Monday, 25 June 2018

This exclusive possession of a particular narrative about history and its personalities is symptomatic of the small mind and betrays a lack of historical perspective. The high-minded are ever in pursuit of truth and never lose balance of judgement as they set to order the events of history in their mind. Emotional alliances with particular personalities they too have but they are careful not to let loose such feelings in a manner that will make their understanding of history skewed and their representation of it partial and myth-based. Rational rigour men of reason seldom lose and the conclusions they draw are based on evidence and not imagination or fancy. This is the historical approach, the objective way of looking at things, not merely deducing inferences from available fact and data but also from the logical possibilities and probabilities of happening in the light of the past history of the personalities and their propensities.

To dish out fantastic tales about historical personalities is myth-making but not the recounting of history. Thus, on either side, one must be wary about acceptance of narrated events that have no validation in terms of evidence and one ought to exercise reasoned judgement on what to give in to and what to reject. This wholesale acceptance of whatever the official narrative about a historical personality is, as sponsored by the government, is symptomatic of an easy hypnotism of the masses in the absence of grooming in discerning education of the faculties. The emotional nature of the masses must have a restraining mental mode of reason which will prevent their precipitous fall into easy acceptance of stated official narratives about the nation's history. This is the way indoctrination and brainwashing may be avoided en masse and democracy defended along rightful lines of knowledge gleaned from authentic sources and not hearsay.

People are too gullible in their innocence of the workings of their own mind and subscribe to all sorts of fantastic tales in the name of historical happening. This they do owing to their weakness of conception of history consequent on inadequate intellectual training. The pitfalls of the mind are many and not only the political parties exploit this commoner's deficiency to their advantage in feeding them fantasies about their future and their past but scholars and historians working for their respective paymasters do the same in a subtle way such that the common man is in the end befuddled into acceptance of all sorts of falsities and fabrications in the name of history. Mark Anthony had famously moved the Roman crowds in rebellion against the conspirators who had assassinated Caesar and Brutus had failed to move them enough to their defence. Herein lies the art of communication which Goebbels had perfected to a science. The masses still are moved into subscription to particular ideas by their political masters despite the advent of democracy and this situation cannot be averted so long as proper scientific education be not afforded to them for them to distinguish between the grain and the chaff. Thus, narrative after narrative is churned out by diverse agencies about the historical past of our country to delude the people into believing in their 'historical' weaknesses and to so debilitate them as a race that their future prospects remain under a cloud and see not the sunshine of life and light. But the problem is worsened when rectifiers of this situation themselves complicate things by their own brand of myth-making and leave the public ever bewildered as to the true nature of things. Consequently, many do not take any narrative seriously and go about their business of life completely indifferent to the history of their nation and their knowledge remains limited to what they had learnt in middle and high school. Beyond this they are not bothered about knowing for they are now cynical about everything that is dished out to them by politicians and their progeny, the intellectual mercenaries serving them.

Now, what is to be done therefore? Valour, courage, fearlessness --- these are to be cultivated. Character must be built and truth must form the basis of life. The spirit to arrive at the truth in any discipline of knowledge and the struggle for perfection in any sphere of human activity must form the foundation of the citizen's life as he aspires to build up a civilisation where self-expression seeks spontaneous fruition in collective welfare.

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