Friday 21 April 2023



We are fast developing into the most populous country in the world even as a truncated nation post-Partition. The future looks ominous and needs redress. Demographic imbalance of religious groups is another associated problem that runs contrary to the nation's interests. With global warming baking man by the day and progressive urbanisation leading to ever-diminishing cover of trees, unless enlightened policy is adopted and its strict enforcement brought about, we are in for a national collapse in the near future. Unemployment and inadequate health facilities will plague the common man leading to social unrest and political turmoil. Fissiparous tendencies will proliferate with internal and external enemies gaining ground that will amidst a collapsing economy threaten the nation's integration. It is high time for national leaders and leaders of thought to take cognisance of this impending reality and adopt measures to combat such an eventuality. No amount of economic growth can be of much use to a fast multiplying polity. 

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo: The youth with the large heart who expanded in love for the nation till he had himself become its condensed version, embodying in his being the national aspirations of the past and the present and of the unborn future which his impregnated soul would give birth to. Vivekananda was aptly given the epithet 'Condensed India', a feature that needs much meditation to comprehend the depth and width of its meaning and significance. His Master, Ramakrishna, was the peerless Paramahamsa who again held in his heart and mind the whole history of India spanning the period gone by and as yet in the making in the golden womb of time. Ramakrishna and Vivekananda remain our only hope in a desperately developing national situation amidst the general decay of the world. One fervently hopes for the descent of the Divine once more to allow idealism to flourish, combat commercial corrosion of every endeavour, even spiritual, and to invigorate those who shall yet bleed to transfuse lifeblood into the national bloodstream. 🕉

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