Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick First study the 'Jnana Yoga' and 'Practical Vedanta' by Swami Vivekananda. On this secure foundation then study the Upanishads. Follow Sarvapriyananda's discourses on YouTube titled 'Drik drishya viveka'. Read his commentaries on the principal Upanishads online. Then start reading the texts of 'Ashtavakra Samhita' by Swami Nityaswarupananda. After that begin with the Ramakrishna Mission publications of the Kathopanishad etc. by Swamis Gambhirananda, Madhavananda and Bhuteshananda.
Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta Give them at your pleasure, give them at your leisure. But see to it that the hour is not gone when the rays shine and humanity's last lap of life is run, last bouts fought and done. Let measure for measure the queries come but may they arrive while there light be some.
Sugata Bose Shabari Ghosh You have brought to light a very serious issue in a very pertinent manner, I say. Lives are, indeed, cheaply bought and sold here despite our tallest protestations of high civilisation which, though much acclaimed, lies in ruins in reality when their application is cipher. Health hazards owing to malnutrition and undernourishment are as endemic here in India as in certain parts of Latin America and Africa where governance has failed and the economic situation is desperate. But ours is a patient country that bears and forbears in the name of the Lord. Must we, therefore, allow things to precipitate till crisis gets out of control?
The alacrity with which we are responding to the corona needs to filter down to other areas as well where the situation is and has been desperate since the last two centuries of colonial consequence and has continued to maintain its inertia even after independence despite pronounced improvement in the situation. But enough is never enough if millions die and millions live living deaths in their hovels and holes. Even today in Chhattisgarh children eat baked grass as staple diet. It moves me to tears that these are the children of India who, despite desperate habits enforced on them by deprivation, live on as savages in terms of needs supplied but as sublime children of the Lord still in terms of gracious acceptance of their lot.
It is for youths like you, educated and energetic, enterprising and enthused by the higher verities of life to take upon your shoulders the responsibility of rebuilding India through your life's labour of love. We are passing out and leaving behind the batons to you for furthering the cause of our country's freedom in real earnest. Swamiji had pinned much hope in the youth to bring about this transformation but much of his dreams of a flourishing future India remains as yet unrealised and waiting for you to bring to fruition.
I leave you with this note and with this hope of a future fulfilment which, by the blessings of Swamiji, you and spirits kindred to you will for sure bring to pass in the days and the years ahead. May our glorious motherland bring forth more of your kind from her golden womb to allow her children to fulfil all that she stands for, all that she has ever stood for and all that she shall shower upon the rest of humanity through her graces ! Vande Mataram !
Sugata Bose
Ghosh Gorachand Why do you not prosecute the offenders and seek redress?
Sugata Bose
An eye witness always has an air of authenticity. This is typical for all eye witnesses unless, of course, they have some political axe to grind or some pecuniary benefit accrued binding them otherwise and giving the air of a superficial falsity of sorts. Here we have a direct account from an eye witness and it immediately impresses. [Sushil Babu, radio-maker, who had seen Subhas Babu in 1938 and had heard his radio broadcasts from Saigon over his own hand-made radio set.]
Sugata Bose
So many gods and goddesses among the poor people of India, simple, trusting, rustic folks who know not the tortuous text of life not the meandering means of livelihood. These are my objects of adoration, my worship-worthy deities to whom I offer my heart's ardour, my pious prostrations.
Sugata Bose Done. Welcome to the family of my online friends. Hope to befriend you otherwise as well in kinship with our common ancestor, Swamiji.
Sugata Bose
Dyutimay Banerjee I am an ignorant man and can hardly find words to inform you much. Hence, better will be for you to find relevant data in books like 'Chakrabyuhey Netaji' by Keshab Bhattacherjee.
Sugata Bose
Very right analysis. This itself ought to be the model for the historian's story-telling with his associated interpretations as also for the ordinary person's stance as to these seminal leaders of our protracted freedom struggle.
Sugata Bose
Superb. What a one on the English ! The very imagery of the stuck-up imperialist, lock stock and tail, sends simmering waves of smiles, I dare say, even across the stiff upper lip of the Queen's kith and kin, less said the better about her cabinet.
Sugata Bose
Ashis Kumar Basu Please read the full text of the edited version of my comment in response to your most resoundingly humorous one.
Sugata Bose সারে মা তে থাকলেই হল । আর সা রে মা তেই তো রাগ দুর্গা, রাগ দেশ ।
Sugata Bose
Utsav Datta শীঘ্রই করব, তবে একে একে, একসাথে নয় । সকলকে একসাথে পাওয়া দুষ্কর ।
Sugata Bose
Ghosh Gorachand That is on the assumption that Netaji did die in the aircrash which, to all intents and purposes, had never happened, to begin with.
Sugata Bose
Ghosh Gorachand But this theory is hotly contested these days, especially after the submission of the Justice Mukherjee Commission Inquiry Report which dismissed the crash theory wholesale on the grounds of absence of credible evidence in terms of documentation of death, cremation certificate and photograph of dead body. The Taiwan Government has also said that there was no air-crash in the Taihoku airfield on that date (18 August, 1945) or in its near vicinity in time.
Sugata Bose
Ghosh Gorachand Right. This bit I have gathered elsewhere as well from the proponents of the air-crash theory.
Sugata Bose
Banibrata Paul যথার্থ বলেছেন । অহমিকা ত্যাগ করে নিঃস্বার্থচিত্তে কাজ করতে কাউকেই দেখি না ।
Sugata Bose
No mean honour for the triumvirate to be photoposted alongside Netaji. A tribute to their lifelong labour of love for their Master.
Sugata Bose
Sukumar Banerjee দারুণ লিখেছেন । শ্লেষাত্মক সত্যকথন ।
Sugata Bose
Very right analysis. This itself ought to be the model for the historian's story-telling with his associated interpretations as also for the ordinary person's stance as to these seminal leaders of our protracted freedom struggle.
Sugata Bose
Jacob Michael M G Brilliant analysis, superb articulation.
Sugata Bose Nothing but the truth, so help me God.
Sugata Bose I have my reservations, too, but this was in another context that I posted. I have written at length on the Aurobindo-Subhas relation with Dilip Roy the go-between. Those pieces were sharply critical of the Aurobindo line and resulted in heated arguments with Bhaskar Mukherjee, a very good friend of mine. Perhaps, one day those interactions of mine with Bhaskar, with his permission, may be re-posted, that is, if I can sift through my files and trace them.
Sugata Bose Aurobindo Ghosh was the Voltaire and Rousseau combined of the Indian revolution and more. His fiery editorials sent simmering waves of patriotic fervour among the youth of Bengal of the day and shivers down the spine of the Raj as to what would transpire in case of armed action by the proteges of the eloquent professor fined tuned in British ways, modes and means. The Raj feared Aurobindo for he was one who, with his superfine intellect and British training in his protracted stay in England, could not be fooled into believing fanciful narratives of the spreading of civilisation by them and could see through the ulterior motives of British colonisation of India. Aurobindo's powerful pen hammered home the seeds of revolution just when the the Swami Vivekananda had left for his celestial sphere after galvanising the youth of Bengal with his own brand of fiery nationalistic idealism. The Swami left but handed his baton to Nivedita and Aurobindo and the duo carried on from there what may be termed the baptism of the Bengal youth into the fire of armed revolution. Aurobindo was henceforth implicated in the Alipore Bomb Case and would certainly have kissed the noose were it not for Satyen Bose and Kanailal Dutta who shot down the traitor Naren Gosain within the precincts of the Presidency Jail before the latter could testify before the magistrate proving Aurobindo's masterminding the entire revolutionary activity of the ones accused in the case. Fate provided Aurobindo Chittaranjan Das as defence counsel and in an impassioned speech he proved the utter insufficiency of evidence to in any way implicate his esteemed client with the heinous charge levelled against him.The Judge Beechcroft, an ex-Cambridge colleague, acquitted him of the conviction and Aurobindo escaped the certain fate of the hangman's noose, for he was, after all, the mastermind of the whole plot for which his co-revolutionaries were deported to the Andaman islands for incarceration in the dreaded Cellular Jail. The British had missed their man but were on the lookout for another excuse to apprehend him and for sure send him to the gallows this time with better evidential preparedness this time. The plot to assassinate him was also there which prompted Nivedita to convince Aurobindo to quit British Indian soil and seek refuge in the French Indian territory of Chandannagore. When the news leaked unto him that the British had issued an arrest warrant against him again and were on the move to apprehend him, Aurobindo, by now highly spiritually kindled, left for Chandannagore. But Pondicherry being a safer haven for him, he then promptly departed for it where he spent the rest of his days an illumined soul, a sage and an author of epic proportions whose light in the word written is yet to bear its effulgence on the whole of humanity for ages to come. The men back home had imagined that Aurobindo would return to revolutionary activity after a hiatus of twelve years when he would contemplate the spiritual imperatives of revolution, strengthen himself by yogic means and then plunge into the struggle for freedom. Even the boy Subhas thought so. But, alas, that was not to be. Aurobindo Ghosh, revolutionary redoubtable had transformed into Sri Aurobindo the prophet, seer, sage and redeemer of the whole of humanity for the whole of the advancing times that as yet lay in the womb of futurity. But Sri Aurobindo did pass his pronouncements on the freedom movement from his seaside habitat in distant Pondicherry and herein began the disputation in dialogue via letters with Dilip Roy intermediary in which Dilip played the instrumental part in communicating the contents of Subhas' letters to him to his own Guru Aurobindo and Subhas merely got caught in the verbal process thereby. But more of that later.
Sugata Bose Saumy Mishra Lucid liquid delight. Arresting, conversational, yet, power-packed. Simply delectable, nonpareil.
Sugata Bose Saumy Mishra Talent, originality, genius.
Sugata Bose Saumy Mishra Depends on whether you can assess yourself or not. Few, alas, have genuine talent. Most are pretenders to it, devoid of substance or the silken touch that is art.
Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta একথা বলিনি । শুরুতেই বড্ড আওয়াজ হয় ওর ভিডিওগুলোয় ঢ্যাঙ ঢ্যাঙ করে ।
Sugata Bose
Arkaprava Das Choudhury সোয়েটো সংহার পর্যন্ত মূলত । তারপর ম্যান্ডেলা সশস্ত্র বিপ্লবের পথে অগ্রসর হন ।
Sugata Bose
Kaunteya Ghosh গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন । লোকে এড়িয়ে যান এটি ।
Sugata Bose
Kaunteya Ghosh তাও বটে । বাংলাদেশ কর্তৃপক্ষকে খুশী রাখতে হবে বলে । আবার ইতিহাস সচেতনতার অভাব ও ইতিহাস সম্বন্ধে অজ্ঞানতাবশতঃ । তবে যতদূর জানি মুজিব সুহরাওয়ার্দির ডানহাত ছিলেন সেসময় । তাছাড়া মুজিব ধর্মের ভিত্তিতে দেশ বিভাজন চেয়েছিলেন ।
Sugata Bose
Abhisek Metya ঈশ্বর যা করেন, মঙ্গলের জন্যই করেন ।
Sugata Bose
Subhas Chanda True. It is the routine rigmarole of recounting the same story and deliberate avoidance of contentious issues such as those of the neglect of the INA soldiers by the Government of India. These people have their limbs tied to the cartloads of governmental benefits that come their way, so even Jayanti Rakshit said the other day in her interview given to Kunal Bose. Hence, to expect fresh information from the Chief of a non-researching research bureau is akin to expecting the communist to lifting his iron curtain. The Government of India has declassified the Netaji files by the hundreds. When will the family declassify its files on Netaji, information which they do not fully share with the people as to the real truth about Netaji's alleged marriage and the true narrative of his great escape?
Sugata Bose
Deep Mukherjee Such so often is the human predicament in this world of delusive Maya where the Divine Enchantress Herself has taken to orchestrating such deceptions in a myriad manner unfathomable by the mind of mortal man.
Sugata Bose
Deep Mukherjee You did not get my point. Vedanta !
Sugata Bose
Who will solve this conundrum?
Sugata Bose
Ashis Kumar Basu The current dispensation at the helm of affairs, despite admitting the fair contribution of Netaji and his INA to the attainment of freedom, like its predecessors in governance of the land, is not content to quit with the Quit India imperative that, to their reckoning, forced the British to quit. After all, the slogan 'Quit India' is catchy and significant in terms of what it verbally implied, although, it failed miserably to deliver the goods in quite the same way as the Mahatma would have endorsed. The mass violence that erupted across India, subsequent to the Gandhian call and following the arrest of the leader and all his associates in the Congress on account of it, was more in keeping with Netaji's call for armed action which the nation heard with patient expectation via his overseas radio broadcasts from Berlin, Singapore and Rangoon. It was effectively Netaji who was remote controlling proceedings in India to a large extent thus and playing the role of an active revolutionary Gandhi than the actual passive compromising one resting in the Aga Khan Palace and receiving His Majesty's hospitality. What followed thereafter is well chronicled and the saga unfolded to free India in the way it did. Yes, it is time to recapture those lost moments of history and enliven them again for posterity to behold and cherish and, so, emerge fitting patriots of the motherland that in chains lies still from 'a million mutinies' she yet endures.
Sugata Bose
Ashis Kumar Basu Ironed icon -- lovely ! Is it Patel's statue you are referring to, the Statue of unity?
Sugata Bose
Ashis Kumar Basu No, I was complimenting you on the lovely use of words with all its intended sarcasm showing through.
Sugata Bose
Ashis Kumar Basu Please submit some of the queries that you perchance may be having which I propose to place before certain eminent citizens whom I will interview shortly or in the not so short a run, considering the corona consequences of the day. Please post them in the comment section of the pinned post of this group.
Sugata Bose
Of course. This one was clicked shortly after the demise of Subhas Chandra's father's death, the late Janakinath Bose. Subhas performed certain post-funeral rites.
Sugata Bose
Thank you, Shubham Sharma, for all these wonderful photographs. I remain indebted to you.
Sugata Bose
Ghosh Gorachand How was Gandhiji the agent of the British exactly as so many people including some researchers claim? Can anyone produce any documentary evidence to this effect? If so, that would be sensational and altering quite the contours of recorded history thus far.
Sugata Bose
Ghosh Gorachand By the way, is your book available in hard copy, that is in book form and not in the kindle edition, and how much would it cost in Indian currency?
Sugata Bose
Ghosh Gorachand That will be kind of you, indeed, and a great acquisition for me.
Sugata Bose
Ashis Kumar Basu Post these questions as stated in the pertinent pinned post of this group please.
Sugata Bose
Ashis Kumar Basu So, here you fundamentally differ with those who ascribe this epithet to Aurobindo Ghosh who, though, quite early on quit the revolutionary scene to become sage, thereby committing his comrades to deportation to the kalapani.
Sugata Bose
Shubham Sharma, are you related to Col. Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon?
Sugata Bose
Shubham Sharma Thanks for all these photographs. Do take the pains to submit a write-up on your association with Col. Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon and his kith and kin, here on this group page.
Sugata Bose
Shubham Sharma I did not know that this poem was composed by Col. Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon. But now I stand informed.
Sugata Bose
Biman Banerjee Yes, we will in due course arrange for such a meeting of minds to hammer out the issues and arrive at some sort of a resolution thereof. I am already in touch with several of them and I have proposed to them to make a think tank for discussions and deliberations and also for training the next generation of scholars about the different aspects of Netaji's life and times and the various strands of the mysteries that abound about him in life and in disappearance. I am happy to see you keen on such a venture and invite you to join us as and when such a venture does get going. Till then stay in touch with me please and keep actively participating in this group to help further the cause of the resurrection of Netaji and the galaxy of selfless revolutionaries whom fought for our freedom. We owe it to them whatever we are are doing and whatever we hope to yet achieve along this line of activity. Thank you for your suggestion for it is the first earnest appeal that has come to me from the lay devotees of Netaji where not just a demand has been made but the means to fulfil it has also been, at least informally, forwarded. The rest will depend on our sincere efforts which shall be not lacking from my side. God bless you !
Sugata Bose Shabari Ghosh My messenger has stopped functioning temporarily. Hence, I could not respond to your message there. I hereby take the opportunity to let you know this.
Sugata Bose Shabari Ghosh I have seen it and acknowledged it, too.
Sugata Bose Boudhayan Dutta Looking for the vaccine for this vicious virus lest it should violate my vanity through vicinity of its virulent venom.
Sugata Bose Hitendra Mehta A good one. Mr. Quarantine !
Sugata Bose Shabari Ghosh Morning shows the day, my father used to often quote this old adage, and, so, I also say unto thee that there are yet things brewing up in the womb of history unknown to thee for which ye must prepare lest the hour passes and the chance to fulfil the Mother's hopes goes with it, for She is ever active in Her dispensation of opportunity and occasion to Her children and in Her wide dispersal of the seeds of Her future fruition, never stopping as She relentlessly courses through the frontiers of time, space and causality, here bestowing on one Her gift, there showering Her graces on another, even as She empowers the one She chooses to be able to do Her bidding. Hence, unbounded is Her bounty, inviolable Her will and ceaseless Her passage through Time whose consort She is, creating, preserving, destroying things in Her play of unfathomable ends. That She so chooses you to do Her bidding you can but bow down and submit to it like an observant and obedient daughter in whom She Herself manifests her Being that otherwise eludes all in its transcendent habitat. God bless you, my child !
Sugata Bose Madhusudan Pal 'Honest whipping' -- I liked the gerund used, having encountered it for the first time. It gives us the rationale of armed revolution as well where honest aggression counters dishonest occupation of another's motherland.
Sugata Bose
Ashis Kumar Basu Not to my knowledge till date. but, hopefully, if we can prepare a suitable platform for such a meeting of minds and persuade the pertinent parties to engage in such an open encounter, if I may be permitted this rather cocky reference to hammer home the point, it will be a mighty meet indeed.
Sugata Bose
Rohan Chakraborty Your credentials, please? Which side will you be on? The Netaji researchers or the Bose family?
Sugata Bose
Ashis Kumar Basu Then, I dare say, you will have to wait till eternity for I have not seen any of them quite eager to thrash out their differences in any such forum barring the vitriol that is sprayed over nocturnal prime time television rogue shows where venom both ways is spewed to the detriment of the dissolving of the mystery surrounding Netaji's disappearance.
Sugata Bose
Right. Right you are. So, pile up the pressure for rational statement of fact and not articulate imagination or wild, fanciful thinking devoid of reasonable foundation, if at all the assertions made are to hold their ground. You, as the youth of today, must not give in to superstition or surface reasoning if you wish to unearth the pertinent facts of this case or to resolve it ever to any reasonable satisfaction. Spiritualism must include rationalism and ought not to exclude it in the establishment of either its principles or its experiential aspects. Therein the Sanatan dharma shastras expound rationally what the sages have intuitively realised in transcendent experience. Swami Vivekananda was of the opinion that reason ought never to be forsaken even in spiritual matters so that it does not degenerate into arrant superstition which is the product not of spiritual culture but of rank materialism. Hence, the Netaji disappearance mystery discourse must find its way out of this labyrinth of fantasies and beliefs into the broad avenue of clear thinking, clean conceptions and rational rigour. Else, the degeneration of the discussion is bound to be and the corpse of history will fester despite the blossoms of belief heaped on it. The youth must take up this charge and delve deep into this mystery with the scientist's analytical mind and the surgeon's scalpel to conduct this operation of the separation of fact from fiction. [Ref. Wild fantasies that prevail over rational discourse when it comes to the Netaji disappearance issue.]
Sugata Bose
Diganta Sengupta Then absorb his [Netaji's] attributes and be like him.
Sugata Bose
Diganta Sengupta That is what is meant by being like him. It means that he is the prototype, the model, the cast in which you must mould yourself and emerge the person at your self-best with attributes which he possessed, only suited to the contours of your character, the positive propensities of your personality.
Sugata Bose
Diganta Sengupta He the gods bless who blesses himself with action following upon the resolve to attain the ideal. And so must you be if you wish to emulate your Lord and Master. But for this you need to be shorn of all effeminacy, all sensual weaknesses that masquerade as cultural refinement and must manifest that manliness which Swamiji held up before the youth of India as the essential attribute to possess.
Sugata Bose
Subhro Das বহু বাঙালিই কিন্তু নেতাজীর প্রণয়-প্রজনন কাহিনী বিশ্বাস করেননা ।
Sugata Bose What was Mujib-ur-Rehman's role in the Great Calcutta Killing of 1946 and in creating Partition thereafter? He was, I guess, the right-hand man of Hussein Suhrawardy.
Sugata Bose Why should Netaji not come out into the open just because he was a War Criminal of WW II ? After all, at the worst, he would have been hanged or shot after trial in which case he would have left behind a golden legacy in the line of the earlier martyrs. We celebrate their lives today after their glorious self-immolation and feel inspired by their sacrifice which prompts one to believe that Netaji could not have lived a life of secrecy thus as is claimed by the followers of Bhagavanji. I am merely voicing the 'ideas and opinions' of many rather than my singular concerns regarding the issue and would feel obliged if you comply with answering the same.
Sugata Bose Yes, the world will rise from it the better if humanity learns the lessons here given by Nature as to the gross violations of its laws that it has thus far committed itself to. [Ref. Coronavirus/COVID-19]
Sugata Bose
Iron discipline with absolute obedience of authority right now in the observance of the medical directives being sounded. Netaji always wanted martial discipline in the polity and worked towards achieving it, a pertinent instance of which may be recalled in his Haripura Presidential Address which incurred the ire of the Mahatma so unfortunately for India and her fate thereafter. We can now pay our respects to the hero by gathering ourselves together in giving shape to his dreamt of national discipline at this critical hour of our terrestrial existence. [Ref. Netaji's ideology in reference to the Coronavirus]
Sugata Bose
Netaji had earnestly prepared us for the World War II but had fallen foul of the Mahatma. So, he was forced to leave the shores of India to seek foreign help for his war of liberation. Thus, in a way, India had joined the Axis Powers in this brutal war that waged across the world, and this I say on account of Netaji's having waged his war under the official sanction of The Provisional Government of Free India which had been recognised by no less than eleven nations including Japan, Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union as documents have later revealed. That Netaji could do what he did thus was on account of the martial discipline that he could enforce on all his associates and comrades both in the military ranks of the INA and in the civil ranks of the IIL. It is this cohesion and consolidation of power used benevolently for the mission of the motherland's liberation that gave Netaji superb success in his military missions across the Arakaan and Imphal-Kohima. Today, our national and provincial leadership must absorb the lessons of leadership in trying times that Netaji has left behind for them as his glorious legacy and, in so doing, prove that they are worthy of the trust reposed in them by the people of India. In a like manner, thirty million East Asians or Indian origin had laid their everything down -- men, money, materials -- at the altar of the motherland's freedom to help us unshackle ourselves from colonial chains. Here, we, the people of India must play our part and, like the Germans today are actively engaging in fighting the Coronavirus most effectively, so also must we adhere to tremendous self-discipline, energetic participation in following the official health directives, and, inspired by the fiery patriotism whose embodiment was Netaji, we must muster our best resources of matter and mind to combat this killer virus. May Netaji inspire us all !
Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta Give them at your pleasure, give them at your leisure. But see to it that the hour is not gone when the rays shine and humanity's last lap of life is run, last bouts fought and done. Let measure for measure the queries come but may they arrive while there light be some.
Sugata Bose Shabari Ghosh You have brought to light a very serious issue in a very pertinent manner, I say. Lives are, indeed, cheaply bought and sold here despite our tallest protestations of high civilisation which, though much acclaimed, lies in ruins in reality when their application is cipher. Health hazards owing to malnutrition and undernourishment are as endemic here in India as in certain parts of Latin America and Africa where governance has failed and the economic situation is desperate. But ours is a patient country that bears and forbears in the name of the Lord. Must we, therefore, allow things to precipitate till crisis gets out of control?
The alacrity with which we are responding to the corona needs to filter down to other areas as well where the situation is and has been desperate since the last two centuries of colonial consequence and has continued to maintain its inertia even after independence despite pronounced improvement in the situation. But enough is never enough if millions die and millions live living deaths in their hovels and holes. Even today in Chhattisgarh children eat baked grass as staple diet. It moves me to tears that these are the children of India who, despite desperate habits enforced on them by deprivation, live on as savages in terms of needs supplied but as sublime children of the Lord still in terms of gracious acceptance of their lot.
It is for youths like you, educated and energetic, enterprising and enthused by the higher verities of life to take upon your shoulders the responsibility of rebuilding India through your life's labour of love. We are passing out and leaving behind the batons to you for furthering the cause of our country's freedom in real earnest. Swamiji had pinned much hope in the youth to bring about this transformation but much of his dreams of a flourishing future India remains as yet unrealised and waiting for you to bring to fruition.
I leave you with this note and with this hope of a future fulfilment which, by the blessings of Swamiji, you and spirits kindred to you will for sure bring to pass in the days and the years ahead. May our glorious motherland bring forth more of your kind from her golden womb to allow her children to fulfil all that she stands for, all that she has ever stood for and all that she shall shower upon the rest of humanity through her graces ! Vande Mataram !
Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose Done. Welcome to the family of my online friends. Hope to befriend you otherwise as well in kinship with our common ancestor, Swamiji.
Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose সারে মা তে থাকলেই হল । আর সা রে মা তেই তো রাগ দুর্গা, রাগ দেশ ।
Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose Nothing but the truth, so help me God.
Sugata Bose I have my reservations, too, but this was in another context that I posted. I have written at length on the Aurobindo-Subhas relation with Dilip Roy the go-between. Those pieces were sharply critical of the Aurobindo line and resulted in heated arguments with Bhaskar Mukherjee, a very good friend of mine. Perhaps, one day those interactions of mine with Bhaskar, with his permission, may be re-posted, that is, if I can sift through my files and trace them.
Sugata Bose Aurobindo Ghosh was the Voltaire and Rousseau combined of the Indian revolution and more. His fiery editorials sent simmering waves of patriotic fervour among the youth of Bengal of the day and shivers down the spine of the Raj as to what would transpire in case of armed action by the proteges of the eloquent professor fined tuned in British ways, modes and means. The Raj feared Aurobindo for he was one who, with his superfine intellect and British training in his protracted stay in England, could not be fooled into believing fanciful narratives of the spreading of civilisation by them and could see through the ulterior motives of British colonisation of India. Aurobindo's powerful pen hammered home the seeds of revolution just when the the Swami Vivekananda had left for his celestial sphere after galvanising the youth of Bengal with his own brand of fiery nationalistic idealism. The Swami left but handed his baton to Nivedita and Aurobindo and the duo carried on from there what may be termed the baptism of the Bengal youth into the fire of armed revolution. Aurobindo was henceforth implicated in the Alipore Bomb Case and would certainly have kissed the noose were it not for Satyen Bose and Kanailal Dutta who shot down the traitor Naren Gosain within the precincts of the Presidency Jail before the latter could testify before the magistrate proving Aurobindo's masterminding the entire revolutionary activity of the ones accused in the case. Fate provided Aurobindo Chittaranjan Das as defence counsel and in an impassioned speech he proved the utter insufficiency of evidence to in any way implicate his esteemed client with the heinous charge levelled against him.The Judge Beechcroft, an ex-Cambridge colleague, acquitted him of the conviction and Aurobindo escaped the certain fate of the hangman's noose, for he was, after all, the mastermind of the whole plot for which his co-revolutionaries were deported to the Andaman islands for incarceration in the dreaded Cellular Jail. The British had missed their man but were on the lookout for another excuse to apprehend him and for sure send him to the gallows this time with better evidential preparedness this time. The plot to assassinate him was also there which prompted Nivedita to convince Aurobindo to quit British Indian soil and seek refuge in the French Indian territory of Chandannagore. When the news leaked unto him that the British had issued an arrest warrant against him again and were on the move to apprehend him, Aurobindo, by now highly spiritually kindled, left for Chandannagore. But Pondicherry being a safer haven for him, he then promptly departed for it where he spent the rest of his days an illumined soul, a sage and an author of epic proportions whose light in the word written is yet to bear its effulgence on the whole of humanity for ages to come. The men back home had imagined that Aurobindo would return to revolutionary activity after a hiatus of twelve years when he would contemplate the spiritual imperatives of revolution, strengthen himself by yogic means and then plunge into the struggle for freedom. Even the boy Subhas thought so. But, alas, that was not to be. Aurobindo Ghosh, revolutionary redoubtable had transformed into Sri Aurobindo the prophet, seer, sage and redeemer of the whole of humanity for the whole of the advancing times that as yet lay in the womb of futurity. But Sri Aurobindo did pass his pronouncements on the freedom movement from his seaside habitat in distant Pondicherry and herein began the disputation in dialogue via letters with Dilip Roy intermediary in which Dilip played the instrumental part in communicating the contents of Subhas' letters to him to his own Guru Aurobindo and Subhas merely got caught in the verbal process thereby. But more of that later.
Sugata Bose Saumy Mishra Lucid liquid delight. Arresting, conversational, yet, power-packed. Simply delectable, nonpareil.
Sugata Bose Saumy Mishra Talent, originality, genius.
Sugata Bose Saumy Mishra Depends on whether you can assess yourself or not. Few, alas, have genuine talent. Most are pretenders to it, devoid of substance or the silken touch that is art.
Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta একথা বলিনি । শুরুতেই বড্ড আওয়াজ হয় ওর ভিডিওগুলোয় ঢ্যাঙ ঢ্যাঙ করে ।
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Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose Shabari Ghosh My messenger has stopped functioning temporarily. Hence, I could not respond to your message there. I hereby take the opportunity to let you know this.
Sugata Bose Shabari Ghosh I have seen it and acknowledged it, too.
Sugata Bose Boudhayan Dutta Looking for the vaccine for this vicious virus lest it should violate my vanity through vicinity of its virulent venom.
Sugata Bose Hitendra Mehta A good one. Mr. Quarantine !
Sugata Bose Shabari Ghosh Morning shows the day, my father used to often quote this old adage, and, so, I also say unto thee that there are yet things brewing up in the womb of history unknown to thee for which ye must prepare lest the hour passes and the chance to fulfil the Mother's hopes goes with it, for She is ever active in Her dispensation of opportunity and occasion to Her children and in Her wide dispersal of the seeds of Her future fruition, never stopping as She relentlessly courses through the frontiers of time, space and causality, here bestowing on one Her gift, there showering Her graces on another, even as She empowers the one She chooses to be able to do Her bidding. Hence, unbounded is Her bounty, inviolable Her will and ceaseless Her passage through Time whose consort She is, creating, preserving, destroying things in Her play of unfathomable ends. That She so chooses you to do Her bidding you can but bow down and submit to it like an observant and obedient daughter in whom She Herself manifests her Being that otherwise eludes all in its transcendent habitat. God bless you, my child !
Sugata Bose Madhusudan Pal 'Honest whipping' -- I liked the gerund used, having encountered it for the first time. It gives us the rationale of armed revolution as well where honest aggression counters dishonest occupation of another's motherland.
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Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose What was Mujib-ur-Rehman's role in the Great Calcutta Killing of 1946 and in creating Partition thereafter? He was, I guess, the right-hand man of Hussein Suhrawardy.
Sugata Bose Why should Netaji not come out into the open just because he was a War Criminal of WW II ? After all, at the worst, he would have been hanged or shot after trial in which case he would have left behind a golden legacy in the line of the earlier martyrs. We celebrate their lives today after their glorious self-immolation and feel inspired by their sacrifice which prompts one to believe that Netaji could not have lived a life of secrecy thus as is claimed by the followers of Bhagavanji. I am merely voicing the 'ideas and opinions' of many rather than my singular concerns regarding the issue and would feel obliged if you comply with answering the same.
Sugata Bose Yes, the world will rise from it the better if humanity learns the lessons here given by Nature as to the gross violations of its laws that it has thus far committed itself to. [Ref. Coronavirus/COVID-19]
Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose

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