Wednesday 13 June 2018


In flashes I am freed.
And then comes dancing again
The waves of Maya, of need.
A moment of soft stillness
And then the whirl, the speed,
The wavelets fast cover up
The origin of thought, its breed,
And the fullness of the surface
Doth hide its inner seed.

The mantra shines in golden silk
The soul doth nourish, feed,
And out of the dark doth galloping come
Its death-defying steed.
In hot pursuit do Time's sentries follow
To thwart the escape deed
And hold me fast to fetters fine,
Force me in penance bleed.

But floating lifts the earthly scene,
Blooming past the weed,
The lotus unfolds its thousand petals,
Now in freedom floats indeed.
Heaven and earth have merged in one,
The dark cannot but recede,
And in a lightening streak the flash of flight
Reveals me, I am freed.

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