Wednesday 5 April 2023

"আমি ডাক্তার কবিরাজের জিনিস খেতে পারি না | যারা লোকের কষ্ট থেকে টাকা রোজগার করে ! ওদের ধন যেন রক্ত পুঁজ !" -- শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ

"আমি ডাক্তার কবিরাজের জিনিস খেতে পারি না | যারা লোকের কষ্ট থেকে টাকা রোজগার করে ! ওদের ধন যেন রক্ত পুঁজ !" -- শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ

[শ্রীশ্রীরামকৃষ্ণকথামৃত---২য় ভাগ : কাশীপুর---গিরিশ, মাষ্টার প্রভৃতি ভক্তসঙ্গে, ১৮৮৬, ১৬ই এপ্রিল]


Let us not water down truth. Thakur's words must be preached fair and square irrespective of who finds it uncomfortable. Diluting truth destroys its intended effect and that is the handiwork of Mahamaya acting in Her Avidyashakti.

To read Thakur's spoken words may be disconcering for some but his words are all-encompassing and pervasive in their contextual range in so far as the words themselves allow for their freeplay. Hence, they are not being quoted out of context at all. So far as doctors and their income from treating patients was concerned, this was Thakur's general stance as has been well documented in the Gospel elsewhere as well. If readers are uncomfortable with such pointed truths articulated by the Master, the medicine ironically is working well.

Thakur came not to humour apologists but to rectify societal ills and direct human evolution along righteous channels. We are all conversant with the corruption that attends in the name of medical well-earning. Thakur likewise had to say some sharp things about lawyers and brokers as well as the Gospel again amply testifies. This time when he descends again one wonders what he will generally have to say about crony capitalists and their colluding colleagues in the pernicious politicians. Thakur had some sharp words to say about the rich as well calling them animals wearing the human garb.

Let us face the truth coming from Thakur fair and square instead of humouring our compromised positions through characteristic apology.

Written by Sugata Bose

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