Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : Come on, that is not true as well. He is a chronicler of history in the sense that he has written the definitive biography of Gandhiji.
Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : Is it bad to be left-leaning?
Sugata Bose @Subrata Sengupta : The slightly abbreviated form of the biographer of Gandhi, for it is but a letter short literally for a remarkable man of letters.
Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : You are a marvel, Shaon.
Sugata Bose @Tridib Ghosh : Not really. He (Ramachandra Guha) criticises the present Congress leadership like anything but is obviously very devoted to the old guard of the Congress from the days of pre and post independence.
Sugata Bose @Indradeep Bhadra : He (Ramachandra Guha) states selected facts and interprets them in his own way just as those who oppose him and likeminded historians do as well. Alas, nobody states facts as they are, unhindered by a political and ideological constituency to serve !
Sugata Bose @Souradeep Shubhash Chakraborty : The early historians did not have degrees in history as well. Satyajit Ray did not pass out of a film school but emerged a film maker nonetheless.
Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : Let us read him, nonetheless, to garner knowledge that is presented in a lucid literary style and with a rationale of its own unlike erroneous facts altogether, presented in a rough, roguish style with irrationality and surface thinking abounding.
Sugata Bose @Rabindranarayan Chaudhury : Do we? How many of us care to go through his voluminous writings on Indian history?
Sugata Bose @Sutanu Chatterjee : Sutanu, you had asked me to brainstorm with my posts. Now contribute to the process please through brainstorming comments as well.
Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Ghanti : What is 'radical Islam'?
Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Ghanti : You think Muslims will recite recite this (Svadesh Mantra)? Can you make a handful of them publicly do it?
Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Ghanti Why objection? Such edited recitation will be against the very spirit of the Svadesh Mantra.
Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Ghanti : Siddhartha Ghanti : Then better that they ought not to recite it at all. Rabindranath as well then had rejected the very spirit of the 'Vande Mataram' and in consequence, by inference, that of the 'Svadesh Mantra' as well which really highlights his wonderful catholicity of spirit and total acceptance of the Indian ideal as espoused in all its comprehensiveness by Swamiji. Incidentally, I guess, Tagore's reticence must have been not so much on account of the motherhood part of it as on account of the explicitly 'idolatrous' part of the verses which would have been alien to his habitual acceptance. There he could, I guess, really empathise with the Muslim predicament. When Swamiji uttered the 'Svadesh Mantra' he had done so for the entire 'Svadesh', for sure, in the truest civilisational sense of the term, as you rightly guessed, but the likes of Tagore and the Indian Muslims and Christians could not quite agree to Swamiji's comprehensive and all-inclusive ideal of the motherland. They silently avoided acceptance of this vast ideal and, in doing so, proved their true universality of spirit.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi :
The appended piece above is for your daily recitation. It will do you a world of good in understanding India.
The appended piece above is for your daily recitation. It will do you a world of good in understanding India.
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee: This will not do. Enough of criticism of Hindus. Now let us identify our strengths and work on them. Criticism of our failings suits Swamiji, not us by way of highlighting them all the time. This sort of imaging ourselves in a negative mould with writings from a century ago will scarce improve our self-confidence. It will erode it and weaken us significantly. Swamiji and Thakur both have repeatedly said that mere denunciation does no good. What was proper for Swamiji to have done a century ago is improper for us to do today when we need to stand together against the pitted might of the adversarial band which is intent on destroying us as a culture. Hence, seek out inspirational passages in Swamiji and post them to inspire your fellow beings. Remember negatives work negatively. Moreover, we should not be so suffering from a terrible sense of levity as to delight in highlighting our defects all the time. Let people hear the thunderous messages of Swamiji that are totally positive and there is no dearth of such messages in his works as well.
P.S. A great deal of robust sympathy is needed in us for our brethren. This must never be forgotten. They are our flesh and blood. How can we let them down through denunciation even in the form of quotation from Swamiji?
Sugata Bose @Sujoy Mukherjee : But having heard Swamiji the dead would spring alive and say, "Wait, wait ! We are already on the verge of death but before we die, let us listen to his words once." His words had such a force that the word and its import immediately reached the inner recesses of the heart without any delay. One lost the sense of time. Men lost their temporal sense, their sense of individual existence. He could raise the minds of all to such a heightened state of spiritual consciousness.
Swamiji tricked us and escaped. As the days pass, more and more comes the thought comes why we did not not become more intimate with him, why after all we did not listen to his words even more. (Swami Turiyananda remembering Swamiji after his death -- translation done by Sugata Bose)
Sugata Bose @Somnath Mukherjee : Syama Prasad Mookerjee was communal? How? Because he defended Hindu rights? And where does Netaji come into the discussion here in this post? Read it well.
Sugata Bose @Sabysachi Das : Read more. Keep reading. Clarity will come about the greatness of Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, the compulsions of politics of the times notwithstanding.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : Since when have communists become devotees of Netaji? Were they not the ones who had called him 'Tojo's lackey'?
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : Look, how you fume ! You are totally losing self-control.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : You are crossing limits of civility despite me maintaining verbal restraint. It is high time to rectify course and resort to refined language that is meet for a meeting of minds.
Sugata Bose @Subrata Sengupta : You are spot on. Wisdom is seldom symmetrical in this asymmetrical exhibition of Maya !
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Thank you, Nilanjana, for not prefixing beauty with any degree of definiteness. I mean, thank you for not adding the definite article 'the' before the word 'beautiful' in which case whoever you are addressing would have been akin to the American soap 'Bold and the Beautiful'.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : Language, old boy, language !
Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : Very much so. This is the human predicament of many, perhaps most if given the occasion, who wish to create and leave behind an image of themselves in the public mind that would endear them to the bulk of humanity and give them the self-satisfaction of having been the exception larger-than-life personality. Netaji in his 'The Indian Struggle' has discussed this conflict of interests in Gandhi where his political aims and objectives on the national front are so often influenced and inhibited in their realisation by his saintly objectives for larger humanity. The world leader in Gandhi, Netaji says, runs at loggerheads to the national leader in him and creates confusion of ends and means.
Sugata Bose @Jayanti Rakshit : I think so. And it is not a question. It is a proposal and a statement.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : And you are very humorous which is commendable, although, sometimes abusive which is reprehensible. Your sense of proportion is remarkable and your imagination inspirational that stimulates my creative thinking. After all you must be having something in common with
Sugata Bose @Rishieraj Ritambhar Mohanty : Awareness is the first step. Read 'The Complete Works of swami Vivekananda' from cover to cover over and over again till your very arteries carry the message of the Vedanta, patriotism and universal fraternity throughout your system before they inundate the shores of your individual consciousness to spread around and bring others into its divine ambit.
Sugata Bose @Amit Saha : You are disgusting. Stop your vicious verbalisation, this inflammatory hate speech. Immediately apologise in public or face being blocked. Or better still, block me and be gone from my sight. I do not want to see the like of you in my friend list. You should be ashamed of what you are saying. For the first time any friend of mine has sunk to such an abysmal level and exhibited this lowly element in the name of the sublime Sanatan Dharma. You are a shame unto India and to the spiritual culture that she holds dear as her own. Get ye gone from my association. Hence !
Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : Shaon Malik, read what this Amit Saha has written and come to conclusions where the country will go if these rogue elements are not restrained.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : Yes, yes, Uncle Jo is our common uncle after all, for you call me Dada, and he is your uncle for sure. Hence, Ulyanov is our Uncle's Russian Guru and Bronstein is his unfortunate victim at a distance but mortally so.
Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : Ask him (Amit Saha) to explain, and if cannot, then to apologise publicly, for his malicious and mischievous comment has been made publicly as well. This is not religious valour but is gross cowardice and incitement to violence. Which is why his days as my friend are now limited. He is merely being endured to allow him occasion to read the counter comments that are in all likelihood to come. Also, this is why Hindutvavadis are so often being maligned by their political adversaries as fascists. This despicable trend ought to stop and the name of Hindus of all shades and ideological persuasion cleared of such calumny.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Superb rejoinder, Bhaskar. Proud of you and your valorous stand against such a dastardly statement. Proud of you, my friend !
Sugata Bose @Samik Bandypadhyay : Over-stylisation of English that indicates the anchor's (Samik Bandyopadhyay's) diction is defective and that his is an affected rendition of an alien tongue. Is it necessary to speak thus? Why can't people be more natural with their manner of speech?
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : I love it, too, the colour (red) of blood. Hitler and his Nazis loved it the most. Communists love it as well, as you well know. The colour of revolution, total 'transformation' in a deluge of blood.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Yes, that is what Prof. Hiren Mukerjee had said would be the mode, perhaps, of future revolutions as the events of 1989-90 in Eastern Europe demonstrated during the popular movements (counter-revolutions in communist parlance) against communist tyranny in the relevant countries. These were bloodless revolutions unlike their earlier bloody siblings in the French, the Russian and the Chinese revolutions. So, Prof. Mukerjee hoped that by gradual transformation of political consciousness and the evolution of historical forces, future revolutions could be bloodless indeed. That, if realised, would belie Marxian theory and validate Gandhian non-violence, I dare say.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : There you are at last. Come on, reveal your cards now. At least reveal the red ones, full 26 in number. And do not worry. There are not only spades in the red pack but hearts as well.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : I know my face is ugly but my spirit saffron-clean.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar I know my face is ugly but my spirit saffron-clean. By the way, are communists in general abusive and insulting? Do they all lack in civility? I do not think so for I have had lovely interactions with a topmost leader of your party and he was such a civil, dignified and enlightened man who, though, warned me that the common cadre is neither philosopher nor communist in the strict sense of the term, for it is a thought system which is beyond him, and he is simply cadre and no more. Now which category do I place you in for dialogue to be meaningful?
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Read the above comment and reflect. Perhaps, it will lend you some philosophical insight into my intent and inspiration for service to my motherland and her civilisation, intensely indigenous and not unalterably alien as yours is.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Agreed. I request you to study Uncle Jo as well and dear Uncle Mao. They were the apostles of humanity !
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : By the way fascism ought to be resisted by communists by all means for its stated enemy is communism. So, as a comrade-in-arms with the International, what do you propose to do about ridding India of your imagined fascist power?
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Monumental work of a genius. I do not have your genius to comprehend and absorb. Kindly lend some of your grey matter without compromising too much of the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the medulla.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : And for your kind information, I am also some sort of a spiritual socialist, though not the barbaric type derived from violent Marxism. I am no supporter of crony capitalism that makes life on earth miserable for the masses, but under no circumstance may I subscribe to a violent creed that masquerades as messiah of the masses, I mean, your much vaunted Marxism of materialistic content and intent.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Thank you for elevating me to the level of Socrates who in ancient Greece is self-credited with having known nothing, if you get what I mean thereby by way of easy inference. Marxism is a political and economic philosophy whose direct and foster children (if again you understand what I mean by foster children) are terribly violent. As for education and culture, how may I be in the possession of such when the twain are in the charmed circle of Indian Marxists like probably you, my dear friend, Swapan Konar? That towards the end of your rather caustic, if also humorous observation, you come to the conclusion that 'actually' I know nothing about the 'history and philosophy of mankind', I commend you for your late realisation, no doubt a product of the dialectical process of 'your' gradual evolution, for, as they say, 'better late than never'. I am beginning to understand why Marxism in practice has failed everywhere after violent initial transformational success. It lost its heart, that is, whatever it had to begin with. The absence of sympathy for opposition in discussion and debate seems to be a fundamental feature of Marxists -- and you, poor you, are the imperfect exemplar of it, for perfection even in this regard is beyond you, you being born a Hindu and a product of the grandest civilisation in terrestrial recorded history, -- is evident and has been so to the masses the world over who have, as in Eastern Europe, overthrown your 'dictatorship of the proletariat' in the name of levelling socialism. However, this lengthy rejoinder from an 'uneducated and uncultured' (using the epithets you have carefully chosen to adorn my person) one as this national brother of yours (and, mind you, I am not a member of your famed Communist International, in fact or in fantasy,) will require commentaries from your superiors to comprehend. Do take their assistance in understanding in case you have any 'big brother' to help. In case you do not, come back to this kid brother for assistance and free coaching as to its meaning and intent will have been given the moment we get to meet for that delightful dialogue between preceptor (me) and pupil (you). May God bless you, my dear friend, Swapan Konar, and fail not to stimulate my thinking, mischievous, perhaps, in your estimation, for further rounds in this heavyweight pugilist encounter.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Is this an 'educated, cultured', and intellectual response, the first two adjectives being your initial addition to the discourse here, remember? Has the intellectual import of my lengthy rejoinder totally failed (as expected, though) to reach its mark?
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Is this an 'educated, cultured', and intellectual response, the first two adjectives being your initial addition to the discourse here, remember? Has the intellectual import of my lengthy rejoinder totally failed (as expected, though) to make its mark? A cultural reminder now for you. Being an Indian and calling saffron-clad monks violent must surely be deemed as your having been totally alienated from not only country and culture but also from everything that goes in the name of decency, civility, high morality and civilisation. Therefore, you ought to retrace your steps and revert to your classical culture of age-old India. That would be the real 'shuddhikaran', the return of the fabled 'prodigal son'. As for your assertion that 'saffron clad monks are more violent', let me ask you if by such assertion you are meaning the 17 Ananda Margi monks who were lynched by the communists on Bijan Setu decades back or the Ramakrishna Mission monks who were assaulted by adherents of the same philosophy in the troubled days of leftist government in West Bengal? Or, are you meaning that men of renunciation like Swami Vivekananda were violent in their life's activity and their followers are following in their footsteps?
Sugata Bose @Dyutimay Banerjee : Rather than getting involved in politics, study Swami Vivekananda and build your character first.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : Netaji was a devout Hindu, too, although, he chose to keep it personal in the interests of maintaining communal harmony in the highly charged political atmosphere then when the British were up to all sorts of dirty tricks to divide the nation in connivance with the All India Muslim League which the British helped found in 1906 with this express purpose in view.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : But let them come back to the fold of the Sanatan Dharma. That is the proposal made.
Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : Swami Vivekananda's ideology has been politically interpreted variously and it remains to be seen which one gains ground eventually. But Swamiji had always warned against such abuse of his message, if at all anybody is doing so today, for such ones have other ideologues as well for sure. I think you should form your own political platform and give expression to Swamiji's and Netaji's message in your own way without attaching the leaders of your present party to such articulation in any way. Let your voice ring with the clarity it deserves and not as a subdued tone in a babble where sanity is lost.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : That is why communists are so unrighteous (adharmik), I hope you know.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : I do but you have no clue to the import of my profound statements.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : You mean you are the capitalist? Otherwise, how did you get to know such inmost information?
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Crony capitalism may be such but as to the definition and import of the venerable term 'dharma' you have no clue whatsoever, having gained alien information on it from your German and Russian antecedents, for you hardly can call yourself genuinely Indian by culture or by civilisation.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Perceptions, if borrowed from greats like Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, would have done you a world of good for your own ones are terribly deficient in substance.
Sugata Bose @Mukul Roy : অভিশপ্ত কেন ? আশীর্বাদধন্য ।
Sugata Bose @Jacob Michael M G : What a brilliant piece ! You must post it on your profile and let it circulate.
Sugata Bose @প্রসেনজিৎ ঘোষ : Thank you for getting it right. However, I am not apologetic about any honourable epithet that Shree Tapan Padhi may choose to give me, provided it is honourable enough to satisfy the truth about my person and the ideals I espouse and try to practise.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : No idea about what?
Sugata Bose @Ganesh Dey : Alarming really, especially since many Hindus do not know about this loss of territorial influence of the Sanatan Dharma in explicit terms at least. So many Asian countries which were Hindu in culture have lost their location to Islam, as in Malaysia and Indonesia, to name but two such countries. Now the motherland having been partitioned, Pakistan and Bangladesh have become Islamic Republics where Hinduism is being systematically wiped out. Kashmir which was 100% Hindu is now close to 100% Muslim. Some of the north-eastern states like Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh,
Sugata Bose @Swapan Pal : Blood red is all that they care for, for their revolution is born in blood, breathes in blood and dies through internal bleeding as the history of communism in the last century amply testifies.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar :
1. Human? Where inhumanity is deemed human as Xinjiang testifies to.
3. Wisdom? Where spirituality is deemed archaic, obsolete and useless, yet, imperialism with all its ancient and medieval monstrosity gains full sway.
6. Government? Where in a modern world of freedom and franchise a barbaric regime holds on to ancient imperialistic despotic methods of governance in the name of high-sounding philosophy and reveals its autocratic intent even in the nomenclature 'dictatorship of the proletariat'.
Sugata Bose @Uddalak Pablo : Only the left-wing stuff is called 'communism'. Unlike in name, like in kind.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : What are you talking about? Be clear. Difficult to respond otherwise. Also, be pertinent to the post please.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Who killed the Czar?
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Since when have communists gone Gandhian? So, must we assume that they have at last had a change of heart, forsaken violence and taken to truth and non-violence? Good, good, if so. Now return to the Sanatan Dharma which is your rightful heritage.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Konar : Are you that ignorant of the answer or downright pretentious that you need it?
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : We have been waiting on humanity for well over five thousand years for them to mature to comprehend the Sanatan Dharma of which communism is but a revolting aberration of yesterday, for the Vedas encompass the gamut of human thinking, a statement whose import is beyond your dispersed understanding right now. Let focus in time be. Then in propitious circumstances even you will understand the magnitude of your former folly in following the fanciful and false tenets of communism. It is a philosophy that has lost its scientific moorings post the developments of modern science. Its economic principles have failed in their application everywhere. Its history is deluged in human blood the like of which, perhaps, only fanatical Semitic religions like Islam and Christianity can compete with in historical terms. So, the advent of communism yet is a daydream that is best broken and the reality of life faced duly in the Spirit.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : Have you visited Pakistan? I have not. There's lot to see there. The remnants of the Indus Valley Civilisation, Nankana Sahib, Mughal monuments and so much more. Pakistan is not alien to me for it is India only. Names may change but eternal India remains India from the standpoint of history, heritage, culture, civilisation and the unified future. So, why do you suppose that dying in Pakistan is such a bad thing? Is it so for you?
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : Your language is letting you out in a manner that you will be ashamed of one day. You will then reflect in remorse and ask yourself, "Could I have sunk to such an abysmal level, stooped to speak such filth in the name of conducting a civil discourse with a gentleman?"
Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : Why should it? The dharma enjoins us to fight in righteous self-defence but not in undue offence for cheap political gains. However, for the defence of the dharma, when it is under direct threat of impending annihilation, exhibition of the kshatriya valour is highly extolled in the Geeta. But it must be a genuine threat and not an imagined one or one cooked up for securing political mileage as is so often the case when religion is abused to such advantage.
Sugata Bose @প্রসেনজিৎ ঘোষ : Good one. Selective rationality, you see.
Sugata Bose @Ashok Bodhisattva : If He has no will, what is meant by God's will?
Sugata Bose @Hitendra Mehta : This is what Sri Ramakrishna had said in regard to Vidyasagar's exasperation at God's passivity on the occasion of Chengiz (Genghis) Khan's ordering the slaughter of 300,000 captured Chinese soldiers and civilians simply because there was neither sufficient provisions to feed them to keep them alive nor the option to leave them behind and move on for they could prove to be a powerful potential enemy in the near future in that case. The options exhausted, the Khan ordered their wholesale slaughter which Vidyasagar thought was highly unjustified and them to keep them alive nor the option to leave them behind and move on for they could prove to be a powerful potential enemy in the near future in that case. The options exhausted, the Khan ordered their wholesale slaughter which Vidyasagar thought was highly unjustified and finite intelligence to fathom the inscrutable ways of the infinite God. So, in conclusion I second your thoughts, Hitendra Mehta.
Sugata Bose @Laavanya Das : You in your inmost self are God.
Sugata Bose @Rajarshi Chakraborty : Communists won't agree with this definition for fascism has no economic theory of its own which communism has, and neither does it have a well analysed evolutionary theory of society and politics with its special emphasis on class struggle. Communism counts on violence as the method of seizing political power through revolution and so does fascism. But there the similarity ends as fascism continues to feed itself by means of brute power alone and cannot account for it in any way better which communism claims it can by helping evolve the socialist proletariat towards the ultimate end of communism when the state withers away and men are finally freed from age-old bondage to the powers that be. So, there is a gulf of difference between the two systems as communists will quickly claim. Moreover, the difference is highlighted by the avowed resolve of fascism to destroy its nemesis, communism.
Sugata Bose @Laavanya Das : But God is also everywhere. He/She/It is omnipresent in the sense that it is He/She/It that has become manifest as phenomena.
Sugata Bose @Mithu Sanyal : Swamiji meant that the Hindus have always been an extremely hospitable people and have historically sheltered the persecuted of all races and religions. As an illustration along with several other instances he cited our sheltering the persecuted Zoroastrian people who faced genocide and enforced exodus at the hands of the invading Muslims in their motherland of Persia which was then renamed Iran with its culture desecrated and destroyed unto obliteration. Those that managed to escape, came to India which offered them a secure refuge with honour and identity intact which is why the Parsees have since then flourished as a community despite their insignificant numerical strength. It is the broad catholicity of the Hindus and their Sanatan Dharma that Swamiji thus highlighted before the august assembly of the Parliament of Religions at the World's Fair in Chicago, 1893.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : May be you commented by way of response to someone else's comment thread and he/she may have deleted the same. Hence. Or, may be you are looking for it in the wrong post.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Then, as I said, may be it was on someone else's comment thread in this post itself which he has deleted and, therefore, all subsequent comments in that thread have got deleted. Even earlier once you had faced this similar predicament and I had told you the same thing.
Sugata Bose @DrAjey B. Shinde : You disagreed without, perhaps, giving credence to the word 'often' used in the statement with its implicit implication that this is not always the case.
Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : Why not? Intellectuals are termed so on account of their brain power and not character strength.
Sugata Bose @Partha Gupta : Perhaps, you failed to sufficiently notice the word 'often' used in the post with its obvious implications. However, your observation expands the scope of the discussion further and I commend you for it.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : And, incidentally, Hartaal would mean that communists who call it are engaged thereby in clapping in mad devotion in the name of Har, that is, Shiva who steals ignorance. However, their claps are feeble and, so, the sound in the melee of earthly babble fails to reach Lord Shiva's ears, thus keeping the Indian communists perpetually in ignorance.
Sugata Bose @Uttam Mukherjee : What do you mean exactly? Be explicit. There has never been any ambiguity as to who I am and what my ideals are, and there is no apology about it as well. It seems that you are under some sort of a misconception about me for it seems to you that you have been earlier harbouring a misconception about me. I am not a political person with mischievous motives, especially as the Indian communists are with their pseudo-patriotic feelings which get exposed whenever national interest comes in conflict with communist international interest as was evident in their stance towards Netaji who they dubbed 'Tojo's lackey' by way of nationalistic admiration of his personality and commitment to the nation no doubt (haha), and their pro-China stance each time China clashes with India over border issues. Therefore, pretence of patriotism runs in the system of Indian communists like you and not in sincere aspirants and adherents of the Sanatan Dharma whose spiritual principles you squarely denounce as archaic and false. Your comrades-in-arms have after initial fraternal pretence come out in their true colours and now you, after exhibiting a modicum of affable feelings to begin with, are following suit, for it suits you, communists, best to denigrate others the way you have been doing me. Hence, keep living in your delusive imagination about who I am and what my intentions are and keep reducing yourself to lowest terms thus whose only end is self-exposure of the worst kind.
Sugata Bose @প্রসেনজিৎ ঘোষ : That is to draw their attention to some points which I wish them to see particularly for their education in spiritual stuff which they choose to brand as archaic and useless in solving modern problems of poverty, inequality etc. I am happy to know that you are well aware of the proceedings which means that in you at least I have a friend who sees it all and, consequently, benefits by it, I dare say.
Sugata Bose @Sourav Nandi : Bow before the ideal of the saffron which is renunciation leading to the realisation of the Self (Atman), in case you are allergic to the name 'God'. The saffron symbolises the best of humanity and of divinity and, so, it has become the chromatic national ideal and will, with greater awareness globally, become the world ideal in this regard as well, as enlightened citizens from Schopenhauer to Aldous Huxley will testify, though not in so many terms, physically speaking. But the saffron is the spiritual ideal of absolute self-abnegation which has nothing to do with temporal politics save what man chooses in his ignorance to give it. Hence...
Sugata Bose @Sumit Mukerji : True, true, how very true ! Did not think it this way.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : Remember the 'collectivisation programme' of Stalin when he literally annihilated all the kulaks of his country, an estimated 5 million of them, if I am not erring in my memory. Remember how Stalin killed 7 million Ukrainians by starving them in a year of bumper crop production, sealing off the borders so that none could escape to neighbouring provinces for succour. Remember Mao's 'Cultural Revolution' when he destroyed tens of millions of Chinese with his superbly archaic notions of modern development. Brother, reflect on your international past and then proceed to utter anything untoward against me who am totally apolitical a person.
Sugata Bose @Ganesh Dey : But Sri Ramakrishna himself practised a variation of Sufi Islam, having been initiated into it by Gobinda Rai, and came to the non-dual realisation even through this path. Later, after realising the Divine through Christianity as well, he came to the conclusion that all religions, if sincerely practised with purity and faith, will lead to God, and he thus pronounced his epic statement 'Jato mawt, tato pawth' (As many faiths, so many paths).
Sugata Bose @Neilabhra Roy : Are you a prodigal communist, now lamenting loss of ground and wishing to return to the fold of the Eternal Mother or are you speaking in jest? If the former, then welcome brother back to the Sanatan Dharma.
Sugata Bose @Uttam Mukherjee : The Sanatan Dharma embraces the whole of science, philosophy, art, music, literature, in fact all the disciplines of life, all its phases and stages in the evolutionary ladder from the brute to the Buddha. For better understanding read Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo thoroughly. Ignorance breeds misconceptions and knowledge dispels it. Likewise, those who denigrate communism as pernicious and wicked ought to study Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. I hope you have made a modicum of study in these texts already. Now expand your reading to include the Sanatan Dharma scriptures as well.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : But why did communism fall in Soviet Russia? Was it because it failed as an economic and political system or would you ascribe its downfall to counter-revolution carried out by Gorbachev at the behest of the western powers whose agent you would choose to dub him as? And why has China resorted to capitalism under the cover of 'socialism with Chinese characteristics'? Thank you, brother, for continuing the dialogue unlike comrade Swapan Konar who left the field by blocking me.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Even Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose loved the saffron, perhaps you do not know, for you are ignorant of the deeper implications of the saffron beyond your convoluted political thinking.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Read about Netaji's devotion to Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and to the monks of the Ramakrishna Mission in his own works and in works on him, and you will get to understand what I am saying.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Read about Netaji's devotion to Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and to the monks of the Ramakrishna Mission in his own works and in works on him, and you will get to understand what I am saying. As a lad of sixteen or so, Subhas Chandra had taken to the saffron robe and with his friend, Hemanta Kumar Sarkar, left home in search of a spiritual Guru in Northern India whereupon he finally came to the Varanasi centre of the Ramakrishna Mission and exhorted Swami Brahmananda to initiate him into the
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : All this is being partly caused by unnecessary expenditure on defence thanks to the threat ever posed by your Chinese communist masters directly, and indirectly by the proxy war they conduct using Pakistan as their agent. Ask your communist bosses in Beijing to behave in a civilised manner and you will see how the petrol price will no more need a patrol like you to bring it down.
Sugata Bose @Somnath Mukherjee : If other political parties appease the minorities to win votes, it also becomes historically inevitable that consolidation of the majority vote will see its light of day.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : And what is that essence, fragrance, odour et al?
Sugata Bose @Somnath Mukherjee : Have you ever lived in a properly fascist state like Italy under Mussolini or Germany under Hitler to have gained due experience in what you so unthinkingly assert? You would not get the freedom of speech to criticise the Government of the day there as you can with impunity do here, and I think you ought to get it here, for India under the current political dispensation is not a fascist state after all and it will never be so, for our Hindu culture prevents it from being so, imagining, after all, that India continues to remain overall a Hindu-majority state, population wise and, consequently, culture wise. If the demography someday changes where Hindus have become a minority in the land of their antecedents, then God forbid the fate of this land from the horrors of dictatorship of whatsoever theological or ideological colour.
Sugata Bose @Uttam Mukherjee : At the feet of Swamiji for only he can mend your bent thinking.
Sugata Bose @Sanjib Das Gupta : Do not be presumptuous. Bear awhile and practise discretion of sorts. Look for the post above this and then come to conclusions. This, of course, is not your fault alone. It is the common man's predicament that he judges so shallow and comes up with statements without any measure of depth to them. God guide your future observations !
Sugata Bose @Sanjib Das Gupta : But questions should be rationally posed and never in a presumptuous manner like you have proceeded to do. You must be better disposed towards others before you make carping comments out of turn without even bothering to understand the current of the author's thought process which, though, is amply evident in the post proper. Moreover, a bit of civility is, I guess, expected of a gentleman in any civil discourse. One more thing. Do I have to take your permission or anybody else's before posting my observations on pertinent issues that are there in society and need addressing ?
Sugata Bose @Sanjib Das Gupta : If you do not understand the import of a post, it is better that you restrain yourself from making presumptuous comments which miss the mark completely.
Sugata Bose @Sanjib Das Gupta : Are you off your mind somewhat that you keep on making silly comments which have no bearing on the post?
Sugata Bose @Sanjib Das Gupta : Good. Thank you. Stay well and take good care of yourself.
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Here 'I' does not mean myself, the author of this post, as such, but anybody for that matter who is an Indian citizen.
Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : Therefore, you ought to do something to bring it about. We will be delighted to see you daily writing robust messages from Netaji's and Swamiji's works about this inclusiveness. Such regular dissemination of inclusive thought would go way ahead in enlightening the people of India as to what these seminal beings thought about the future of the nation, its philosophy in theory and in the required applied mode, and its destiny as a community of peoples with a divergence of opinions, yet unity in a
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambapattuvalappil : And what is red regarded as?
Sugata Bose @প্রসেনজিৎ ঘোষ : But specifics are required for a discussion of merit.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Will Muslims and Christians unite under the banner of the Sanatan Dharma? If they have told you that they will do so by altering scriptural text (which is impossible) or neglecting their exclusive content, please let us know and we will be only too delighted to accept them rightfully into the fold of the Sanatan Dharma.
Sugata Bose @Tapan Padhi : Mind your language please. This is a forum where only civilised discussion will be permitted. Hence, such language as you have used are not only unwarranted but outright unwelcome here. Do not insult Netaji and his followers by using foul language thus.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : What else does the Sanatan Dharma stand for but the highest humanity, nay, the divinity of humankind and all of sentience? Educate yourself better in the Sanatan Dharma before making further remarks that are off the mark by a wide margin.
Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Ghanti : Edit the word 'pedantic' please. It is a typical typographical erroneous representation of the word 'Vedantic' which you had intended to print, I am sure.
Sugata Bose @Ayan Bhattacharya : I could not get you quite. However, from the look of it, it seems that it is a presumptuous arrogant statement unbecoming of a gentleman and I suggest that you refrain from such indiscretions here on my profile wall.
Sugata Bose @Ayan Bhattacharya : I could not get you quite. However, from the look of it it seems that it is a presumptuous, arrogant statement by implication (for it is posed in the interrogative form after all), unbecoming of a gentleman, and I suggest that you refrain from such indiscretions here on my profile wall. Instead of wasting time on insignificants like me, better spend you hours ruminating on the wonderful messages of Swami Vivekananda. I hereby give you the link to the treasures of the Sanatan Dharma enshrined in the Complete Works of the 'cyclonic monk', the author of the epithet historically and in truth being the great revolutionary, Hemchandra Ghosh, who, having met Swamiji in Dhaka in 1901, was electrified by the lightning personality of the seer. The link follows here : https://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/complete_works.htm
Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : You may have your reservations for the regime but to straightaway demonise it as fascist serves not the intellectual cause so very necessary to win the ideological battle against an adversary who you wish to dethrone, to use a monarchical term by way of linguistic emphasis. Rather, entering into point by point deliberation and winning the intellectual discourse will go miles to serve your cause, assuming arbitrarily that there is any. If not, I tender my advance apology for the reference.
Sugata Bose @Sutanu Chatterjee : You have got me wrong there, Sutanu. I have merely highlighted this overuse of the term 'fascist' in any reference to this government by those who oppose it ideologically and in practice. To my mind this is a rather strong term in the Indian context and not quite an accurate description of the ruling dispensation. History shows fascism as a very much more barbarous system of governance than Indians can ever even dream of imposing, much less actually doing so.
Sugata Bose @Aman Alok : I am only raising these issues so that there will be adequate discussion on the same, not that I subscribe to any of the objectionable measures and moves that this government has been the author of. The fact is that, in making these posts, I assume thereafter the role of a mere observer generally unless ascriptions are laid against me unduly. My impartial, non-partisan, apolitical stand stands even now and it is a tribute to human fractional understanding that I am labelled as this or that, nonetheless. However, let me assure you that I remain a social commentator merely in this regard and continue to view life and its dealings in the light of the Vedanta in its theoretical and practical aspects as taught me by the divine duo, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda. I have not strayed a bit from their prescribed path and, although, a cursory view of a preferred selection of my posts may paint
Sugata Bose @Aman Alok : Help me carry on the crusade thus for enlightenment of the people in their own well-being and in their self-directed drive to their divine destiny.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Well written and in good lyrical rhythm. How far it is accurate is another matter, though. I must commend you on your writing style. You have quite a unique and humorous, if caustic, style of writing that almost effortlessly drives home the point. One only wishes that you carried no political agenda of any party to sully your efforts and were merely a neutral observer with your satirist comments.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Ha ha ! There goes your tolerance and acceptance, universal brotherhood and all the high virtues you so casually flaunt. Your statement in patent intolerance and absence of higher understanding makes it as if politics were the highest end in life. After all, communists have always been intolerant and persecuting of contrary opinion. Have they not? History bears gaping testimony to it.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : And intolerant, persecuting, genocidal, barbarous to the point that in the name of ideology they can kill an entire class of capitalists and an entire nation of proletariats who then unseat them from their tyrannical throne. The history of the 20th century every child knows save gullible Indian communists. God bless you, the God who you in your arrogance have disowned ! And I had sent you the link of the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda but you have had other preoccupations, I am sure, in not having even started reading it.
Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Das : I am too ignorant a person to conclusively comment on politics and matters of the state. Hence, I keep my silence, not because I endorse the misdeeds of goons wherever they occur and under whatever ideological banner. You may be not aware that I never allow Hindu-Muslim volatile posts in the many pertinent groups administered by me. Actually, it is my enormous incapacity to comprehend legal issues that makes me perforce remain silent barring where I get a clearer grasp of philosophical or ideological issues backing such instances where I do voice my vehement protest. Anyhow, if you are not a complete reader of all my messages and pieces, you will naturally harbour reservations about my intent, motives, aspirations, objectives, agenda and end, and I welcome you to such notions which in due course will clarify, intelligent and impartial as you are, to my understanding.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Lots of doubt. Spirituality is the basis, the substance and ultimate end of life. God-realisation or Self-realisation is the highest purpose and evolutionary end of life. Yours is purely a materialistic view. Hence, your take on life is diametrically opposite to mine, I who view life as enfolding the material in its lowest and grossest sheath where the spiritual has been covered in the dense dark of primeval ignorance which is called Maya in the Vedantic parlance. I appreciate your concerns for the body and lower mind of man which is also well included in the spiritual universe but the latter does not shut its boundaries there but goes on to include the whole infinitude of spiritual existence beyond the pale of this material shadow. I know we are talking from different standpoints and the twain will thus never meet till you expand your horizons beyond your immediate material outlook. But truth is truth and will have to be told even if it has no taker, even if you care not to read what I print here. God bless you with health, happiness, peace and concern for our people but with a human touch and never tainted by ideological communist corrosion whose condemnable consequences the world over you have seen on the people who communism has tyrannised over !
Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : But Article 370 ought to have gone anyway. Is it not so? For it was a temporary provision under the then circumstances and its perpetuation was against the interests of national integration. Am I right in my understanding?
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Spreading the message among an adult audience and indoctrinating children with it are two different things which anybody with a modicum of intelligence will be able to understand. I hope you understand it, too. As far as your propagating Hinduism is concerned, that is a wonderful aspiration but you must first prepare yourself for it, beginning with cultivating a reverential attitude (shraddhaa) towards things genuinely spiritual. But I will help you along. So, begin by all means your study of the Hindu scriptures like the Upanishads and the Geeta and, of course, the sacred literature of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda which your eminent communist leaders like Hiren Mukherjee were erudite in, although, it must be said that like the standard communist they had either missed their import somewhat or chosen to neglect it in their urgency for socioeconomic change, courtesy the Marxian revolutionary path.
Sugata Bose @Shakkeela Ambattuvalappil : Well, 'men may construe things after their fashion' (Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare). So may you after yours for sure.
Sugata Bose @Julie Binder Maitra : Only a couple of passages? Swamiji wanted the resurrection of assertive Hinduism not only for its future survival but to become the means for the saving of world civilisation against marauding medieval and modern cultures.
Sugata Bose @Julie Binder Maitra : These monks are pandering to the vanities of the West and misrepresenting Swamiji who was ever forthright in his articulations, stating the whole truth and not diluting it like other greats of our motherland. It is time the Belur Math authorities release the unedited, truly complete works of Swamiji and not the one which bears the name but is really the incomplete works of the same and is too much edited to make Swamiji appear soft and sweet.
Sugata Bose @Ganesh Dey : Are you serious or is it jest in bold letters?
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