Tuesday 5 June 2018



The ideal ever is approximated, never reached. For flesh fails to apprehend the Spirit and the Spirit ever eludes its grasp. And when the dream dissolves in its final lap, the Self reveals, untainted by aught of earth, transcendent, beyond dual delusions, itself brooding on itself. The Self realises the Self, the ideal self-reflects.

Existence and appearance remain distinct in their respective modes as absolute and relative experience of the seer with no overlapping or simultaneity of occurrence. Hence, as I said, the ideal is ever approached, approximated but never quite reached in the relative realm.

Where movement is, static existence is seemingly not, and where the immovable unitary Absolute is, there no stir gains status. Like parallel planes they separate remain, one the substance, the other the shadow.

The ideal dwells in ivory isolation while the ivy keeps creeping up to ever reach it but never quite crosses the bar to do so. Like shadow that vanishes under the noon sun, experience, dual and delusive, dissolves dreamlike before the awakened soul that destroys its last vestige to emerge the Self that never was not.

Written by Sugata Bose

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