Thursday 13 April 2023



Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Those forgotten faces of the ones that fell that day to the spray of bullets fired by the corrupt combination of human ingenuity and racist wickedness. [13 April, 2023 -- Jallianwalla Day]

Sugata Bose @Sujoy Mukherjee : তবে tone down করতে স্বামীজীই শিক্ষা দিয়ে গেছিলেন ঠাকুরের তৎকালীন জীবনীকারদের যাঁরা স্বামীজীকে মানতেন | ফলে ঐতিহাসিক-সামাজিক প্রয়োজনে গোরায় গলদটি ঘটেছে | Dialectics, you see, with all its inherent contradictions. কেউ বলেননা এ কথা | আমি বললাম | আসলে, বিধিনিষেধ তো প্রয়োজন-মাফিক, পরিবর্তনশীল সময়ের সাথে সাথে পরিবর্তনশীল | এখন প্রজ্ঞাপ্রেরিত পরিমাপজ্ঞানটি থাকা চাই | নইলে গলদই গলদ, ভাবান্দোলন ভিত্তিহীন, ধরাশায়ী | 🕉

Sugata Bose @Basab Murkherjee : You did not respond to the documentary evidence provided by Manoj Sivan, other than showing your displeasure by unfriending a truth-bearer like me and befriending apologists on the contrary who have vitiated the environment by falsification of fact. Somnath Datta, Sujoy Mukherjee, join in please.

Sugata Bose @Aloke Mukherjee : তাই তো তাঁর আবির্ভাবের আবশ্যকতা যুগে যুগে | সেই শুভলগ্ন সমুপস্থিত |

Sugata Bose @Sarbari Sen : তা ঠিক | কিন্তু যা লিখেছি তা ঠাকুরের শ্রীমুখের কথা | বিশেষ তাৎপর্যপূর্ণ |

Sugata Bose @Basab Murkherjee : They are the ones who are falsifying history and you are asking me to abide by what they say. It is like going by the accused person's testimony without cross-examination in a law court for the judge to arrive at his judgement. What about this earlier photograph published by RKM till 1963?

Sugata Bose @Shusobhan Charit : Which is why posts are pertinent in some sense and observations made in the comment stream pertinent as well in some sense. The world is a complex of dualistic contradictions and varied aspects which makes for its unceasing tangle and the insufficient attempts to resolve the differences. Impossible though this Maya is in terms of dissolving its dual syndrome. 'Anaadi srishti, ananta srishti', hence. Devotees must stand in strength based on sanity, on 'immense idealism with immense practicality' and not be guided by puerile interpretation of quotations from holy personages to suit course or convenience as the case may be. Monastics must as well preach not in a puerile manner but with due reference to ground reality and to the overall picture emerging from history and otherwise.

Sugata Bose @Basab Murkherjee : Read this book if you wish to get past your intransigence. Do you seriously believe that you are the only one who is in direct contact with the Belur Math? Belur Math is falsifying history and you are asking me to speak to them to validate the truth? They full well know what they are doing. They are misleading people. Brother, exhibit some rational rigour in your arguments and speak in accordance.

Sugata Bose @Basab Murkherjee : If you do not have any idea, then do have it. Be diligent in pursuit of historical truth instead of idle dependence of organisational testimony unfounded on fact. 

'Knock upon the door and it shall be opened unto thee.'

'Seek and ye shall find.'

Sugata Bose @Samiran Mazumder : Indeed. I need to learn the affirmative science from you, Teacher. I like to contradict Thakur where he was wrong as in his grand affirmation 'Jato mat tato pawth' which ideally ought to be the case but in relative reality obtaining in the world is patently inoperative and contrary to fact, historical evidence and philosophical validity. Exclusiveness is fundamental to the three Abrahamic religions which cannot be wished away by such sweeping grand affirmation from the heights of the Advaita till that time when such destructive religions are no more. Hence, you see, it is my positive resistance to evil that you deem as negativity in me. I have spent a lifetime studying Thakur-Swamiji and leading a life to the best of my ability in accordance with their teachings, but here you are questioning my intent and understanding. Very well, that of course is your rational right but let it be founded on your deeper study of the antithetical religions, namely, Islam and Christianity, whose fundamental purpose is the destruction of all other religions. Read Tagore, Swamiji, Ambedkar, Bankimchandra, Aurobindo et al to this effect and I can help you gather information in this regard should you deem it necessary as well.

Sugata Bose @Uddalak Pablo : আরে বাঘ মানে এখানে যারা হিন্দুবিদ্বেষী, হিন্দু ধর্ম, সংস্কৃতি ও মতাবলম্বীদের যারা ধ্বংশ চায় | বোঝার বুদ্ধি ধারণ করুন | কু'রান, হাদীস পাঠ করলেই বুঝবেন কি বলছি | তখন দেখবেন কেন 'যত মত তত পথ' বাস্তবে প্রযোজ্য নয় ও তথ্যগতভাবে ভ্রান্ত যদিও আদর্শগতভাবে সুদূর ভবিষ্যতে পৃথিবীর জন্য আলোকবর্তিকাসম |

Sugata Bose @YouTube (Tarun Goswami) : বাকচক্রই বটে ! অনুভূতি নেই, বিশ্লেষণে ব্যভিচার, শুধু বাগাড়ম্বর । Trivialising philosophy with surface quotations and terrible interpretation that confirm, though, as to why Swamiji in his last days had lamented the lack of any around who could appreciate his lofty message more fully. And the saga continues. Indeed, Swamiji for all his solitary splendour is a lonesome man in the terrestrial context. 

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Dennis Lillee's kicking of the stumps is yet another exhibition of his general on-field uncultured behaviour. His abusing Gavaskar in the 1981 Melbourne test match in tandem with his team-mates which prompted the Indian captain to call off his batting partner Chetan Chauhan which would have meant declaring the innings prematurely, his abusing and pushing Javed Miandad in a test match in Australia,  his batting with an aluminium bat in a test match and initial refusal to change it to the wooden one under Captain Greg Chappell's instruction, evidently in his bid to promote the product -- all these ugly episodes have fouled up his image and tarnished his obviously high attainments as a fast bowler. Lillee surely was a wonderful bowler but quite a loathsome individual.

Sugata Bose @Basab Murkherjee : Because they are the ones who are spreading the lie in this regard.

Sugata Bose @Basab Murkherjee : You are not sincere in your approach to the whole affair. Enough of documentary evidence has been furnished before you and even the pdf of the relevant book containing all such evidence has been forwarded. But you refuse to go through these in your dogmatic intransigence. Who can show the light to a man who refuses to open his eyes? Remember the Ramakrishna Mission had declared itself a non-Hindu minority sect and filed a petition for recognition of such a status before the Calcutta High Court which the latter upheld. But the Supreme Court rejected the same later and the Ramakrishna Mission had to abide by it. Now, tell me, is the Ramakrishna Mission Hindu or a minority non-Hindu sect since the judgement? Would you advise the Supreme Court to judge the case by asking the petitioner (RKM in this case) as to how it should view the latter (meaning RKM)? Be sensible.

Sugata Bose @Manoj Sivan : Where are you, my friend? Alone must I defend Tulsi Maharaj? Only furnishing documentary evidence will not do. You must also make your own observations by way of refutation of comments made to the contrary.

Sugata Bose @Basab Murkherjee : Who is assessing whom? We are merely trying to uphold the factual truth. Mean you to say that Raja Maharaj, Sarat Maharaj and the other direct disciples of Thakur who have left accounts of Tulsi Maharaj's direct discipleship were liars? Are you not by implication saying just that? Read the relevant documents and come to reason. Investigate deep into the documents and photographs prior to 1963 when this dastardly development of exclusion of Tulsi Maharaj from the pantheon of Thakur's direct disciples began its unholy life. Everything will be crystal clear. Even I for nearly three decades was kept in the dark by the Mission's false propagation. But the day I discovered the fact by relevant reading and interaction with knowers of the truth, I came to realise the conspiracy that has been hatched against Tulsi Maharaj. It is a shame that you uphold organisation, which in the words of Swamiji ["Organisation breeds new evils."], ever breeds new evils, above truth which in the words of the same sage ["Truth does not pay homage to society, ancient or modern. Society must pay homage to truth or die."] is preeminent. Reflect and rectify stance. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Basab Murkherjee : You really think we have not sought clarification from the Mission regarding this issue? How do you presuppose so? Won't you go through the book by Brahma Gopal Datta?

Sugata Bose @Manoj Sivan : No, replies help raise general consciousness among readers. May be the specific person is not going to see reason but others will. Hence, it is always good to refute their superficial arguments. [Ref. Tulsi Maharaj's direct discipleship]

Sugata Bose @Tapash Banerjee : আহা, কাপুরুষতার কি নিদর্শন ! তেজ বলে বস্তু অবশিষ্ট নেই | তাই বুঝি স্বামীজী গৃহস্থকে অন্যায়ের বিরুদ্ধে রুখে দাঁড়াতে বলেছিলেন ? আমার আধ্যাত্মিক ভবিষ্যৎ নিয়ে আপনাকে দুশ্চিন্তা করার হাত থেকে আমি এই মুহূর্ত মুক্ত করলাম | হিন্দুর শত্রু সেইসব কাপুরুষেরা যারা ধর্মের দোহাই দিয়ে ক্ষাত্রবীর্য প্রদর্শনের ধর্মকে হেয় করেন | স্বধর্মরক্ষাকল্পে জেগে উঠুন | নইলে বৃথা নরজন্ম | আধ্যাত্মিকতা দূরস্থ | বীরভোগ্যা বসুন্ধরা | বীরই ঈশ্বরলাভে সমক্ষ |

Sugata Bose @Sujoy Mukherjee : ওই আশাতেই থাকো | সত্য বলবেন সাধু, এটাই তো স্বাভাবিক | এতে আর মহান হওয়ার কি আছে? এটা ভ্রান্তি নয়, সুপরিকল্পিত, অসত্যে স্থিত, সংঘগত কর্মধারা |

Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : একটু লড়ো | একা কত করব? পাশে এসে দাঁড়াও |

Sugata Bose @Susmita Ghosh : আমাদের সাথে এই কর্মে, এই মর্মে অংশগ্রহণ করুন, সংগ্রাম করুন তুলসী মহারাজের ঠাকুরের সাক্ষাৎ শিষ্যরূপে পুনঃপ্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য |

Sugata Bose @Swapnoneel Bose : Read the Qur'an and the Hadees before making such supercilious comments. You need fundamental understanding of the import of a post before expressing your opinion. That is the minimum requirement in terms of both civility and intellectual honesty.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Swami Suvirananda] : Lame without money you all are today. Where does Thakur come in anymore beyond your hypocritical affirmation? And the sycophants are ever engaged in eulogising the General Secretary who has made a sham of the Mission's original ideals and intent.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Swami Suvirananda] : One should not make puerile statements to encourage people along the spiritual line. One should speak the truth in proper perspective. Only then will people renounce superficial religiosity and follow the strong path of real renunciation.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Swami Suvirananda] : Dr. Paul Brunton, not Paul Brant. 'A Search in Secret India' by Dr. Paul Brunton. Here also Swami Suvirananda is making factual errors and making statements of his own like the rooftop stuff he said in regard to Master Mahashay.

Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari: Be careful. You may be bulldozed as well. Then the seriousness of the crush will see you crashing. Renunciation being a neuter state, when it goes berserk literally neutralises all in its orbit and spares none joy despite titular epithets of a restrictive exalted kind. So, it is best to be circumspect in liking such a mechanical father and not exhibit overmuch of a crush, both from the filial moral standpoint as well as from the standpoint of personal physical safety. Hell knoweth no fury worse than Bulldozer Baba gone berserk and Baba brooks no barrier by way of filial bond when he has to get his mechanical crusher going. The end result being uncertain, must you moth-like in frenzied fantasy rush in to be burnt by Baba's blaze? Allow yourself discretion and graze on a greener pasture, this being the infernal fire rather than a filial glow where you could warm your being and yet fancy a dewy dawn on the morrow. Not here. It is the bear hug of a machine that casually crushes its victim in its rolling arms. Reflect now whether you bear your crush on this bear anymore. Upon your decision depends your fate. May the God of literary humour humour your reading of this passing passage from a wayfarer and spare him your ire! 🕉 

[Ref. Comment made by me on Joyaditta Brahmachari's post which is as follows:

'It is said that one must not fall in love with a sannyasi. But I am getting a serious mancrush on Bulldozer Baba.'

Bulldozer Baba is evidently the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath.]

Sugata Bose @YouTube : A prophecy about Magnus Carlsen. He will compete in the World Championship cycle again and win his way to becoming the World Champion yet again.

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