has been able to help manifest goodness and a semblance of spirituality in hundreds of thousands of its devotees and initiates.
Einstein said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible." But is it comprehensible? How so? Sensory erroneous understanding, far deflected from Truth?
Einstein said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible." But is it comprehensible? How so? Sensory erroneous understanding, far deflected from Truth?
39. The Hindu accepts all religions as true because he has sounded the depths of spirituality where oneness abides in singular glory.
40. Those who pose as Gurus before the public and televise their programmes, they do not inspire confidence or reverence in my heart.
41. Hinduism cannot be strengthened by supporting fake Gurus. It must stand on the secure foundation of character in its adherents.
42. Aren't there holy people who can become Gurus? Must cheats crowd the scene so and draw the crowds too?
43. Are we fools that we believe in these wicked men posing as Gurus while making hundreds of millions in the bargain?
Sri Ramakrishna said that the tamasic devotee seeks God in the sky. What are to make of these Gurus then who point upwards to locate God? The common man does so as well but he may be excused his ignorance. But what about these know-alls, these god-men who are in charge of millions of gullible fools whose job is to earn and empty their coffers at the 'lotus' feet of these Gurus?
Sri Ramakrishna said that the tamasic devotee seeks God in the sky. What are to make of these Gurus then who point upwards to locate God? The common man does so as well but he may be excused his ignorance. But what about these know-alls, these god-men who are in charge of millions of gullible fools whose job is to earn and empty their coffers at the 'lotus' feet of these Gurus?
45. Do not be deluded by the web of words conjured by crafty people whose sole aim is your purse. Clever talk is not spirituality, character is.
46. Crooks preaching spirituality and defiling its very course. May the Mother empower some fiery youths, armed in purity and truth, to galvanise society with the word of God !
47. These fake Gurus who talk of the pollution of the Kali Yug are themselves symptomatic of the Yug most.
48. Thakur brought Swamiji from the ethereal realm to become the model for renascent humanity.
49. Even when we see multiplicity, it is unity of perception in a single frame of vision. Persistence of memory in a unified stream of consciousness keeps aligning these visions to give the sense of continued consciousness of things which through strange analytical delusion we deem as different with distinctive contours and boundaries and consequent separateness. But it is oneness all the way as the one who has transcended once the limitations of the senses and been the One will aver.
50. The world is yet ruled by the barbaric principle of 'Might is right' despite the pretensions of civilisation and high human culture.
51. What are the spiritual-cultural roots of India? I mean roots and not branches.
52. Swami Vivekananda must be studied by each and every Hindu to know his/her religion. Those that do not remain sadly ignorant.
53. Come on, consolidate strength and become Indians. Upon your unity depends the solidarity of the nation and its cultural survival.
54. Foolish is that Vedantist who rejects Mother Kali, the primordial power.
58. The mischievous Chinese are at it again. They are never content and ever pushing for more territory than is legitimately theirs.
59. I only celebrate one Puja through the year and that is WORK PUJA.
60. Please wear cotton clothes. Do not wear synthetic clothes and pin-ups. Beware ! It's your precious life that you are protecting.
61. When wickedness mounts, God kills. So, Krishna destroyed evil in India in the great war and cleansed her for a brighter future till the dross accumulated again.
62. When wickedness mounts, God kills. So, Krishna destroyed evil in India in the great war and cleansed her for a brighter future till the dross accumulated again.
63. Hindus have been losing influence the world over for the last 1350 years or so. This is evident in our territorial loss and reduction in numbers w.r.t. world population and other world religions which have grown enormously during this period at the cost of Hinduism.
64. Resurrect Sanskrit.
65. We must recover our Hindu culture.
66. Does Srinagar sound like a non-Hindu name?
67. Our entire language will have to be rescued from foreign contamination and that is only possible through mass Sanskrit culture.
68. Each and every Hindu must study Sanskrit to align himself to his spiritual culture.
69. There is a gulf of difference between reading the Hindu scriptures in the vernaculars and reading them in the original Sanskrit.
70. Ramakrishna Mission must rapidly open centres uniformly all over India to spread Swami Vivekananda's message like wild fire.
71. 'Wounded civilisation'? Yes, Naipaul was right. Wounded, indeed, through a thousand years of desecration of Hindu culture.
72. Love your country, my children, love your country. Do not debilitate it further through your apathy and antipathy. Vande Mataram !
73. Hinduism will rise, I say, Hinduism will rise like the Phoenix from the ashes. Nothing can now stall its irresistible course.
74. Why is it that in Islamic states non-Islamic population decreases whereas in non-Islamic states Islamic population increases?
75. Destroyed temples must all be built and so must the temple that is the form of man be built for life to flourish free and fair.
76. How is it that the 1990 exodus of Kashmiri Hindus was allowed to happen in democratic independent India?
77. Cultivate the vernaculars free of linguistic aberrations. Avoid contamination of languages. Learn to apply their pure forms.
78. Teach your children Sanskrit right from their early childhood. That is the only way to save Hindu culture.
79. Parents, study. Only then will children study. Set a golden example of scholarship before your children.
80. Each and every Hindu has an obligation to propagate the Sanatan Dharma. Study it. Then spread its message.
81. Severed limbs die for want of circulation. So must Partition be eventually annulled to save the limbs and make the Mother whole.
82. Culture must be traced in depth, and not superficially, to get to its underlying unifying links.
83. Shouting is not patriotism.
84. Noxious neighbour - Pakistan or China or both? Which one is more toxic?
85. Democracy allows demographic changes to suicidal proportions. Beware of medieval thrusts against modern political systems.
86. Build your character if you wish to build India. Be strictly truthful and honest to the core. Else, your patriotism is but a sham.
87. Strange it is that in parts of Hindustan Hindus are a minority.
88. No point accepting such religions as true that reject Hinduism as false. One-way traffic doesn't work in a universal thoroughfare.
89. Reclamation of our culture in places where they have been lost is the responsibility of every Hindu and his utmost obligation.
90. In the house of Hindi Urdu dwells, so much so that poor Hindi has to live in an outhouse.
91. Love alone inspires acceptance. Love is the highest virtue, the raison d'être of life itself, its source, course and confluence in the ocean of existence.
92. Kashmir? Why, even 'Kali the Mother' was composed there by Swami Vivekananda. Such is the heritage of Kashmir.
93. Atheism comes at a certain stage of evolution of the human being. As the person evolves further, spiritual realisation dawns.
94. Let wealth be better distributed among the people by careful curtailment of crony capitalism.
95. If you are too loud, you will become poor.
96. India was 100% Hindu once upon a time. Why have we lost our numbers? How can we regain them?
97. Are Hindus to undergo reduction to lowest terms till they exist no more?
98. Hindus, manifest character. Only then will your civilisation be secure. Be diligent in your spiritual practices. That'll empower.
99. Indoctrinated rogues cannot be patriotic, although, ironically speaking, patriotism is often the resolution of nationalistic indoctrination.
100. I want some of you to spread the message of the Sanatan Dharma in bold language and not in soft namby-pamby terms.
101. Both Thakur's life and Swamiji's were peerless, epic tales almost unbelievable, yet historically chronicled, glaring golden before us.
104. What a point to point hammering Tarek Fatah gives to Pakistan ! Admirable and worthy of emulation. Indians, learn.
105. Swami Vivekananda has till date not been preached properly, that is, as he truly was and as his message truly was unto the world.
106. Hindus sporadically clamour but lack solidarity. Unless concerted action comes into play, perfidious forces will have their way.
107. We must learn to respect Gandhiji. A nation that reviles such a great leader of humanity never rises in eminence or strength.
108. Babur, Humayun and Akbar, the first three Mughal emperors, were all invaders.
109. Capitalism creates wealth and poverty at the same time. How will you stop drainage of wealth into the coffers of the rich?
Mountainous sadness descends on me to behold such an abysmal fall in our intellectual and spiritual culture. The rise of the proletariat seems to have extinguished the last embers of cultural hope.
Mountainous sadness descends on me to behold such an abysmal fall in our intellectual and spiritual culture. The rise of the proletariat seems to have extinguished the last embers of cultural hope.
Photo : Mother, Thou art my last hope.
111. Unless you build up strength in yourselves and lay it down at the service of the nation, how can the nation rise?
112. Honeyed words are good for love, not for character-formation in the youth. Manhood must manifest in language and in attitude.
113. To call oneself a patriot is easy for that is self-assertion, but to be a patriot is a different call altogether.
114. Work today has become a dispensable thing in the lives of children. I feel like going out, so I will not study today. How lovely !
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