Friday 20 November 2020



Netaji's concern for each and every freedom fighter in difficulty and in death and Gandhi-Nehru's apathy for many of them on account of their ideological differences with these sufferers places Bose on a peerless pedestal where he is by the hour becoming unsurpassable as the preeminent patriot of our country. History does recognise its heroes, if even late. The memory of Netaji is each day getting wedded to the minds of the masses more and more even as that of the Mahatma and his beloved protege, Nehru, is sinking into gradual oblivion despite official support to achieving the contrary end. Every day the common man is getting more and more endeared to Netaji and every passing hour is distancing him from Nehru and Gandhi. Truth surely prevails in the fullness of time, as the ancient adage goes, and so it is doing now.

Written by Sugata Bose

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