20. Tagore is like muslin silk,Shakespeare rough cotton.India is like springtime blossom,Britain, the fruit that's rotten.
21. We say we are democrats but our constant adulation or abuse of or involvement with the Nehru family earlier and the Netaji family now proves us to be monarchists.
22. Nikhilananda says that Ramakrishna led the revolution to our country's freedom. And Nikhilananda, being a revolutionary himself in his early days, should know.
23. Remember, the Bhagavad Geeta is a revolutionary text as well. It had powder enough to grind the British empire to dust.
24. Life and love are synonymous. Yet, so much hatred fills the air that death stalks supreme on earth.
25. If you want immortality, then fight against time and win the battle. Realisation must be had before death seizes.
26. One thought bothers me. Is it possible to get so many to agree to these tales on Netaji and for so long? Are these endless number of conspiracy theories valid in any way?
27. Whose property is NRB -- private or public? If it is funded by public money by way of government grant, it is high time to raise the demand for democratising it.
28. Why do we hear that access to NRB archives is restricted? Is it really so? If so, ought it to be so, being supposedly a research institution?
29. Ought Drjayanta Choudhuri, Keshab Bhattacherjee and Madhusudan Pal not be granted access to NRB archives to carry on with their valued research?
30. London was built on Indian wealth, looted to the tune of 45 trillion US dollars. Those bigwig Indians who stay there, are they disowning this truth somehow? Return home.
31. Sectional declassification of the Netaji files to the exclusion of the IB files and a select few PMO files is the official attempt to divert attention from the truth.
32. একটা কথা বলতে পারেন? নেতাজী গবেষকেরা কেন একজোট হতে পারেন না 'মিশন নেতাজী'র মত? ঐক্যই তো শক্তি ।
32. I will be interviewing some prominent personalities and asking them to give their views on certain pertinent issues that plague the discussion on Netaji these days. Please feel free to submit your questions here now for presentation before these eminent personalities in due course. Your questions will find place in my interviews for sure, subject to the prior permission afforded by my interviewees and their agreement to address them.
33. একদিন বেদান্তপ্রাণা মাতাজী বলেছিলেন যে চলার শক্তি, বলার শক্তি, সকল শক্তির মধ্যেই মায়ের প্রকাশ । আবার আমরা জানি, এই প্রকাশের আড়ালেই মা নিজেকে লুকিয়ে রেখেছেন ।
34. ইতিহাসের প্রহসন স্বাধীন ভারতে ! কিন্তু কে নেবে ভার সত্যকথনের ? বিদ্যা কই বাক্যবাগীশের ?
35. যা ছিল তা আছে,
যা আছে তাই রবে ।
ব্যর্থবাসনাতেকিবা ফলবান হবে ?
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
36. একই সত্তা চারিদিকে,
ভিন্ন ভিন্ন রূপ,
বস্ত এক, আকার প্রভেদ,
সিন্ধু খুঁড়িছে কূপ ।
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
37. ভগবানলাভ কঠিন নয় যদি শুদ্ধচিত্তে ধৈর্য রয় ।
38. ভগবান আর কোথায় ?
এইতো, এখানে ।
39. তাঁর কৃপাকণা পেলে,
জগত স্বর্গসম লাগে ।
চারিধার দিব্যচেতনময়,
আত্মা অতন্দ্রপ্রহর জাগে ।
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
40. দিনান্তে কিছুই থাকবে না । তখন ঠাকুরই এক অবলম্বন । অগ্রীম প্রস্তুত হওয়া চাই । নচেৎ, অন্তিমে বিস্মরণ ঘটবে ।
41. কথামৃতেই শান্তি, আর স্বামীজীর রচনাবলী ।
42. India's independence was not planned by the British for 1947. It was forced by the INA and the RIN to happen in 1947.
43. What a sweet smile Netaji had that lit up the hearts of all !
44. Happy birthday, O great soul, immortal son of India ! [ref. Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon, on his birthday, 18 March.]
45. It is incredible how Netaji managed to direct an entire army in the critical times of the Second World War, and successfully, too.
46. Love is that which gives careless of return. And when the return comes, it floods the soul with bliss.
47. The corona catches fever pitch in the city. Let us hope that the excitement dies down and good sense as to prevention prevails.
This I say unto thee that ye shall fail to find Me unless ye crack a fast one hither and thither and crack a cracked one, too.
49. Sharpen your wits,
Fine-tune your humour.
Else, the body will stick
To the soul like a tumour.
50. God-realisation comes at the climax of intensified devotion to the Divine.
51. Exquisite interview with the interviewee excelling in terms of clarity of conception, balance in presentation of views, decency and diction. An aristocratic performance. Chandra Kumar Bose seems to have inherited some of the power and charisma of the conjoint line of the Boses of Mahinagar and the Dutts of Hatkhola.
Foreword to this post by Sugata Bose
52. Subhas Chandra Bose's refusal to join the ICS after almost topping it was a significant statement that the reversal of British Indian fortune was at hand.
53. ক্ষণজন্মার তরে ক্ষণিক শ্রদ্ধায় স্মরণ । সান্ধ্যপ্রণাম ।
54. The corona virus [COVID - 19] spreads exponentially. Hence, beware ! Quarantine yourself at home and get treated in case of discomfort.
55. We are all now a Subhas Chandra Bose locked up in house arrest and waiting to pull off the Great Escape while the sentinel Signior Quarantine keeps his vigil.
56. It is so strange that in the bicentenary yr of Vidyasagar who Michael Madhusudan Dutt addressed as VID, the COVID-19 should strike the world with such vehemence.
57. VIDyasagar COoperated with Michael Madhusudan Dutt to save him from penury n gaol in Versailles.Promptly the COVID was born as Dutt called his COoperative pal VID.
58. Corona strikes fear, creates panic and rightly so, for the dangers are real and deadly. Follow health directives strictly and stay quarantined, safe.
59. My posts hardly get 'likes'. Ah, what a terrible lack of fame !
60. Distance grows the fondness of the heart,
And so thou art
Ever bound in my heart.
May social distancing build social bonds!
61. এ সঙ্কট সাময়িক, কেটে যাবে। ভয় পাবেন না। স্বাস্থ্য সম্পর্কিত বিধিনিষেধ মেনে চলুন। নিজে সুরক্ষিত থাকুন অপরের সংক্রমণ হতে। অপরকে সুরক্ষিত রাখুন নিজসংক্রমণ হতে।
62. Do not panic. This pandemic also will pass. Nothing stays. Only follow the national health instructions. Stay indoors.
63. We are all now a Subhas Chandra Bose locked up in house arrest and waiting to pull off the Great Escape while the sentinel Signior Quarantine keeps his vigil.
Let Netaji researchers and Bose family members meet in a head-to-head debate in a public forum on the Netaji disappearance-escape-marriage issue.
65. If you agree with all, you disagree with yourself.
66. না সুখ আছে না দুঃখ আছে । আছে শুধু জীবন আর মৃত্যুর খেলা । এক মহা প্রহেলিকার মধ্যে জীবন কাটছে ।
67. The body is like a building. Keep it in good shape. Repair, renovate it but do not paint or varnish to hide its cracks n crevices.
68. Kunal's 'cross-examination' of Keshab Bhattacherjee was simply brilliant today. The lawyer defended his line, though, not quite convincingly.
69. Love is where physical separation is increased, mental distance bridged and souls suffused in sympathy to evade the Coronavirus. Stay home please.
70. মাতৃভাষাটি অন্তত শুদ্ধ সুন্দর উচ্চারণ সহযোগে বলব, এইটুকু প্রচেষ্টা তো করা যেতেই পারে ।
71. Between reason and realisation there is a quantum vacuum that has to be leapt through.
72. The virus has hit the world. I suffer everywhere. Who thinks so? The one that does is the mahatma.
73. B.B.D. Bag অথবা বি.বা.দি. বাগ নয় । বলুন, বিনয়-বাদল-দীনেশ বাগ ।
74. A.J.C.Bose Road নয় । বলুন স্বগৌরবে, আচার্য জগদীশচন্দ্র বসু রোড ।
75. মহামানবের নামের সংক্ষিপ্তকরণ করতে গিয়ে তাঁর পরিচয়টি নিঃশেষ করে দেবেন না ।
76. Man is a dot product but his dot consciousness holds in its confines the vast universe.
77. The universe is not symmetrical. It has arisen out of symmetry and tending to it as well through the alternate increase and decrease of asymmetry as it evolves.
78. Is there a lie that has not truth as its background?
79. Was Netaji incarcerated in Siberia after the death of Stalin in 1953 and executed sometime after the 20th CPSU in 1956 as is claimed by protagonists of the Russian Angle Theory? What is the credibility of this theory? Was Stalin friendly to Bose and his successors inimical to him? Why so and then why this change of stance?
80. ভাবরাজ্য এ জগতের থেকে অনেক বড় । তার গভীরতা, ব্যাপ্তি, স্পন্দন, আন্দোলন, সবই এক অন্য মাত্রার, চৈতন্যের ভিন্ন আস্বাদন ।
81. When a star is born, planets form.
82. Internal conceptions externally seen. And, yet, the inside is outside and the outside inside. It is an unresolved paradox and not resolvable, too. Maya !
83. Let us simplify our thoughts, simplify life and be, thus, better equipped to face life and to tide over its vicissitudes.
84. The happenings the world over are Nature's way of redressing the balance of life. Humanity has thus far been in increasing violation of the laws of life. Hence, the price paid.
85. The frontal attack of the Coronavirus we face today. The economic backlash, even global depression, may be coming. Its effect will be far more devastating.
86. Live the inner life, now that you have been home-quarantined. Read more, reflect and realise the essence of your existence.
87. The life of the Spirit beckons all, no more the life of the senses nor the life of the Lord that impels man to kill. Peace !
88. Coronavirus kills without distinction of country, class, creed or cult. What a hard way to learn that humanity is one !
89. This is a type of Third World War that we are facing, only it is humanity versus the virus. War, it seems, has evolved !
90. Terrible times await us if we do not act prompt, do not act wise and fail to alter our decadent lifestyle that has landed us here.
91. I am no doomsday prophet but I say unto you that the time has come when we must seriously look inwards and amend our ways.
92. The world is one, let us realise this, if even so late as this, for it is never quite so late as to learn a good lesson.
93. Please suggest how Netaji's ideology may come of help now in fighting this dreaded Coronavirus.
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