Monday, 9 March 2020



It is an old video. It is being presented here by way of continuous feeding in this page with available data on the different aspects, actual or alleged, of Netaji's life for viewing and then coming to conclusions, and for discussion, debate and deliberation before drawing inference thereof.

This page is for all such aspects as are actually or allegedly connected to Netaji's life and the revolutionaries and not for a single preferred aspect of it. Refrain from making supercilious sarcastic comments or from passing peremptory judgement on the motives of anyone who may be posting any such audio, video or article, although, you may posit your informed opinion, conviction or line of thinking on the same.

There is a growing fanaticism that is evident among a vast section of over-ardent followers of Netaji who are attempting to muscle their way through, so-to-say, to muzzle all contrary opinion or theory on Netaji other than the preferred one of their own. This is regrettable and contrary to democratic principles where all contending theories must be afforded room for discussion till a legally confirmed conclusion may be arrived at that is universally acceptable as it will be on founded on concrete evidence and rationally attested terms.

A like vehemence is noticeable against the likes of Gandhiji and Jawaharlal Nehru and this bigoted stance is highly detrimental to the flowering of this page into one that is historically rich in content and catering to deliberation on the momentous issues that shaped the course of our freedom struggle.

All that over-ardent devotees of Netaji want is a preferred narrative that feeds in to their already affirmed beliefs and cares not to contest such. Any contrary opinion is deemed a threat to such prior convictions and historians are, thus, denigrated as ingratiating intellectuals merely writing to their paymasters with scant respect to the articulation of truth. While there is merit to such allegations to a certain extent, it is no reason to throw the baby with the bathwater in one's bid to clear the contents of the room. That would be counterproductive and culturally tending to a fall.

Facts may be and must be disputed till truth truly and fairly surfaces for all to see but to brush aside alleged aspects of history without due deliberation on them would be culpability to the same offence as the ones committed by these 'hired historians'. Hence, continuous countering of such contested 'facts' of history is the call ever in whose absence distortions win and untruth prevails.

I hope to have made my point to those who patiently read and reflect. The remaining will keep on indulging in their invective, in their favourite pastime of vilifying without verification, remarking roughly without reasonable reflection as to why certain things are the way they are and not otherwise.

Written by Sugata Bose

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