FACEBOOK NEW MESSAGES AND TWEETS ... 181. Gandhi's mobilisation of the Indian masses for the preservation of the Islamic Caliphate in Turkey is baffling.
Uncle Jo, mentor Ulyanov, victim Bronstein - the trinity of virtue and compassion !
3. Tweet to Taslima Nasreen : Why do you always cheapen discussion? Are you intoxicated with the desire to be in the limelight at any cost, if even by frivolous talk? What about some genuine literary stuff coming from your pen once more? Awaiting it.
'Fast unto death' we have heard from several freedom fighters during the struggle for independence but one actually did it, right till the very end when supreme self-sacrifice had been consummated. Jatin Das lives on yet in shining memory.
5. Diego Maradona is no more but lives on in our hearts and will live on as long as the 'beautiful game' is played the world over.
6. Conversion from Hinduism to both Christianity and Islam by clever manipulation is a reality and must not be.
7. We must keep our houses clean. Only then will we learn to keep our temples clean. After all it is the abode of God.
8. I love the saffron colour. It is the colour of renunciation, that of awakened spiritual consciousness.
9. From the Buddha to Vivekananda all wore the saffron cloth, the symbol of awakened spiritual consciousness. Glory unto the saffron!
10. I welcome all those who have been perverted from the Sanatan Dharma through misinformation back to the fold of the Mother.
11. Communists are welcome back to the fold of the Sanatan Dharma as Vedantists should they like being rational by way of continuance.
The inexorable flow of time none can stop. All are drifting to the icy chill of death. Let us love each other while the warmth of life be still there.
13. This (saffron) is the colour of renunciation running down the ages in eternal India.
14. The Hindus are the most patient and gentle of all races. They are also the most accepting of all faiths and ideologies.
15. Shall the Sanatan Dharma die in the land of its birth? Then that land will die as well with it.
16. Another Vivekananda is necessary today to guide the world 'to life and freedom'. But the old one must be the guide of the new one.
17. Communism, atheistic as it is, is unsuited for India. It will never get a foothold in India, never.
18. Indian intellectuals going abroad and defaming India in foreign universities. How wonderful is that ?
19. Joke it is when communists call others fascists. Is communism any better than fascism except for its high-flown justification of revolutionary and later state violence to achieve its barbaric materialistic ends at such a terrible cost to everything that may be deemed human?
20. Oh, how our food gets tainted by touch ! When will Hindus take their religion out of their kitchen?
21. I welcome all Indian communists back to the fold of the Sanatan Dharma. This will do them and the world a world of good.
22. We need to respect each other for we are all Indians, even if located across the ideological spectrum in distinctive phases of it.
23. Intellectuals may have brains but often lack the character that can inspire respect.
24. Intellectual but a hollow man ! So is this hired historian, biographer of Gandhi.
25. Those FB friends who become vocal whenever a juicy post is on, I ask them to give their views even when enlightening ones are on.
26. I've been taunted by FB communist friends for writing that I love the saffron colour. So, I reiterate that I love the saffron.
27. The whole of India bows before the saffron, yet to affirm it seems so very unsavoury. Why? I love the saffron. I am a proud Hindu.
28. The saffron, symbol of awakened spiritual consciousness, of renunciation, service and sacrifice, is the ideal of the Hindu race.
29. My communist friends, read Vivekananda as your stalwarts of old did.
Swami Balabhadrananda is a wonderful sadhu. Please listen to his discourses.
31. Those who abuse our Hindu culture, I request such to study the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda and then come to conclusions.
32. Unless the study of Sanskrit is made to flourish in India, this country will continue to produce hordes of Hinduphobes.
33. There is a lot of fog that obscures vision today as to who is a Hindu and who is a Hindutvavaadi. Throw some light on this please.
34. The devoted disciple conquers life and conquers death too. Such is the power of devotion. The preceptor in mute wonder witnesses.
35. The capitalist ought to limit profit to practise piety. Else, his religiosity is a sham.
36. Why is India so divided?
37. Hold nation above party politics please.
38. Allegiance must be to India, if you are an Indian citizen, and not elsewhere.
Satyajit Ray's last film is 'Agantuk', to be pronounced 'Aagontuk' and not 'Agaantuk'. It is a shame that Indian journalists so mispronounce Indian names.
40. The level of civil discourse is going down alarmingly with each passing day. The cultural decline is steep and widespread.
41. Can patriotism be induced in the ordinary individual by constant propaganda conducted on a massive scale and that too by people devoid of soundness of intent who conveniently befriend the powers that be for personal gain, however much they may delude themselves with the idea that it is for the nation after all?
42. How many of you are for Netaji's birthday being declared a national holiday?
43. Am I a patriot? Am I a nationalist? These are questions that are being thrust at us these days from all sides and making us think.
44. Wherever one has to go, one has to go. Why fear in this wide wold anything? Why fear anything beyond, too, in the deep universe?
Tagore was a great, great man !
46. ?
How far is this permissible in a polity?
47. In the chaos of the current times the sane voice of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda seems the way out. Proletariat rampage is on the way.
48. Politicians must be men of deep sympathy for the poor. They must all study the works of Swami Vivekananda daily. Only then will they emerge real leaders of men. Else, they will remain rogues out there to loot the nation in connivance with crony capitalists. And, beware ! This is no song of mine in praise of the Communist International.
49. Hope is the harbinger of freedom from earthly shackles, the flight of the soul unto its own beatitude.
50. Spread the word of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, my young friends, and douse the flame that will otherwise consume us unto oblivion.
51. Students, study harder. Let study be austerity unto realisation of the Self. Let sacrifice and service be its twin offspring.
52. Today, there seems to be only one leader who is acceptable to all and that is Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
53. Never judge a person in haste unless you have the eagle eye of a Ramakrishna to do so, for you will repent at leisure.
54. A deep pall of ignorance hangs over the land as directionless men direct the masses to their doom. The Lord must now manifest.
Is there a way to arrive at the harmony of faiths and ideologies in India ? There is. Follow Swami Vivekananda and his rightful heir, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. In their life and message lies the solution.
Mother Kali became incarnate as Sri Ramakrishna. When Thakur passed into mahasamadhi, Holy Mother grieved over his form thus : "Ma Kali mine, where have you gone?" What a unique perspective on one's husband, unparalleled in the history of the world !
57. People are wearing masks alright but not maintaining the required distance of more than a metre from each other. This is dangerous. So many do not even wear their masks at this critical time of the pandemic. It is gross irresponsibility on the part of citizens.
58. We should have a sense of belonging to our country. We must respect its culture and heritage. We must serve our motherland.
59. When foreign forces want to break us as a nation, we must stand together. Our internal issues we must solve ourselves and not allow foreigners to meddle in.
60. This film (Mahapurush) by Satyajit Ray is a gift unto all the fake Gurus of the day who are daily cheating the people, gullible as they are, complicit as they are in this deceitful deed daily.
61. We are one people, one human family with vast cultural differences within the framework of a standard evolutionary growth.
Each and every monastic disciple of Sri Ramakrishna is a model for humanity.
63. Let me see some of you joining me in spreading the word of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda in these days of proliferating fake Gurus.
64. How far did Nehru and Netaji differ in their thinking on nation-building?
65. One must watch Satyajit Ray's 'Shatranj Ke Khilari' to appreciate the rich Islamic culture of India. This is Hindustan.
66. What a blasting Satyajit Ray has given to the English in his film 'Shatranj Ke Khilari' !
The Partition of India was the biggest defeat the freedom fighters suffered at the hands of imperial Britain. But Britain will have to pay for it one day. Indians ought to have no sympathy for that race of roguish robbers.
Photo : Tantia Tope
On this day was Khudiram Bose born. (3 December 1889 – 11 August 1908) Such a one shall never be again. Birthday pranam.
69. Indian soldiers in British military uniform conquered India. What a self-oblivion !
70. Title return which is called 'wapsi' these days, who did it first in India?
71. The glory of Hinduism is in its universal philosophical reach, its affirmed catholicity that embraces all and rejects none.
72. Strange are the ways of man. He can never stay straight, practise rectitude, but must ever lean left or rove right of the neutral.
73. Focus must not degenerate to fixation. Focus is the concentration of forces leading to learning and light, fixation the random pummelling of the target with obsessive inclination and intent.
74. Sick music that sends us to sensory delusion, the sentimental grave -- product of genius ? Come on, sing it in a robust style.
75. Why is this government facing so much protest on so many fronts?
76. Whither Swamiji today? Everybody takes his name but who follows him?
77. Educate your children rather than converting them to your creed.
78. Hindus, spread the message of your religion globally but only after having learnt it yourselves.
79. Today, I feel I have become truly cosmopolitan. I have embraced the whole of humanity. But humanity is for me to manifest towards all.
80. Appeasement cannot win fanatics over. It plays into their hands. Strength alone can subdue subversive elements. Fanaticism then dies its own death.
81. The ideological battle must be won and often it is an outright war that one has to wage to set humanity on the right track. But where is the enlightened discussion that is so needed?
82. ব্যবসা তো নয়, চুরির চূড়ান্ত ! নাটুকে নেতা সব, দেশী ডাকাতের দল !
83. How many of those who are vocal about Hindutvavaad either way, for or against, have read 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' ?
84. It is absence of character in men of power and position, in the politician and the preacher that is killing the hopes of a nation.
85. The word 'secular' is a misnomer in so far as India is concerned, for Indian spirituality deems every movement of life sacred.
86. Spirituality is the raising of the mind to above the level of the body, to at least the fourth plane of consciousness, that of the heart (the anaahata chakra).
87. Swami Vivekananda, in the propagation of his message, must not be diluted and delivered. Tell the whole truth please.
88. Do not indoctrinate children and retard their growth. Let them bloom into fragrant flowers breathing the sunshine of freedom.
89. It is violence in parents and relatives to teach children exclusive, hateful religious doctrines and then downright pretentious to aver that they will grow up into enlightened citizens. This barbarism at home must stop so that barbarism in society may follow suit.
90. Indian children must not only be soft and sweet but strong and sturdy also.
91. Children, you are the way !
92. Hindus, read the scriptures of other religions as well and come to your own conclusions about them. But do not prefix judgement. Be contextual and historically oriented. Then alone due understanding will flow. Else, it will be a pursuit in confirmation of prejudice and not an enlightening exercise that can strengthen human bonds.
93. Shed superstition, be scientific.
94. Unless the fire of renunciation is in the heart where all other desires save the realisation of God have been cremated, the power to move the people to any degree of permanence does not come to the individual. Hence, all preaching founded in the flesh are of no avail.
95. Call you an Indian and yet convert the gullible to Islam and Christianity?
96. Hindus, shed superstition, clean up your temples, remove caste distinctions, expand your heart and study the scriptures. Unite !
97. How charitable to your child are you being when you deprive her/him of her/his Hindu heritage (reference : Hindu-Muslim mixed marriage) while slowly converting her/him to Islam? Why indoctrinate and convert in this progressive modern world? Why not allow your child to absorb the best of both religious cultures while preserving the freedom to be as cosmopolitan as she/he can be? Why deny him? Why deprive? Why?
98. Hindus are being regularly converted to Islam and Christianity. And not one Muslim or Christian objects. Liberal indeed !
99. What is the future of India?
100. The anniversary of a dear one dawns as an occasion to celebrate the union of spirits whose end is absorption in God-consciousness.