Despite major artistic imperfections in the depiction of the events of the Revolution of 1857 in these telefilm episodes of 'Bharat Ek Khoj' made by Shyam Benegal, they serve as a reminder to us of the valour of our revolutionaries and the brutality of the barbarous British in vanquishing them and destroying them utterly thereafter. They were blown off the mouths of cannons, hanged by wayside trees and deported to the Andamans for a horrendous life of isolated existence where they were treated like animals and forced into dreadful labour to build all the facilities of future incarceration of our political prisoners who fought to free us from British bondage.
The barbarous torture inflicted by the British on the Indian revolutionaries and mutineers was so gruesome that our children must be made aware of it without watering it down so that they may grow into patriots knowing that the British of this villainous past can never ever be our friends or allies in the truest sense of the term and that they must be ever wary of their duplicitous designs. They had betrayed us into submission in the past and will do so again given the historical circumstances to perpetrate such perfidy. Their racial character cannot change overnight and it will take millenia of spiritual evolution before they attain a semblance of the civilisational values that India has known for millenia. In the same vein let me also warn my countrymen not to trust China ever or USA but to strongly deal with both as a free country of the size and power of India ought to do. Pakistan is but a small fish and must be dealt with very firmly constantly to instil fear into their hearts so that they dare not ever tamper with our sovereignty or security.
Strength is the watchword as Swamiji was wont to saying and political astuteness combined with spiritual vision must be the master card that India must use in international affairs for her own security and for the evolution of the world in which she must play the preceptor's part. Bande Mataram!
Written by Sugata Bose
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