Monday 16 November 2020



It is to be observed that right wing Muslim groups make a common cause with left wing liberals, and vice versa, against right wing Hindus. The centrist semi-orthodox, semi-liberals are caught in a quandary and keep shifting stand as per convenience. Theirs is as well the electoral compulsion that prompts such shifting stance.
The voter, indeed, in a democracy is almighty and God has taken refuge from His human habitat to high Heaven where in safe and secure lodging He broods on His electoral fate as men below pass their mandate on their Maker. Of course, feudal instincts still rule man as he manipulates adroitly or with force wherever possible to fashion changes to the voter outcome, and society then remembers its roots in ancient and medieval barbarism. But, on the whole, this special bank called 'Vote Bank' is no mean second these days to the World Bank and is mightily ruling the roost with left, right and centre playing their dramatic parts to perfection.

Written by Sugata Bose

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