Thursday 14 June 2018



Sublimate the thoughts in a manner that only the higher vibrations affect it and you are automatically protected from the lower impulses. Also, this effort will help you to receive resonant vibrations from the minds of sages and saints whenever you enter the domain of their spiritual influence. This is the spiritual way, this the process of regeneration of one's earthly self and raising it unto the heights of one's divine essence.

We are a species, gregarious, and our good consists in the collective good of all. But diversity is the dominant theme of Nature built round the fundamental depth unity of the Being. Thus, groups and clusters with like vibrations of the component elements come into being and affirm and reaffirm their mutual characteristics through sympathetic vibrations whose help we must seek in our spiritual journey.

The contact of souls through thought communion overcomes the barriers of distance and reinforces mental impressions. This must be made use of and, thus, the necessity of raising oneself consciously in the realm of the Spirit through constant abstinence and selective allowance.

Good thoughts usher in sympathetic good vibrations of all like-minded good people and reinforce the good tendencies in us and the same holds in the reverse order for evil thoughts as well. Thus, as Swami Vivekananda in his celebrated work 'Raja Yoga' says, virtuous people tend to become increasingly more virtuous and vicious people increasingly more vicious. The duality thus continues and keeps balancing the phenomenal world in exactly equal and opposite measure giving the lie to the idea that we are, after all, progressing to the millenium.

Written by Sugata Bose

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